Spoilers Star Trek: Lower Decks 4x04 - "Something Borrowed, Something Green"

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The family seems reasonably accepting of the decision. They just passed it down to their younger daughter.
I actually kinda like that the conflict wasn't the typical "Family disapproves of their kid's career" plot. After all, as a space faring race, someone has to be engineering ships and doing the science stuff for other Orions to pirate and such.
I really enjoyed this episode. Had a lot of heart, and it seemed to me like the animation was a notch better than it has been.
I'm enjoying T'Lyn so far, but am I the only one finding the way she immediately became a part of the lower decker in-group a tiny bit unearned? I especially thought this when she, Mariner and Tendi hugged in this episode.

When she joined the show I thought they'd at least have one episode where she would have butted heads with any of them (the most natural candidate for that would probably have been Mariner). It sometimes feels like they act as if she had always been part of the show.

It's not something that bugs me terribly, but it sometimes feels like I've missed something.
I really enjoy this show. I can't remember the last time I didn't enjoy it. It's always fun and it never outstays it's welcome.

I love how LDS can turn around an A-Plot and a B-Plot in 22 minutes so efficiently. I think it doesn't get mentioned a lot, but the writing in this show is really economical and sharp. There's never a wasted scene.

A good show.

If you look closely, in the Orion night club there's a ceiling in the same design as the Orion Ring ship in TOS Remastered

Huh. That's really cool.
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An enjoyable episode on the Orion storyline. I wondered if we'd get a reference to Tendi's grandmother from SNW.
I can't stop myself from checking EAS. Bernd Schneider likes this episode aside from the wokeness and feminist agenda.

The Brutherford story wasn't as interesting to me. Perhaps its a US thing but I didn't get the fascination with Twain. Awesome to see the Chalnoth return!

That is amazing! I love it when Show Trek borrows from the Expanded Multiverse to enrich itself.

When she joined the show I thought they'd at least have one episode where she would have butted heads with any of them (the most natural candidate for that would probably have been Mariner). It sometimes feels like they act as if she had always been part of the show.
Agreed. Perhaps there could be a tie-in comic mini-series that depicts these events and how the Lower Deckers bond with T'Lyn.