Spoilers STAR TREK BEYOND - Grading & Discussion

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I'm sorry for him. Hopefully his immune system will spare him any complications. This virus is crazy, many don't show symptoms but can still infect others... it isn't just a flu. Stay safe you all. Too many countries aren't taking this serioustly.
I don't know what else to do to take it more seriously. My agency is going to phone appointments, restaurants and bars are being shut down, no church services, no sporting events.

It's nuts.
People are now going crazy stocking up on things like tea, coffee, and sugar. It's nuts alright.

Stoking up on ST gear and books. I must be a trekkie/trukker.
Star Trek is my comfort media/object. I would kill for a replica STB medical kit and.or just the medical tricorder for a comstume I am planning (my first trek cosplay) as I have only mad costumes for IRL historical education/recreation for my own use. No PT for my compressed nerves/dislocated shoulder with the covid/corona not having medical in person appts.

I really hope all the casts are being careful.....esp the reboots as that would potentially end star trek forever and well many of the actors are around my age....and that would make me feel really old and sad.
Just a thought on this when they showed the photo of Spock on that tablet with the crew from the TOS timeline had me thinking if prime Spock could meet this universe's spock what if the two Kirk's met or other cross overs. Wouldn't that make this also another mirror universe?
Just a thought on this when they showed the photo of Spock on that tablet with the crew from the TOS timeline had me thinking if prime Spock could meet this universe's spock what if the two Kirk's met or other cross overs. Wouldn't that make this also another mirror universe?

If they went into The Mirror Universe, it would be shatner Kirk there. They would need their own mirror universe for it to be Pine Kirk. So there’s a crossover. XD
If they went into The Mirror Universe, it would be shatner Kirk there. They would need their own mirror universe for it to be Pine Kirk. So there’s a crossover. XD

Thats a hilarious idea. For fiction that could be made to work. But someone who understands the science and a multiverse would have to answer that, IRL. In my opinion since kirk was dead when the new universe with the pine kirk was created, it could still be the same kirk character, but that specific scenario could be a storytelling mess and black hole of complication. Its a predestination vs free will argument in a way. Are mirror universes an alternate universe of opposites or just another alternate universe?
Thats a hilarious idea. For fiction that could be made to work. But someone who understands the science and a multiverse would have to answer that, IRL. In my opinion since kirk was dead when the new universe with the pine kirk was created, it could still be the same kirk character, but that specific scenario could be a storytelling mess and black hole of complication. Its a predestination vs free will argument in a way. Are mirror universes an alternate universe of opposites or just another alternate universe?
You can either do the sciencey version of it and try to make it all make sense, or the DC comics version where anything and everything can happen. Pretty sure they go with the latter, like a Trek version of Crisis on Infinite Earths (which they're sure to eventually do, crossing over all the current shows and anyone they can get from prior ones)
Was the best Kelvin movie!


I really liked the way they thought to have discovered a planet unknown to the Federation, but it was visited before.

Jaylah was awesome.

The U.S.S. Franklin design was very good, it really looks like an old ship.


The Enterprise crew should have been dead when the swarm broke through the hull, and, like in the first movie, be sucked out of the ship.

Instead of Starfleet scanners you can use peanuts to get the same effect. Not quite something of the future.

Like seen in Into Darkness, the thrusters need to be powered using the warp core. Since the warp core was destroyed, just how did Scotty activate the thrusters. Still a plothole.
the thrusters need to be powered using the warp core...Since the warp core was destroyed, just how did Scotty activate the thrusters. Still a plothole.

They couldn't warp away because no nacelles
Scotty shifted warp power to the impuse engines. I'm not sure why they didn't have normal impulse at that point.

Captain, there is a chance I can reroute the energy reserves from the warp core to the impulse engines!
We can get back into the nebula, maybe we can lose them.
Do whatever you have to do, Scotty.

That succeeded

Yes! We have 100% impulse.
Great work, Mr. Scott. Maximum impulse towards the nebula.

However then the neck was severed, putting the impulse engines without power

Impulse engines are still trying to draw power from the warp reserve.
We cannot move until the saucer is separated.

Kirk and Uhura then went to separate the saucer

Impulse engines drawing power from auxiliary generators.

However the thrusters didn't come into it until after the saucer crashed. The thrusters had fuel and were ready to go like a firework, they just needed a spark to start it, which Kirk used his phaser for.

Fuel is primed. I cannot get it to combust!
Captain, we are basically standing on a very large bomb!
- If you miss the combustion compressor...
I'm not going to miss

Thrusters wouldn't get them away from the Swarm. The only issue I can see is why they couldn't use independent impulse power from auxiliary generators without separating the saucer. I'm willing to put that down to battle damage.

Was the best Kelvin movie!

This was the best of the Kelvinverse movies and is up there with the stronger Prime timeline films even in my opinion. The reckless mutineer from the past 2 films who got rewarded (from Cadet to Captain no less) for his erratic actions suddenly disappeared and James T. Kirk actually showed up (where were you the last 2 movies?). The plot twist with Krall and his minions was pretty cool, although I admit that his motivations still needed work (they could have detailed maybe that Vulcan, Andoria, and Tellar didn't help in what ended up being an "Earth-Romulan" War and Krall resented that, or something).

I do have complaints with how Spock Prime's death was handled (I think he should have been allowed to return to his timeline, and an offhand reference in the Picard show could have said Spock passed away peacefully at home). It's also hard watching this knowing what happened to Anton soon afterwards.