Spoilers STAR TREK BEYOND - Grading & Discussion

Grade the movie...

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Commander Richard

Yo! Man!
Premium Member
Celebrate 50 years of Trek with Star Trek Beyond. This is the place where you can grade the movie in the poll above and discuss every aspect of the film. This thread will contain spoilers, so beware.

In Star Trek Beyond, the Enterprise crew explores the furthest reaches of uncharted space, where they encounter a mysterious new enemy who puts them and everything the Federation stands for to the test. - startrek.com

Okay, there are still a few days to go before Star Trek Beyond opens in theaters in many countries (check here for opening days where you are) but a few lucky fans have already seen it. The review embargo has been lifted early, so now it's OK for them to post reviews here.

In the post above this one, I have collected links for a number of published reviews which are out there. For any I may have missed and any yet to be published, feel free to post links to those in this thread.

FAIR WARNING: Any and all of the reviews can and probably will contain spoilers, as is likely to be the case for any post which follows this one. If you have not seen the movie yet, you may wish to avoid this thread until that's taken care of - proceed from here at the risk of being spoiled.

All that said, we look forward to plenty of discussion about the new movie. Not everyone is going to have the same opinions about everything, naturally, but there's no reason we can't disagree and get along at the same time.

The poll should become active at the same time I unlock the thread. Please wait to vote in it until after you've seen the movie. (Yeah, I know most of you were going to do that anyway, but there's always some wise guy who wants to make a statement. ;) )

Aaaand ... here we go.
Well we have to start somewhere...

I really find it fascinating that Pegg was telling the truth at how much research he's done on Memory Alpha, but...

I'm surprised he's going to link it to the Xindi, given the arguably forgettable nature of Enterprise's third season for a lot of fans. Still, he's gone and confirmed the MACO link outright on his Twitter, and the attention to Enterprise canon detail warms my heart. I'm very excited that this could finally be the JJverse movie that I can properly enjoy.
Anyone seen Greg Grunberg's character name? Is he supposed to be that character or is he a character who just happens to have that last name?
Anyone seen Greg Grunberg's character name? Is he supposed to be that character or is he a character who just happens to have that last name?
I saw the character name mentioned in a different thread, but anything concerning the identity of the character seems to be speculation at this point.
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Nothing makes me happier then the purists on reddit on /r/startrek getting angry because it's doing well. It's up to a 91% now.

A former member on this board who complained for years before, during and after the 2009 movie came out was actually upset that the movie was widely seen and made a lot of money. I guess he finally ran out of things to whine about because he tried to make the claim that "his" Star Trek wasn't supposed to be popular and profitable.
so... i haven't posted here in years. but i caught a screening of beyond last night in santa monica thanks to a twitter contest that someone here linked to (i can't find it now, but thanks whoever that was).

i graded beyond a B+ in the poll but i'm still kind of ruminating on it. basically everything said in the positive reviews i've read are spot on - the humor, character development, simple story and emotional impact are on point. i had a little trouble with justin lin's direction which i didn't find particularly clear. there are two action scenes that are difficult to follow because of how they were shot. but the first half hour, basically all of act one and life aboard the enterprise, was excellent. i can't wait to see it again just to absorb more of that material.

i think the movie could've used another 10 or 15 minutes on the planet, the different pairings of the characters stranded on disparate parts of altamid were too easily resolved, each one of those stories could've used its own little payoff.

i caught that krall promo right before seeing the film, that definitely hurt the viewing experience, so i'm leaving the spoilers out, unless there are specific plot points or details folks want to dive into...
Easily an A and as much fun for me as ST:TMP and the 2009 film. I had intended to write a full review when the embargo lifted, but I'm left with simple satisfaction and I would prefer not to spoilerise the movie for anyone, because it definitely works well when spoiler-free. Had there been an Andorian, or perhaps an appearance from Gaila, Rand, Chapel or Kyle, it would have been an A+.

Star Trek Beyond ticket
by Ian McLean, on Flickr
Just got back from seeing one of the first public screenings here in Oz. I really enjoyed it. Agreed with most of the reviews in that it lacks some depth which stops me from giving it an A, but still a respectable fun effort. Really enjoyable movie, and lots of nods for the 50 years.

Agree with the above comment about the direction being a bit too OTT. Maybe I'm getting too old, but I found some actions scenes hard to follow. Makes me want to re-watch though. :) They are certainly the most clever action sequences we have seen in ST.

By comparison after STID I felt like someone had punched me in the stomach. The Khan reveal feeling a betrayal, anti-climatic, and a wasted opportunity. I also drifted over the last act, seemed meaningless.

STB had me engaged and entertained throughout.
I'll wait for a second screening to settle my opinion, but I was really thrilled. At this point, it's my second-favourite behind VI.

My only criticisms were that it was a bit tough to follow some action sequences, and I couldn't understand some of Krall's dialogue, but those niggles were far outweighed by the humour, spirit and lovely character moments which featured throughout.
Howdy all. Just got back.

So ...

Great movie with enjoyable, well written characters, fantastic action sequences and some fun dynamics between the different players given the circumstances they find themselves in. I don't feel it ever tried to reach for something too deep and cerebral, which is preferred to a faux attempt to do so. At the end of the day, it was a bloody fun movie.

Now, on to particulars (SPOILERS) - I'll start with the nitpicks:

So, Krall. For the majority of the movie his motivations were lacking. If you're aware of the spoilers regarding Krall's origin, then his actions do seem a little more justified/understandable in hindsight. Even so, when his origins are revealed, his response given the grudge he holds still seem wholly out of proportion and doesn't paint a particularly smart or multi-dimensional villain with legitimate motive. I feel some tweaks here and there earlier on in the piece could have helped flesh out his character.

Secondly, there was a bit of a dip midway. I can't quite put my finger on it, but it was around when Kirk and Chekov were caught by Jaylah and when the Franklin took to the skies.

Now, nitpicks aside...

The swarm was vastly more impressive in full force and on the big screen. Reminded me a bit of the Shadow's Death Cloud from Babylon 5.

Yorktown. Whoa! Beautifully realized. That was some fun play with gravity - legit or not.

The Enterprise fires her weapons in this movie. Repeat, The Enterprise FIRES WEAPONS.

Speaking of The Enterprise, she took one HELL of a beating before succumbing.

Also, Sulu moment short but got the point across. Some teenage imbecile in front of me whispered "what the fuck is this?" ...

I *really* liked how they threaded the death of Leanard Nimoy/Spock into the narrative. I had thought it would be a passing reference, but it plays a meaningful plot point, which brings me to what I feel is a *fantastic* nod to Leonard Nimoy, the original cast, Star Trek in general and the 50th anniversary...

Spock had learned of Ambassador Spock's death at the beginning of the movie. In the last ten minutes, Spock receives the personal belongings of Ambassador Spock. There was some expected Vulcan paraphernalia... and this photo (finally managed to find the right one!):


And that my friends, is by far and away the best, least convoluted way to get Shatner into the Kelvin-verse.
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Just got back and loved it. As much as I like a lot of ST09 (not so much STID), it's nice to have a nuTrek movie that doesn't have completely asinine plotting. Some may find some parts lacking and I won't argue, but everything generally makes sense which is a welcome upgrade. :)

The character interaction, the winks, the eggs, the nods...loved it all.