*Spock/Zachary Quinto Appreciation Zone*

It seems everyone has abandoned this thread. Oh well, I'm bored this morning so I figured I'd try and resurrect it:

ZQ and his shiny, shiny suit got some kind of award at the Hollywood Film Festival last night - or something:



Found another shiny, shiny suit pic from same event.
^ You know what that suit is for, dontcha? It's in case some lunatic fan rushes him and tried to hug him...they'd slide right off him!

LOVE how he dresses. I loved how last night in Heroes he wore one of those hats we often see him in (in RL)
LOVE how he dresses

yes! it's neat how he is brave enough to wear what he likes rather than chasing after some label or another.

I loved how last night in Heroes he wore one of those hats we often see him in (in RL)

....where was that? just watched it and i missed that. thanks in advance for saving me the hour of my life that i would inevitably end up spending, if you don't answer this, to re-watch it to find this. :shifty:

I've got some goodies for you folks today. :p

click to get the big ones

Awesome pics, thanks once again. :)

definitely a great way to start the day!

you don't know what the award is he's got? where did you find these pics?
He was actually accepting the award for Star Trek - something called Hollywood Movie of The Year, chosen by Yahoo!Movies online voting.


From what I can make out he picked up the award for Trek and a "spotlight" award for himself. Check out about half way through this vid.

And here's a quick gif from this week's Heroes:

I've got some goodies for you folks today

Very fine - thank you. You saved me having to work out how to do screen caps from a bluray (for the moment)
I love those pictures of Zachuary. Where did you get them?

They're on the bluray (and I suspect 2 box DVD) extras. It was due for release in Aus tommorow but many retailers broke the embargo and had it out on Monday. :)
LOVE how he dresses

yes! it's neat how he is brave enough to wear what he likes rather than chasing after some label or another.

I loved how last night in Heroes he wore one of those hats we often see him in (in RL)

....where was that? just watched it and i missed that. thanks in advance for saving me the hour of my life that i would inevitably end up spending, if you don't answer this, to re-watch it to find this. :shifty:


He was wearing the hat in the Carnival scene....

And I'm just cracking up at the thought of a site devoted to Zachary Quinto's hats!!!!!

GAH!!!!!! ETCHED!!!!!! That gif!!!!! HOLY MOMMA!!!!
Just on a whim, I Googled "Quinto" and "hat" and found that there's a blog dedicated to the hat (and some of its alternates.) :lol:

the concept of a blog dedicated to a hat had me ROFL. but this blog is actually quite amusing. :)

oh, the carnival scene! that was brief and much less dramatic than much of the episode, i guess it slipped my mind. also it didn't even strike me, i'm so used to seeing him in the hat.
....i need to pay closer attention.
Etched! You gotta give us a warning when you're going to put something that hot on the table... :drool:

My mind came up with all kinds of delicious scenarios to apply to that delicious gif. None of which I can share without being banned, of course, but thankfully, you ladies tend to be pretty imaginative yourselves.
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awesome! we are at the top of the front page!

....and i am mostly posting this comment to help insure it stays that way....

i saved that gif to my machine so i can look at it whenever i want. :D

m'sharak, thank you for that hat blog link, i have already passed it on - someone on the heroes episode thread was complaining b/c sylar was seen in a hat like that this week. "who wears that??" i had to laugh, and post that link to help enlighten them.
Etched! You gotta give us a warning when you're going to put something that hot on the table... :drool:

My mind came up with all kinds of delicious scenarios to apply to that delicious gif. None of which I can share without being banned, of course, but thankfully, you ladies tend to be pretty imaginative yourselves.

Well I'll definitely give a warning for this one then:
