Star Trek: Discovery - The Enterprise War

I don't think stairs are a very good idea. I can just see the ship running into a "sub-space vortex" or whatever and some poor redshirt repeatedly falling up and down a staircase as the ship spins out of control.
Now I can't get the image of some poor redshirt falling up and down, and up and down, and up and down a staircase out of my head.
I don’t want to get into specific names as yet, but I used crewmembers from a lot of different works, including as established in DSC. Not all of them, of course — but one of things I did was work up a timeline of who would have replaced whom and when, for all accounts to be correct.

Fingers crossed for Early Voyages characters.
Now I can't get the image of some poor redshirt falling up and down, and up and down, and up and down a staircase out of my head.
This reminds me of an old Steven Wright joke: "I slipped on an escalator one day. I fell down the steps for forty-five minutes."
I suspect in-ship transporting is done, when it’s done, for the dramatic reveal and to speed action along, more than any in-universe reason. Or economics: the turbolifts require sets that may or may not be standing, depending on the production.
I'm pretty sure this was mentioned in the first episode of season 2 by Burnham, the explanation not being in the ship/out of the ship but rather how many transporter pads are involved affecting the amount of energy used and the ease of doing it; Transporter Pad to Transporter Pad is the easiest, Transporter Pad to somewhere else (or vice versa) a bit more difficult/uses more energy and then site to site is the most dangerous/energy consuming
It wasn't mentioned in the first episode, as far as I recall. I think I read that the intraship beaming was in the second episode.
It wasn't mentioned in the first episode, as far as I recall. I think I read that the intraship beaming was in the second episode.
I might be wrong but when they are beaming off the planet where they find Jett Reno and her crew and are running to the Hiawatha's transporter room Jett asks why they need to go there if they are using the Discovery's transporter and Michael says it's easier pad to pad.

Maybe I am wrong because surely Jett would know that, perhaps someone else asks.
To talk about the book thought... I'm very excited. I think the Enterprise looks great, shows are made with the technology of their day so of course it looks newer than TOS.

Reminds me a lot of reading the TNG Dominion war books and finding out what the E was up to during that war. Also loved the Prey Trilogy.
I might be wrong but when they are beaming off the planet where they find Jett Reno and her crew and are running to the Hiawatha's transporter room Jett asks why they need to go there if they are using the Discovery's transporter and Michael says it's easier pad to pad.

That rings a bell, but that's in a situation where they're beaming through interference from the planet surface. It's a totally different situation from beaming inside the same ship.
UK amazon seems to only have paperback and audiobook pre-orders (no-kindle) is it normal for kindle preorders to come online at a different time?
UK amazon seems to only have paperback and audiobook pre-orders (no-kindle) is it normal for kindle preorders to come online at a different time?
Yep, though I'll admit, I typically see it done the other way around. The e-book goes up for pre-order before the physical book does.
If you noticed some new names and faces aboard U.S.S. Enterprise in tonight's Discovery episode, you may be interested to know that they're all in THE ENTERPRISE WAR. Glad to finally see them on screen after all these months!

Sweet! Thank You JJM. really looking forward to seeing more of Nicola, Amin, and Mann. Hopefully we also see Boyce, Louvier and Colt too.
If you noticed some new names and faces aboard U.S.S. Enterprise in tonight's Discovery episode, you may be interested to know that they're all in THE ENTERPRISE WAR. Glad to finally see them on screen after all these months!
I was actually about to come on here to ask that, so I'm glad you posted this.
I'm looking forward to it too, Discovery's Pike is awesome and so far, JJ Miller's Trek books have been highly enjoyable.
We have a cover!


Alan Dingman is the designer. The book's out July 30 -- and if all the stars align, I will be able to get some for Shore Leave, which I can now confirm that I am attending. You can find preorder links and more details at
Well, I'm surprised. Since all the other Disco novels had characters on the cover, I figured for sure this would have Anson Mount.

But cool cover all the same.