Spoilers Star Trek: Picard 1x10 - "Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2"

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And the dog! :)

About Jurati: I would hope that at some point she will face justice (in some manner) for that manner and that it won't get swept under the rug too easily. Didn't necessarily need confirmation of that in the big season finale, but they can't keep kicking it down the road indefinitely.
As the Admonition has already been shown to make people insane, Jurati might get off on "not guilty by reason of insanity".
I just went through Chabon's answers. According to him, in the time between Picard's demise and reanimation, Jurati has hired a lawyer and will be presenting herself to Federation authorities going forward. They are not sweeping it under the rug. (I can easily imagine the first couple of episodes in S2 being set on Earth, as they were in S1, with Jurati's trial and a determination of Picard's legal status being addressed.)

That being said, she has a reasonable defense, and has mitigated the situation through her subsequent actions, which has usually been taken into account in this fictional setting (see Kirk, James T.).
Nice ending to the first season, though shame Picard is now an android. Would have been more poignant and meaningful if it was a mini series and Picard passed away naturally at the end having succeeded at his final mission.

Good to see Riker cameo as a starship captain and Data having a proper sendoff.
Good to see Riker cameo as a starship captain and Data having a proper sendoff.
I find extemely obvious "proper" sendoffs for fictional characters (and this one was way over the top, complete with scenes Picard holding Data's hand even though he was just pulling cards out of a computer) actually pulls me out of the story more than Data's sudden death in Nemesis. In real life people don't have perfect sendoffs with resolutions and final speeches, they often die suddenly or are killed.
I thought he had just said the myths came from before the Romulans arrived on Romulus.

I really enjoyed the finale, I thought it did a good job of giving resolving things. I can't think of any major issues I had with it or anything left unresolved, I was really shocked how tightly everything was tied up. Since they went into this knowing they were getting another season, I was expecting a cliffhanger, or at least a hook for next season.
My biggest disappointment was that they revealed Data was sort of alive, and then killed him off at the end of the episode, but it was a nice way to give Picard a bit of closure on Data. At least Alton Soong is still around, so we can potentially get more appearances by Brent Spiner.
I loved Riker showing up with the Starfeelt ships, we already knew he was aware of what was going on, so it wasn't totally out of the blue. I think having another TNG character show up might have felt like nothing but fan service, but since Riker already had an established role here, it worked.
The Romulan fleet fighting off the orchids was a pretty cool action scene, and I loved Picard and Jurati using the Picard Manuever.
I was not at all surprised Picard ended up in the golem, I figured it was going to be either him or Data. I do like how they had them set it up to age and die the same as Picard would have if he didn't have the brain abnormality. That was a nice way to give them any easy out if something happens to Patrick Stewart and he can't keep doing the show.
No he specifically said Vulcans arriving on Vulcan, quite the low key truth bomb there.

Yeah if Data had lived there would just be more noise to have him in the show and Brent was not up for any more, we could see him here and there as Altan but that is about it.

Riker turning up was indicated when we saw him on Nepenthe, it was specifically stated that he was on the reserve list.

I never thought it would be Data due to Brent not being up for a greater role, plus Jurati and Altans conversation about being close to mind transfer, it was more a question of how they would go about it.

I am not convinced that Picard is quite as standard as they say he is, neither us nor Picard will know until the time comes when he truly needs it, they were able to lock it away with Dahj and Soji so we know they can do it, perhaps there will be small hints we can look for in S2.
As the Admonition has already been shown to make people insane, Jurati might get off on "not guilty by reason of insanity".

Dr. Richard Daystrom went off his rocker after allowing his multitronic computer unit to malfunction and slaughter hundreds of Starfleet officers and it appears all that happened afterwards was some rest, medication, therapy and having a prestigious computer research and artificial intelligence institute named after him.
I find extemely obvious "proper" sendoffs for fictional characters (and this one was way over the top, complete with scenes Picard holding Data's hand even though he was just pulling cards out of a computer) actually pulls me out of the story more than Data's sudden death in Nemesis. In real life people don't have perfect sendoffs with resolutions and final speeches, they often die suddenly or are killed.
True. There was a lot of reinvention with Data in how he survived as a single neuron and Noonien Soong suddenly having a son who followed precisely in his footsteps. If it was up to me I would have kept Data just as a memory in Picard's head.
And the dog! :)

About Jurati: I would hope that at some point she will face justice (in some manner) for that murder and that it won't get swept under the rug too easily. Didn't necessarily need confirmation of that in the big season finale, but they can't keep kicking it down the road indefinitely.
I completely forgot about Number 1. :whistle:

I doubt she will face justice now, she has essentially become the MD on board La Sirena, the Synths have let it go and so has Picard by the looks of it, I dont actually have a problem with it myself, its not like she killed Brian Brophy or anything. :biggrin:

Plus I doubt her new BF will be OK with her going to jail either.

Some thought the finale was too sentimental but I thought they got it just about right, I am not one for that kind of thing and didn't feel that they went too far at all.
A Soong that actually helped a Captain of an Enterprise. This may be a first!

Yeah, yeah, Arik helped the crew of the NX-01 escape from Orion captivity at the slave market but then turned on them all and escaped with his Augments. So he didn't really "help" as much as do what he needed so he could get away.
That being said, she has a reasonable defense, and has mitigated the situation through her subsequent actions, which has usually been taken into account in this fictional setting (see Kirk, James T.).

I'm thinking of the famous Dr. Mudd, who was convicted of conspiring with John Wilkes Booth to assassinate Lincoln, but who eventually earned a pardon thanks to his efforts during a yellow fever epidemic. Maybe Jurati could spend some time in a rehab colony before redeeming herself by saving lives during a prison break or riot or whatever?

Just spitballing . . ...
And the dog! :)

About Jurati: I would hope that at some point she will face justice (in some manner) for that murder and that it won't get swept under the rug too easily. Didn't necessarily need confirmation of that in the big season finale, but they can't keep kicking it down the road indefinitely.
Grumpy old man too stupid to shave that woman repellant off his face got to sleep with a woman half his age.

I think she earned the right to murder that crotchty codger.

However, if a sex pot like Brian Brophy had resumed the Madox role, Agnes would have had to have gone to jail forever, if she had still killed him.
I thought the finale was very good. In a way, Picard managed to bring the UFP/Starfleet back on track in his last days. I liked how, in the end, the impasse was solved through dialogue, not force. Data also got a nice send-off. The ep felt like a good conclusion for the show as whole. I wonder what season 2 will deal with.