Spoiler rules are updated. Please read them

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Mod of Balance
After much wailing and gnashing of teeth, T'Bonz has updated the board rules as regards to spoilers. This covers all films and TV series. You can read about them here. It would be a very good idea to re-familiarize yourself with them, as a fe things have changed. Most notably, the United States is no longer a reference point. To review:

  • - First off, there should never be spoilers in thread titles. That's a no-no. Verboten.
  • - Second, if your thread contains or is likely to contain spoilers, please indicate that in the title, so folks looking to avoid spoilers can, well, avoid them.
  • - Fourthly, if you bring spoiler discussion into a regular thread, please use the spoiler code. Otherwise, Spiff cries, and every time Spiff cries, he gets really blubbery. We're talking newborn baby here. Dude makes Niagara Falls look like the desert, you get what we're saying? So you don't want to make Spiff cry.
  • - Finally, the statute of limitations on whether to consider an episode/film free of spoilers is SIX MONTHS from the time when it first airs, wherever it first airs. If a new episode of a series or film airs on June 1st in England then on Aug 1st in the US, the clock starts ticking on June 1st.

We're not going to warn for spoilers, not right off the bat, but if anyone is persistent about violating these rules, we'll have to consider it. IF someone DOES post a spoiler, don't explode. Simply roll with it and hit the friendly little "Notify" button at the bottom of each and every post. Just think about your fellow posters when you're posting, okay? A little consideration goes a long way 'round these parts.

Any discussions about these, please take it to the QSF forum.
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The Spoiler statue is now set at SIX MONTHS from the first the program first airs, regardless of where.
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