Star Trek: Discovery - The Enterprise War

Nah. That was set later on and people love that design.
But surely there was at least a percentage of TV show purist-fans at the time who were critical of the Probert redesign, similar to the fans who objected to the "new" ridged Klingon-makeup, etc. We pretty much see this every time a new iteration of Trek appears.
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I can't say I directly requested phasers for specific characters who appeared, but I do agree with the choice.

(This will be a much easier discussion to engage in a couple of months from now.)
Imagine how people in 1982 felt about David Marcus.

A friend, who was a member of the William Shatner Fellowship of Fans, about the preview screening we had for "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan":

"Who is that curly-haired upstart who dares to call himself Kirk's son?"

Same friend, after meeting Merritt Butrick on the set of "Star Trek III: The Search for Spock", on the day Saavik and David opened Spock's photon tube coffin:

"Omigod, he's dreamy!!!!!!!"


I am very much looking forward to "The Enterprise War". Pike, Spock and Number One, and the actors who were cast, were such highlights to an already great DSC crew!

Well, I'm surprised. Since all the other Disco novels had characters on the cover, I figured for sure this would have Anson Mount.

Back cover! ;)
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I have this one on pre-order from Amazon. it'll show up at my door next tuesday. Ive been reading the post-nemesis books, but i'll have to put those on hold for this one. I'm always excited for a new JJM book, especially with it having to do with more Pike/Spock from Discovery.
With the release imminent, I've asked that questions directed to me about the book go in this thread rather than the review one; please use spoiler tags on all questions. Thanks!
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Interesting tidbits from the book--some questions for @JJMiller . I've been a fan since the Knights of the Old Republic comics, I posted a lot about them on as sidv88.
Did you know about the Enterprise's new look when writing? Is that why there's mention of a refit in the book? :)

I see you went with the old Star Trek EU Pike birth year of 2219. I was wondering how this fit with Pike being a classmate of Georgiou, who was born 2202. Most of us assumed Disco just made Pike much older, but you had a line that Georgiou "went back" to the Academy? What did she go back for, in your mind? It also seems strange that Pike would be shocked she "knew all regulations by week 2" when thinking back in Discovery, if she was already a much older and experienced officer.

Spock mentions something about Vulcan elders believing Vulcan philosophy tomes lose their depth, or something like that, when they're digitized, in response to Pike's question on whether the Vulcan tomes were on the ship computer. Isn't that a superstitious and highly illogical belief? It seems strange it would be held by supposedly logical Vulcan elders.

You somehow managed to fit the Desperate Hours novel in and acknowledge Spock and Burnham interacted there, despite the show ignoring it entirely. Nice. :)
Looking forward to getting my copy.

I have yet to see season 2 of Discovery (yes, I'm one of those few souls that doesn't stream so I have to wait for the Blu-Ray release). Does anyone know if that will be a problem reading this novel. I did read the first 3 Discovery novels before seeing the first season since I had to wait for Blu-Ray for that as well and didn't feel it was a problem (well, except I didn't understand the final chapter of "Drastic Measures" until I saw the first season and had that "oh, now I get it" moment--as an aside I wonder if we will ever see prime-Lorca at some point, he might still be out there somewhere).

The main thing I guess is I just want to make sure there are no major spoilers in the novel that will ruin season 2 viewing for me. I've been pretty good avoiding spoilers for Discover. Minor stuff is fine. I mean, I know it features Captain Pike and the Enterprise, and Spock and Number 1. It's more major plot lines I want to avoid.