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Star Trek and Seinfeld Guest Stars: A Visual List

Planet of the Daves

Lieutenant Commander
Red Shirt
My two favorite things in life are Star Trek and Seinfeld. It's unbelievable how many guest stars they shared.

I love finding a familiar face and making the connection. Both shows were shot in close proximity during the 90's, so it's hardly surprising. However, wait until you see just how many share credits with both shows!

I've been gradually making a list using screenshots. Enjoy!

One other thing... Mark Metcalf was not a Hirogen in "PREY". He was in "THE KILLING GAME" two-parter, which is also where that screenshot came from.

Fun comparison. I never watched SEINFELD, but I'm not surprised they both had many of the same guest stars.
One other thing... Mark Metcalf was not a Hirogen in "PREY". He was in "THE KILLING GAME" two-parter, which is also where that screenshot came from.

Fun comparison. I never watched SEINFELD, but I'm not surprised they both had many of the same guest stars.
Well, that's embarassing! Thank you for pointing that out. I don't think I can correct it or I would. I've barely used Imgur before. I'll try!
I've been binging this on Netflix - just caught Vaugh Armstrong (Admiral Forest + 11ish other characters) as one of the police detectives in the episode where Kramer is out in LA.

Sara Silverman from Voyager's "Future's End" two-parter plays Kramer's girlfriend in one episode. There is also the actor who played Admiral Paris in Voyager's later seasons - frequently seeing him around Yankee Stadium.

IIRC, the one and only time we see Elaine's father, it was played by the actor who played Cyrus Redblock in TNG's "The Big Goodbye"

Half the time, I will be doing something with Seinfeld on in the background. I will hear a familiar voice or glance over at the TV and recognize a familiar face and I begin going down the rabbit hole of "Wait, I have seen them in something before..."

So many fascinating rabbit holes on the subject. Didn't realize Phil Morris was on TOS as a child actor. Wait a minute, TUVIX was in Seinfeld? and Commander Shelby from BOBW? Wowzers.

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