Spoilers Star Trek: Picard 2x08 - "Mercy"

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Because that person is too busy looking for multiple things to decry about the show (so they can then come here an troll the rest of us) rather than actually paying attention to what's happening.
Are you sure you're talking about the right poster?
Not needed. We got enough info to explain that from what we were shown.
Half the stuff they put into the last few episodes wasn't exactly needed... :shifty:

Wasn't the boy looking for his dog or something or did I just make that up LOL? I agree we don't need to specifically know why the Vulcans were there. I mean would a scene on the Vulcan ship explaining their survey mission was interrupted by a young human really be necessary? And lets add in a few minutes to explain why a mind meld was used just to make everyone happy (then those same people would complain that the scene was irrelevant to the overall plot LOL)
"Flesh it out" of course means "explain every piece in detail", naturally. :rolleyes:

Yea, that's what I thought. Was just wondering why the earlier poster was wondering why the kid was out there then
Because I never found the motivation to rewatch the last few episodes, unlike the earlier ones and all from S1.

Because that person is too busy looking for multiple things to decry about the show (so they can then come here an troll the rest of us) rather than actually paying attention to what's happening.
...me? :crazy:

Are you sure you're talking about the right poster?
Thank you. I would not wanna be confused with that poster :ack:

Oh, I got that one wrong.
TC's posts were more than a bit overwhelming , I guess I lost track of the conversation.

My apologies to @NCC-73515 .
No problem! :beer:
Now awaiting apologies from those who liked the post :shifty: (kidding XD)
The comment was in the context of extreme and petulant reactions to the episodes.

It is one thing to claim a decline in quality in the episodes, it is another to throw a tantrum about it.
Give me a break. No one has been throwing a tantrum. The quality of the episodes have declined and some of us have noticed. It's quite simple. I've only seen respectful discussions about it.

Well, it had been respectful until now. That changed with "tantrums" and "mood swings like teens" being thrown out just because you disagree with someone else's opinion. :thumbdown:
As I said, I am watching the fan reaction and trying to figure out what the heck is the source of the intensity to these shifts of opinions in their intensity, i.e. "best ever' to "worst ever? If that's a quality swing that extreme then that's quite the impressive ability by the producers.
Again, it's the declining quality of episodes that has brought about a change of opinions quite simple. Those opinions aren't particularly extreme either, just explaining how the quality has down. Few posters are saying either "best ever" or "worst ever." I certainly wouldn't describe Picard S2 using either term!

Personally, I started out giving it 8s early in the season, but that has declined down to 6. The latest episode got a 7 or an average quality. For me, the season started out above average but then dipped down to subpar and is now back at average. I don't get where you're seeing intensity in that? That seems fairly typical.
Again, it's the declining quality of episodes that has brought about a change of opinions quite simple. Those opinions aren't particularly extreme either, just explaining how the quality has down. Few posters are saying either "best ever" or "worst ever." I certainly wouldn't describe Picard S2 using either term!

Personally, I started out giving it 8s early in the season, but that has declined down to 6. The latest episode got a 7 or an average quality. For me, the season started out above average but then dipped down to subpar and is now back at average. I don't get where you're seeing intensity in that? That seems fairly typical.
When I see the opening of Season 2 described as "best ever" and "Trek is back!" That's where I am getting it from. I do not understand how this is difficult to comprehend. I am not maligning any particular person; merely observing the reactionary stance and how it went from opening to now. I am not commenting on the quality of episodes because I am in no position to judge. But, again "best ever" sets a pretty high bar, unless there is a new definition I'm not familiar with (and this is a possibility!)

And, equally so, the use of the term "filler" is one that is not something I classify as a positive. In fact, it is generally regarded as a negative. So going from "best ever" (not you) to "filler" is amusing to watch. If that isn't a swing then maybe I'm missing something. But, I call them as I see them. And I don't give rat's behind about this season. I don't care about it.

So, I apologize for the offense perceived in what I meant as a halfway sarcastic quip due to the fact that I found the swing a bit extreme. No, not from you. But from around the board and in other places.
Amused that you think I'm young. It's a word I've seen used right here on this forum, to describe posters of the type I was responding to!
I don't recognize it. I must be old.
Give me a break. No one has been throwing a tantrum. The quality of the episodes have declined and some of us have noticed. It's quite simple. I've only seen respectful discussions about it.

