Yes, in that case the other alternative is to kill the Queen for good, free her drones, and call it a day (see: "Endgame"). Shelve the Borg, which to be honest, is probably what will happen when/if Jurati changes them anyway, just like the Dominion after Odo."Destined?" No. But it's almost inevitable that they would eventually do that, because continuing to write the Borg as irredeemable villains was always going to become boring. There is a point where writers will simply refuse to keep doing the same thing over and over again, because it is creatively unfulfilling and because it will alienate an audience that has seen the same basic story before.
Sure, they could keep doing what they did before, but realistically the pressures of not wanting to keep repeating the same story over and over again would prompt them to start looking for ways to tell a story about reconciliation with the Borg.
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