Star Trek III - The [Speculation Begins] (Spoilers)

Spock and Kirk quit Starfleet to start a joint cupcake business. There will be many scenes with them throwing flour at each other while giggling and you won't believe the stand mixer pranks! Hilarity will abound! Tension rises when Khan moves to town with his "super secret choco-latta" recipe, and only the Enterprise's former crew can save them at the Intergalactic cupcake competition, when Scottie reveals his masterpiece- The Haggis Cupcake! Come for the thrills, the spills, the excitement, and the drama in "Star Trek: The Undiscovered Recipe".
How about mirror mirror Evil kirk and crew fighting the crew of nutrek , Kirk vs kirk ,enterprise fighting enterprise .Or they could create a new race new story one we never seen in tos but heard of ?
Really, I just want to see what life is like on the New Enterprise. What the quarters look like, the mess hall, etc- which I think we'll see if we get a movie during the 5-year mission.
Whatever the third movie will be, the bar has been set pretty high by the first two.

Of course they can and will do what they want, but I don't see how they can follow up STID with more phasers, torpedoes, and destruction against the Klingons, Khan redux, or whomever given the openly anti-militarisitic tone of STID. Besides, it's not what Scotty signed up for. :)

Further, STID ended with Kirk reminding everyone of the purpose of the Enterprise's five year mission and what Starfleet stands for in general.

When we catch up with them again, they'll be somewhere in deep space on that mission, so maybe this will be the "we're explorers" movie. I'd like it if the conflict revolved around something new that's not necessarily flesh and blood, deliberately antagonistic, evil, or has it in for the Federation.

Whatever they're doing, I hope we finally get to see them fully developed and hitting on all cylinders. As well as those actors fill the roles, that would be exciting.
Given the market they're making this for, there really has to be an action sequence every ten to fifteen minutes.

To be sure. I'm not saying remake something like TMP (God, no). The problem is also Cumberbatch was too good (a nice problem, but still). If it's not Khan again, can they come up with someone who can ably follow Cumberbatch's peformance without the "he's no Khan" comparisons? That might also be a reason to think of a more imaginative direction to go in other than Kor or a brilliant mad scientist or a disgruntled captain. But if they can't, I'll take Kirk v. Kor.
I think I would like to see something original for the next movie. I would like a lighter movie (i.e. Star Trek IV) and not with a heavy villain. I'm not sure we will that again since Abrams has attracted newer fans with constant action. It could have a strong story and action but not the Enterprise blowing up or Earth about to be destroyed.

If they intend to use Trek lore, then have Kirk encounter the Borg. I always wander how Kirk would have handled them. Maybe since Nero's ship had borg tech, the borg detected it and are now heading towards the federation.
I think Into Darkness set up the Klingons to be the next villains pretty well. I'm sure the Klingons aren't happy that a Federation starship violated Klingon space, not to mention going down to Quo'Nos and causing some problems. One of these things would no doubt be cause for a declaration of war, but having multiple offenses in one go would certainly cause the Klingons to declare war. I also don't think the Klingons are going to differentiate between an evil genetically engineered super human to a common Starfleet Officer, all the Klingons know is the Federation came in and wiped out a few Klingons. I suppose the Klingons could also accuse the Federation of having genetic engineering program going on too if they decided to investigate further.
It was a year between the Kronos incident and the end of the movie. If the Klingons hadn't started a war in that time, the incident was likely taken care of through backdoor diplomatic channels.
5 Year missiony stuff next movie, with a relationship for Kirk and Carol.

Spock Prime major subplot showing New Vulcan, concluding the characters arc.

Followed by :

A Klingon-centric movie.

A Giant Cream Horn / Commodore Decker

Khan back in Trek 4, 5 or even 6.
If they intend to use Trek lore, then have Kirk encounter the Borg. I always wander how Kirk would have handled them. Maybe since Nero's ship had borg tech, the borg detected it and are now heading towards the federation.

NuBorg cube is a donut.
Romulans and Borg team up to defeat Kirk, because if they can they can bring down Starfleet, but old Spock devises a way to go into the oncoming Nexus to bring back old Kirk to fight with young Kirk since he is the only one familiar with the Nexus.
Re: Star Trek III - The [Speculation Begins]

You don't need a villain to make a good story.

You pretty much do, to make a summer blockbuster.

I don't agree, and I think there've been plenty of successful movies without a villain.

They can launch into a war between the Feds and the Klingons, and have them forced to join forces to repel the Borg. Why not? ;)

I actually like this idea a lot.
Re: Star Trek III - The [Speculation Begins]

I don't agree, and I think there've been plenty of successful movies without a villain.
There have been plenty of successful movies without a villain. There have not been many (any?) summer blockbuster without a villain.

Even TVH had an antagonist.
I think it's interesting what Bob Orci says in this interview on In particular this line caught my eye:

Star Trek III was the most contemplative and downbeat of the original cast films, and we say that in a good way. Given the marketplace these days, could a third Star Trek film from the Bad Robot team in any way resemble The Search for Spock?

ORCI: I hope that, in a certain way, we’ve earned the right to get a little bit crazy and maybe go more sci-fi? I’m going to flip this interview on you. What do you think?

Full interview here:
What I would do:
Starfleet and Klingons get into a war.
But the Organians in this universe are Not Nice. This time they are going to exterminate both races unless Kirk, Kor and Khan (who along with Carol Marcus) can figure out a way to stop this.
It was a year between the Kronos incident and the end of the movie. If the Klingons hadn't started a war in that time, the incident was likely taken care of through backdoor diplomatic channels.

I hadn't even thought about that, but you're right. Good catch.

I wonder if Starfleet had to give something up to the Klingons to maintain the Cold War status quo after Kirk and Khan destroyed one of their ships and killed a patrol. You could almost imagine something like the Augment/Klingon virus arc on Enterprise where Section 31 or Starfleet itself quietly makes a back door deal to give the Klingons Augment DNA to prevent a war. The Klingons don't like how easily their warriors were defeated so they want the Augment DNA to create supersoldiers.