Spoilers Star Trek: Picard 1x08 - "Broken Pieces"

Rate Episode 1x08 "Broken Pieces"

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Well that answers that
Then it's more likely the T'kon discovered the warning; eliminated all the synth research they may have been doing (if any); and set up the adomission in that star system that they created to draw attention to it for future civilizations.

And I say that because of the T'Kon civilization was destroyed by synths; there wouldn't have been enough of them left to create that eight sun star system.
Picard isn't some nobody off the street. He didn't get promoted to Admiral for nothing. She should be professional to him over matters that aren't just about Picard but have a broader bearing on Federation interests and rise above political disagreements. Clancy is a prideful, petty woman in that scene.
And unprofessional.
The Federation should be her sole interest; not political
Humans can keep their composure as well.
Look at the current world and its leaders...

The whole transwarp thing has never been particularly consistent anyway, first it was a conduit that you needed to find, but once you found it anyone could go through (Descent), then it became an engine that could be used anywhere with the right tech (Dark Frontier I think), then you could use it without tech if you found a hub (Endgame).
My interpretation was that there is a big network of openings originating from 6 hubs (one-way only, no special energy required), some more local ones (smaller, both ways) that can be opened, closed, moved... and a transwarp coil that can initiate a tunnel anywhere in any direction (energy-demanding).

and a Romulan warbird (all of which have complex near-sentient computer systems on board).
Their computers are purely numerical, though ;)

Or she just wants him under a watchful eye.
He gets sent to Kaminar? XD

What if it is all a ruse and Clancy is luring Picard into a trap? What if she actually told the fleet that Picard is insane and he needs to be stopped at all cost? Imagine if the fleet tries to stop Picard but Seven brings the Borg cube to save Picard. Imagine the role reversal where starfleet is fighting a Borg cube but starfleet are actually the "bad guys" and the Borg cube is the "good guy".
That would be epic!

In the context of the show, the Zhat Vash's concerns are based on verifiable evidence.
A vision from a glowing ring could have as much validity as today's youtube videos. Maybe it was just a ConclavesEdge ragefake to discredit synths.

Was Admiral Owen Paris the Starfleet C-in-C at the time of VOY's finale? If so I wonder if Clancy succeeded him in the post and she's been in the job since around the time that Picard resigned.
He had only 4 pips.

Well that answers that

Yes, they were mentioned in TNG. That's what he's saying. ;) Perhaps the laddie should rephrase that.

Seeing Seven plug in and become a Borg Queen so easily, it got me thinking. When Seven was part of the Borg Collective before Voyager liberated her, was she part of the special class of Borg drones that are groomed to become Queens? Voyager seem to imply this considering that Seven was part of the inner circle close to the Borg Queen plus the Borg Queen showed a personal interest in Seven throughout the Voyager series.
Unimatrix 01 must have some meaning. Her parents got excited about another member of Unimatrix 01 cause it meant he was close to the queen.
I have no idea is this is true or not, someone posted it on a discord server I’m on. But the white robot seen in the vision seems to be based off one from shutterstock
So a people deserve extermination if they have done something in the past? Apparently hundreds of thousands of years and no direct connection don't wipe away the sins? This is rich!
I never once used the word "deserve" in any of my posts. I don't know how this represents any sort of counter to anything I've said. I'm talking about attempting to influence public opinion on AI using the same evidence that shaped their own opinion on the subject, not about doing the "right" thing. Whether that would work or not, you haven't explained any possible benefit to withholding and hiding the evidence for centuries.
While a tiny sliver of trillions of people is a huge number, the remainder who aren't convinced is an even huger number.
Aren't convinced? What sort of unreasonable standard of evidence do you think people hold in the Federation? The show makes it very clear that an octanary system is a remarkable phenomenon that anyone would show great interest in. You might as well argue that the majority of Federation citizens don't believe the Bajoran Wormhole exists because they haven't visited is personally.
And on the other side you have the Zhat Vash, which is a small, secretive cabal that has extremely stringent requirements for induction into their ranks (don't go mad from the Admonition), which you yourself point out. You can't convince trillions of people with a few handfuls of people.
This is a circular argument. I'm trying to argue that the way the Zhat Vash behave is completely illogical given their stated motivations. You argument seems to be "Well, that's how they behave."
As I said below in my post, the rock-hard evidence the entire Zhat Vash rests upon is a telepathic vision.
No. Their rock-solid evidence is the existence of the octanary system with the aeons old piece of technology on it. Keep in mind they actively tried to hide these things for centuries.
If a person was just told what the vision is about or shown a video without context, they're fully capable of calling bullshit because they're emotionally and contextually disconnected from it.
You treating their claims as something completely unverifiable, like a Big Foot sighting or something. They have the coordinates to the dang thing!
We literally saw Romulans clawing their eyes out and shooting themselves in the head after seeing the vision, so yes, they were basically staring down Cthulhu himself.
My point was that this was lazy and contrived writing, not that it didn't actually happen in the story.
Which the Zhat Vash themselves were shown not bothering with. It was more like an initiation ritual. If you're strong enough not to go insane, you're Zhat Vash. If not, you weren't worthy enough to begin with. Quite possibly the only people who are ever shown the Admonition are the inductees and, in more recent times, whoever Oh wants as an operative.
In other words, they were being stupid because the plot required it.
You're talking about someone who was subject to a mind-meld by the one single half-Romulan member of the Zhat Vash.
Why do you ignore the fact that that mind-meld was a catalyst for other people discovering hard evidence (which they were actively trying to hide for some reason) and why do you keep acting like they can't mind meld more than one person? Imagine if they had infiltrators mind-meld half the Daystrom Institute or Vulcan Science Academy.
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That might explain why I loved it!

But seriously, in what regard? Just because of the presence of an ancient, extremely powerful species?
And the fact that Michael Chabon has admitting taking inspiration from Lord of the Rings, going on a quest, the Borg cube is Moria, Elnor is Legolas etc.
That’s not the only Mass Effect connection. Like what other said online, that thing at the beginning is basically a Prothean beacon. The thing Sheppard activates and get visions of synthetics slaughtering organics.
Luckily he didn’t start slamming his head on a rock afterwards. :)
I am still so underwhelmed by this series. It is not as bad as DIS, but it is all so meh. I just think the storytelling is lacking. A lot of things don't really feel natural. It just feels so forced constructed.


I agree with a lot of the recent AV Club review.

It doesn't help that I thought the reveal that there is a order of cliche clad in black women who got some visions from long past and because of this try to destroy all synths/robots is a bit lame.
Were they all women? That might go with the theory that they are a splinter group of the female monks.
Were they all women? That might go with the theory that they are a splinter group of the female monks.
Yes, all women. And as they try to connect everything with everyone it wouldn't surprise me if they connect the female monks and therefore also Elnor to the Zhat Vash, too.