Spoilers Star Trek: Discovery 2x04 - "An Obol for Charon"

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How about that? I've learned a new trick! Thanks!

And, yes, I guess "six quadrants" doesn't make much sense. Where the heck is a copyeditor when you need one? :)
Don't beat yourself up. It's not like there were only four quadrants in TOS and even TNG
MA said:
Smaller areas of space in the Galaxy were also referred to as quadrants during the 23rd and 24th centuries. These included: Quadrant 9, Quadrant 448, Quadrant 904, the Morgana Quadrant, and the Drema Quadrant. (TOS: "The Squire of Gothos", "The Deadly Years"; TNG: "When The Bough Breaks", "Heart of Glory", "The Child", "Where Silence Has Lease", "Pen Pals")
It's dawned on me this episode just how bad the Klingon shit is, because I enjoy the show a lot more when they steer clear Qo'noS.

Agreed! The Klingon saga is the weakest part of Discovery, especially in season one. I've never been a fan of the Klingon episodes in the franchise. I find them boring. They just come across as space viking monoculture. Also it's a show about exploration, so let's meet some new things!
A digression: Am the only person who remembers Dracutwig, which was a paperback vampire novel put out in the sixties to cash in on Twiggy's popularity? I still love the cover blurb:

"The body of Twiggy! The soul of an unearthly fiend!"
never heard of it - but i'm 'only' 55 and german
never heard of it - but i'm 'only' 55 and german

It's pretty obscure, to be honest. Took me forever to track down a copy, back before the internet and eBay and all. I still remember how excited I was to finally stumble onto a copy in a box of old paperbacks at a convention.

But back to STAR TREK . . ..
Morn was an in-joke, and a very good in-joke. He also had an episode I wasn't particularly fond of, but that's another thread. There's a big difference between Morn and anyone who works on the bridge, like the person who actually flies the ship. Of course there was the rotating crew of TNG navigators, but again, they are not in every episode.
No there isn't. A character is as important as the show wants or needs to make them. Flying the ship doesn't make them important.
No there isn't. A character is as important as the show wants or needs to make them. Flying the ship doesn't make them important.

of course not, but treating them as furniture seems to annoy customers for one reason or another. since they are allowed to acknowledge orders and do some yes-siring it's all fine with me. giving them a little piece of the action (like in season 2 here and there) is more than enough.

i don't, however, understand the

bridgecrew- where-always-regulars brigade
at all
  • uhura was nice on the eye (even for a 9 year old) and got her mind wiped, but other than that ...
  • chekov was trigger happy ruskie with a wig
  • sulu was at least allowed to sit in the big chair a couple of times
scotty was a bit above and beyond those three so i won't count him in here

and i never understood what a chief-engineer's or a chief medical officer's buisinees on the bridge was, anyway

... maybe if a conduit blew and severely injured or killed (only if the wore red shirts, of course) a couple of guys ...
Although an exploding console nearly killed Sulu in "The City on the Edge of Forever." Had McCoy not shown up almost immediately with cordrazine Sulu probably would have died.
TOS starships were just put together better.

Come at me, Nerds. ;)
The crew of the USS Yamato agrees with you
