Star Trek: Lower Decks - Mobile Game

The writing is genuinely funny! Full of callbacks to the show, of course, but it isn't afraid to make its own jokes and California references (a Klingon named L'Brea :lol:). And the 'cutscenes' look great, no complaints there..

But once you're out of the funny cutscenes you're left with a bog-standard idle game. Loot boxes, premium currencies, 'watch an ad for double earnings!'.. everything you'd expect. It even has the standard idle-game hard stop on progression after letting you breeze through the early game. You can get to 'episode 7' in a couple hours without spending a dime. But if you want to beat that level's objectives in anything less than a couple days you're going to have to fork over $$$.
It's geo-locked to AU/NZ/PHL but that's only in the official stores. If you've got an Android (or an Android emulator on PC) you can just grab the .APK from a different app marketplace and do a manual install.

Makes sense, but I can wait until it's officially available in my region on Google Play. Looks like you can pre-register now to get notified when it's released elsewhere.
I randomly just performed a Star Trek search of the Apple App Store and look what I found…

Downloading it now, no idea if it is any good as of yet. Just a heads up for now. :bolian:

It kind of *looks* like it could be ok?
Here is my review.

You have to click numbers in order to make other numbers ‘bigger’. The bigger the numbers, the better. You can automate the number clicking by assigning a character to each ‘number generator’. If you watch adverts, the numbers get bigger ‘quicker’ with multipliers.

This is all skinned with ‘Star Trek: Lower Decks’.

Each number generator is a simulation in a holodeck. Simulations include engineering, a Borg cube, the Genesis planet and a Klingon Ascension hall so far.

There is also a light hearted episodic storyline.

Sometimes you also have to tap the screen *really* fast to complete mini games such as firing phasers at an enemy ship or hacking Borg with a Bat’leth.

In other words, it is some sort of number farming game that looks like the new Star Trek cartoon.

I still don’t quite get it, but I’ll play it a bit more.

I wish that they would make a traditional Star Trek game instead of a farming game. Please can someone make a flight simulator, adventure game or Birth of the Federation style game? I’d buy it.

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Hard pass on whatever this game should be.

I wish that they would make a traditional Star Trek game instead of a farming game. Please can someone make a flight simulator, adventure game or Birth of the Federation style game? I’d buy it.

Yes, Yes and Yes.
Feel like STO (for better or worse) sucks up most of the attention/money - they have a video game, why bother with variations, especially console/PC based ones and not "mobile gotcha's".
I think that it may be some form of Bitcoin or virtual currency mining game? We probably buy in app purchases with ‘real’ money which are then converted by the people who make the game in to a virtual currency in order to support it’s value. The more people who make in app purchases the higher the value of the app supported crypto currency goes up? It’s a shame that game players do not get a commission. :D
@Timofnine ....... you best not work in marketing! :)

Doesn't sound amazing, I'll pass. You'd think with an animated series, doing a computer game with a nice colour palette and 2D shapes as per the series would be easy and cheap to do, almost like a "walking dead" game. Shame
A Youtube channel was posting gameplay, but stopped after the 3rd video, so I don't know how the story ends yet.
A Youtube channel was posting gameplay, but stopped after the 3rd video, so I don't know how the story ends yet.
The story probably ends with a *lot* of numbers…

This game would be easier to play if it had *actual* Star Trek music in it. This would distract me from the numbers. I have Dyscalculia you see, I am literally number blind, but if there is something Star Trek related in the numbers then I will click as many of them as I can! :D
Do you at least see anything interesting? Nice ship locations? Nice aliens? Naked time? :D
Nope, it’s all about manipulating ‘big’ numbers in order to make other numbers ‘bigger’.

It does however have cool representations of some iconic Star Trek scenes, such as CaptaIn Picard’s Cardassian torture chamber.