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Spock Puzzle Box Game


Lieutenant Commander
Red Shirt
This is about bunches or crates I forget what it is still around in mint condition… anyone else buy this set. Got it from indigo about 10 dollars.

Logic and stuff Spock is into is in it. Not sure how to play but any ideas about this feel free to post a reply.
If anyone knows how to play can give advice or some pointers too. I notice there is no thread of it yet.
If not will eventually try other ways to game it just wonder what the forum can say about it though too.
Heh it says red shirt but one ending out buying so far is the original series Keep on Trekking Spock Science Blue Shirt sector instead the one in photograph is middle neither from a course…just noticed now.
Heh it says red shirt but one ending out buying so far is the original series Keep on Trekking Spock Science Blue Shirt sector instead the one in photograph is middle neither from a course…just noticed now.
Long forum to mention too..2017 about 8;year to current
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