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Star Trek AI art thread

My fear is when that next big solar flare comes—people are going to flip out not having high-tech. The war against copper landlines is misguided.

I have a lot of print-outs of art on websites that don’t exist…somewhere.

On compression

A list of other helps for the artist
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I think I’d be okay with it. I’ve been working in technology since age 11 (over 40 years ago), yet remember the days before the internet. Hell, I remember rotary phones! I think I’m ready for a more rustic troglodyte way of life. The newer generations, however, will certainly have more destructive withdrawal symptoms. It would certainly be less convenient, but not the end of the world by any stretch.
This thread hasn't had any actual Star Trek AI art on it for pages, but whatever. There are machines now that can build all sorts of objects, but nonetheless people still value "handcrafted" things. I fail to see the difference between a vase and a painting. Pretentious people will spend the big bucks on things drawn by humans, and corporations trying to make their waiting rooms look nice will just print something an AI makes. It's a big enough planet for humans and AIs.
This thread hasn't had any actual Star Trek AI art on it for pages, but whatever.
“For pages”? I’m not sure if you’re somehow viewing this thread differently than I am, but I’m on page 10 with this post and there’s definitely some AI stuff being posted on page 9. And even more on the page preceding that one. :confused:

There are machines now that can build all sorts of objects, but nonetheless people still value "handcrafted" things. I fail to see the difference between a vase and a painting. Pretentious people will spend the big bucks on things drawn by humans, and corporations trying to make their waiting rooms look nice will just print something an AI makes. It's a big enough planet for humans and AIs.
The obvious difference being that if you 3D print a vase or a building or whatever, it still needed to be designed by a person that had to use their skill, experience, sensibilities and taste to come up with a design and realize it as a 3D file. AI image generation on the other hand works differently: You basically just tell it to give you an image of a vase or an image of a building and it will give you something that’s based on what it thinks that thing you’re asking for looks. You don’t even have to try to be creative yourself.

Oh, and how nice to know that “pretentious people” will continue to see the value in my work as a human artist. What a comfort to know. That’s keying into the respect for artist aspect I was talking about earlier. Could you try and sound any less respectful about what creative people do?
Okay, yeah, sorry, that was a bit harsh. Still, a factory can make a thousand vases in a day. The fact that it takes time to handmake one is what makes those valuable. The same will apply to art, since an AI can make it in seconds while a human has to spend time on their piece. Effort is what makes value, so real art will retain its value.
The same will apply to art, since an AI can make it in seconds while a human has to spend time on their piece. Effort is what makes value, so real art will retain its value.

Human art may survive, but it will become niche, though. How many handcrafted vases do you own?
Yes, exactly. I am giving a prediction, not assuaging concerns. I just don't think that creative work will be "completely obsolete" like the doomsayers say.
I don’t think it will have time to become completely obsolete. Consider that all of these things are coming together at the same time:
  • SORA AI video generation
  • Realistic human speech generation
  • The US 2024 election
  • Half of the United States thinks “fake news” is real news and is the product of a half century of failing to emphasize critical thinking in our public schools
We are so terribly, terribly boned.
Bringing maps to life:
Imagine strapping on a virtual reality headset and "walking" through a long-gone neighborhood in your city—seeing the streets and buildings as they appeared decades ago.
I'd almost swear I heard somethinga bout this a couple years back. Maybe I'm wrong, it wouldn't be the first time I made an error.

Pretty much, yeah. And it’s darn depressing how much people in general are welcoming of the technology. Even some of my creative colleagues are either outright embracing it somehow or have just surrendered to its inevitability and are laughing it off. Me personally, I think it’s just scary.
So, create some arguments why it's bad.

But make sure the arguments grab hold of emotion: I'd go with fear, indignation or anger since those usually work well.
Also think a few steps a head since there's some people who will say "that's progress" and "you can't stop progress" or something along those lines.

It's a dumb argument since progress isn't always good: It's advancing towards a goal – the goal need not be good or bad.
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It looks like AI is indeed making the ships a bit better

Now you can think and make art

A tool against deep fakes?

Another resource

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Officers of the Fleet, made using CivitAI.
Here are some AI ships on the web:

Now it seems movies can be made from stills:

—and text

So even a crashing bore like myself can seem lively

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When I first viewed that picture, I thought, "Well that's petty cool!" Then I saw it... That one little thing... :lol:
It looks like AI is indeed making the ships a bit better

Sorry, but this video is garbage and illustrates the problem with these AI vids. The ship, as well as the uniforms, are different from scene to scene and the fact that the....people requesting generation (I'm not calling them artists) aren't striving for consistency is just beyond lazy.

As for the future, here's whats going to happen with AI, whether it's images, music, voice work, movies....whatever. There will be so much, you will be buried under a mountain of all of those things and good luck trying to make a name for yourself because there will be thousands of things generated in all of those fields on any given day the easier it gets to do it. There used to be a "crap filter" that allowed the people that were both talented and dedicated to their craft to stand out. AI removes the crap filter so that no one will rise to the top and we'll be bombarded with tsunamis' of images, music, movies, etc.
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