Well, it had been respectful until now. That changed with "tantrums" and "mood swings like teens" being thrown out just because you disagree with someone else's opinion. :thumbdown:

No one? Nobody across the entirety of the internet? You have an extraordinarily well curated section of the internet if you’re only seeing respectful discussion. I’m thinking of a particular YouTuber whose reactions to recent episodes have been cited here, as well as comments I’ve seen elsewhere.

You’re misinterpreting it as a comment in relation to discussion here, which it was not framed as (though someone signing up to declare that E7 was the worst episode ever and that writers should watch every instalment of Trek is surely pushing the limit…)
No one? Nobody across the entirety of the internet? I’m thinking of a particular YouTuber whose reactions have been cited, as well as a few comments I’ve seen elsewhere.

You’re misinterpreting it as a comment in relation to discussion here.
I think that is causing some of the miscommunication here. I am taking the overall reaction by the fan base, not just here but elsewhere. What this season has become for me is far more of an interesting viewpoint in to the psychology of Trek fans. This isn't like Discovery or even Season 1 of Picard. There is a completely different attitude shift and that appears to impact expectations and the response in turn with the trend of the story. It's a fascinating little psychological experiment to me.
I think that is causing some of the miscommunication here. I am taking the overall reaction by the fan base, not just here but elsewhere. What this season has become for me is far more of an interesting viewpoint in to the psychology of Trek fans. This isn't like Discovery or even Season 1 of Picard. There is a completely different attitude shift and that appears to impact expectations and the response in turn with the trend of the story. It's a fascinating little psychological experiment to me.

Beyond the quality of the episodes going down, which is subjective, I think it's because many were so excited by what they saw in the premiere. A starfleet ship that looked like a progression of the ships we saw on the 90s shows, especially the interiors, seeing other types of starfleet ships, an interesting mission/anomaly in space, a certain "energy" to the first 3 episodes that I can't really describe but I think it's been missing ever since, and Q.

What the show has become is 8 episodes set in "the past" (which I hoped they wouldn't do when I saw the trailer, but am not surprised) - which is the complete opposite of what people loved about the first 2 episodes. Very little Q, mystery for the sake of mystery, a slower pace and not seeing the characters have a sense of urgency despite them trying to save the future, a 35 minute episode using the trope of starting with someone injured, doing the "x minutes ago" to show how we got there and that entire episode just occurring in one place, half an episode in someone's mind (where's that energy/urgency that we saw in the first 2 episodes)?

I think the attitude shift makes sense, because the show has completely changed from the earlier episodes. With Discovery and Picard season 1, I feel like the show's pretty much stayed consistent with what they were for the entirety of each season. You may have an off episode here and there, but the tone and style didn't change much - I see them as more consistent in a way.
I'm no conspiracy theorist, but I have to wonder how extensive the Vulcan presence on Earth actually was. A survey mission or two? Or did they have hidden bases from which to observe humanity? Was there a directive from High Command to prevent other warp species from contaminating Earth?


Also...huge coincidence they were nearby to detect the warp field of the Phoenix...
Beyond the quality of the episodes going down, which is subjective, I think it's because many were so excited by what they saw in the premiere. A starfleet ship that looked like a progression of the ships we saw on the 90s shows, especially the interiors, seeing other types of starfleet ships, an interesting mission/anomaly in space, a certain "energy" to the first 3 episodes that I can't really describe but I think it's been missing ever since, and Q.
That's exactly my point. The first two episodes were treated as top shelf, ultimate Trek. No matter what the show did, especially with time travel, it was going to disappoint and it feels like a train wreck of emotions now because the premier was treated so positively.
We know the Vulcans were in our solar system or just outside it in both 1957 and 2063 so it's not unreasonable to assume they had at least one more survey expedition on the surface of Earth at some date in between. They were clearly interested in us in the years after we exploded our first nuclear bombs and in the years immediately after we almost destroyed ourselves with the same technology so why not send another mission to keep an eye on us in the intervening period?
We know the Vulcans were in our solar system or just outside it in both 1957 and 2063 so it's not unreasonable to assume they had at least one more survey expedition on the surface of Earth at some date in between. They were clearly interested in us in the years after we exploded our first nuclear bombs and in the years immediately after we almost destroyed ourselves with the same technology so why not send another mission to keep an eye on us in the intervening period?
They were probably hoping that we'd do a better job of wiping ourselves out so they wouldn't have to put up with us out in space and they'd have a reasonably good planet to colonize.

Boy, did we show them!