Spoilers Star Trek: Picard 1x05 - "Stardust City Rag"

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We have 2 threads on this episode running at the same time. Can we close this one and then reopen it in a week, or just merge them together?
Picard actually says the guys name as that shot goes by in the preview ....

He doesn't look like Brian Brophy from that angle, so I assumed it wasn't Maddox.

They converted the old Ba'ul structure on Kaminar into Space Vegas! And there's your Discovery connection.

Off Topic, But In a serious note, I’d actually like to know what happened to the Kelpiens after they were liberated by Discovery. They were warp capable by the end of S2, yet they’ve never been seen again in 24th Century Trek, so it’s unlikely they joined Starfleet.

Im sure we will find out in Disco S3. Saru won’t be able to help himself in finding out what happened to his people over the last 900 years. I’m putting money on a civil war between the Kelpiens and Ba’ul breaking out, leading both races to destroy themselves.
Ah, I forgot the poll! It's added now. I just figured everyone can start a new episode thread, right?
Zero Vacuum? Or somesuch. Not sure what is supposed to be the engineering principle here. I am an art designer not an engineer. So...no idea how they work. But I definitely like the look of them.
I now have in my have in my head a cinematic opening for PIC featuring a burning Mars and Utopia Planitia shipyards, accompanied by the T2 theme, with Dahj/Soji's face at the end. She is the "Destroyer" after all (might be her Time Lord name, who knows?)

I can dig it.
Terminator 1, 2... and Seven. The only ones that matter. :devil:

And Dark Fate.
Off Topic, But In a serious note, I’d actually like to know what happened to the Kelpiens after they were liberated by Discovery. They were warp capable by the end of S2, yet they’ve never been seen again in 24th Century Trek, so it’s unlikely they joined Starfleet.

Im sure we will find out in Disco S3. Saru won’t be able to help himself in finding out what happened to his people over the last 900 years. I’m putting money on a civil war between the Kelpiens and Ba’ul breaking out, leading both races to destroy themselves.
I'm betting they're the Big Bad of the galaxy in Disco S3 and it's all Saru's fault.
A church house, gin house
A school house, outhouse
On planet number nineteen
The people keep the city clean
They call it Stardust, oh Stardust
They call it Stardust city rag...