Spoilers STAR TREK BEYOND - Grading & Discussion

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well it was a discussion and the word Khan was thrown around, with a little trigger statement on my part. But thanks for being the gatekeeper, and a wee bit o trigger for u too hmm
I figured that thread would have a lot of content you would enjoy in discussing Into Darkness.
well it was a discussion
Good, so far.

and the word Khan was thrown around,
As far as I can tell, the last time anyone mentioned Khan in this thread was more than six months ago. If there was a specific comment (from then or whenever) to which you wished to respond, quoting that comment is a good place to start, and it helps everyone else to follow the point you wanted to address.

(Bringing it up in a thread about the movie which featured Khan would also be better.)

with a little trigger statement on my part.

But thanks for being the gatekeeper,
Do do this, though. You can talk about the movie all you like without taking a swipe at any of the people participating in the discussion.

and a wee bit o trigger for u too hmm
And yeah -- don't do this, either. Keep it about the topic and not about the people discussing it.
This is not a swipe at anybody in this thread or any kind of statement that's meant to be taken personally or as something objective.

I love Beyond and I genuinely don't understand how anybody could not love it. I just think it's a great movie from start to finish.

We've been robbed of further movies with this cast sadly and the ship is sailing further every year.
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This is not a swipe at anybody in this thread or any kind of statement that's meant to be taken personally or as something objective.

I love Beyond and I genuinely don't understand how anybody could not love it. I just think it's a great movie from start to finish.

We've been robbed of further movies with this cast sadly and the ship is sailing further every year.
Might still happen. A movie will eventually since Paramount Global just announced they're focusing on "franchises".
I love Beyond and was very disappointed we never even got a hint of another movie with this same cast. My memory is foggy of the movie ending but did they get a new Enterprise?
Thank you, hope their new ship was bigger hehe......

SNW Engineering section looks amazing and very busy with the lighting and everything
I love Beyond and was very disappointed we never even got a hint of another movie with this same cast. My memory is foggy of the movie ending but did they get a new Enterprise?
I was spoiled for that going in, which may have negatively affected my appreciation of other parts of the film.
I love Beyond and was very disappointed we never even got a hint of another movie with this same cast. My memory is foggy of the movie ending but did they get a new Enterprise?

Obviously a complete reunion of the cast was out of the question from June 2016, but I do feel the series ended on a high note.

now 7 years later I still feel Beyond is one of the best trek movies there is.
I revisited Beyond yesterday and it still holds up. I really liked the alternate uniforms other than the formal dress outfits. With each passing day, the chances of another movie with this cast dims, so I'm glad it ended on a high note. Into Darkness would not have been a satisfying conclusion.
I’m not sure, in a media environment where we can get Top Gun or Ghostbusters sequels more than 20 years after the fact, if the chances of another Kelvin movie are becoming increasingly slim.

Provided the cast are willing, there’s nothing stopping a further Kelvin movie happening in 2035 or whatever. After all, the TOS cast continued to reprise their roles long after they all went grey.
The difference being that Top Gun and Ghostbusters were cultural phenomena. The Kelvin movies were nothing more than reasonably financially succesful also-rans surrounded by the overshadowing blockbuster giants of the last 15 years.

You could argue that Trek is also a cultural phenomena, because it is, but it's just never been that way on the big screen. Only TMP, 2009, Into Darkness, and maybe TVH and TWOK have even come close, and even then, nowhere near what you would call big hits.
i noticed a few errors with the battle,

1. the crew didn't try to warp away immensity affter the swarm was released. a similar even happened in Star Trek, 2009, when the Kelvin didn't try to warp away from the Narada,

2, the crew didn't try to use the teleporters seeing the pods were getting captured,

3, the drones behind the falling enterprise were burning up, they should have been pushed back by the air the enterprise was pushing behind itself, ,

4, if my last theory was right, why didn't the saucer get pushed back up by the air trapped under it when it was falling,

5, why did the saucer correct its decent if the ventral thrusters were not running
1. the crew didn't try to warp away immensity affter the swarm was released. a similar even happened in Star Trek, 2009, when the Kelvin didn't try to warp away from the Narada,
Well, they are responding to a distress call and didn't know what they were looking at. They can't run from every possible threat.

When they couldn't not successfully engage then they attempted warp. Seems reasonable.

the crew didn't try to use the teleporters seeing the pods were getting captured,
To where? Their signals were being jammed.
well, they could just try to escape the system, that doesnt require a siginal, i think,
The transporter, especially in the Kelvin films and TOS era, is a very finicky thing. Landing without precise coordinates could result in death. So, the options are stay and fight and attempt to resolve the situation in some way, or transporter away to almost certain death or somewhere worse.
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