Spoilers Star Trek: Picard 1x05 - "Stardust City Rag"

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They could not get the original actor

Do you have some information I don't have? Was there any announcement, that there will be a 'new' Bruce Maddox? So far, I thought, that they would use the original actor or would establish, that Maddox is dead.
IMDB is strangely quiet on casting of Maddox, nor does it show who that other actor from the episode trailer is. I'm still holding out hope it's not Maddox and original actor will reprise the role.
Of course if he was in it but wasn’t suppose to say it, that’s exactly how he would answer ;)

Yeah. We will see in the episode.

FWIW, if the man in the biobed who Picard is talking to is Maddox, he looks like Brophy. I think.

Two more days!
I love how there's 5 pages before the episode has even dropped:lol:

Maddox was an expert in cybernetics and may have built Soji and Dahj, perhaps he made himself an android body hence possible recasting?
Yep, he acted like he had no idea.
I mean seriously. There is a credit for some unnamed Romulan guard on the episode guide, but no mention of Bruce Maddox, arguably the most important character in the whole season? Something is weird...
The actor playing Maddox wasn't very good. It would not be surprising if they decide to go with some better actor.

He was so bad that they decided to resurrect the character he played after 33 years....

Seriously, they could have told the same story a hundred different ways without name dropping Bruce Maddox, a character that only appeared in one episode. So why bother bringing back some old character (a character that could have been replaced easily with any other character) and then recast him?
Well, the character was prominently referenced at least one other time, so that gave him a bit more presence in the setting.

If they hadn't used Maddox, we'd have endless arguments about why they didn't use Maddox.

There could be any number of practical reasons why they recast him, including that the Brian Brophy's age didn't line up with his role in Data's backstory.
Well, the character was prominently referenced at least one other time, so that gave him a bit more presence in the setting.

If they hadn't used Maddox, we'd have endless arguments about why they didn't use Maddox.

There could be any number of practical reasons why they recast him, including that the Brian Brophy's age didn't line up with his role in Data's backstory.
I still don't see any confirmation of casting/recasting or where Maddox is even in the show. It's all very interesting why they are keeping it all a secret.