Spoilers Spider-man 3(take 2) Anticipation thread

There are so many fake photos going around. Wasn't there another one yesterday or the day before where the guy posted them because he thought they were really good photo shopped pictures but some people thought they were real so he deleted them which made people think they were even more legit.

He removed them because a contact he has with insider knowledge told him they were real. After he took them down he was contacted by someone from legal.
Strange's comment about the villains' fates is a statement of fact referencing their previous appearances because they did all die after facing their respective Spider-Men.

I'm not quite sure how he would know that, but he is the Sorcerer Supreme.
If we get scenes of Maguire and Garfield going back to their home universes, I'd love to see Kirsten Dunst show up as Mary Jane along with Mayday.

The MCU movies just aren't her thing apparently


"I haven't seen any of them. I don't watch superhero movies, though," she responded when asked about Tom Holland's Spider-Man movies. "I don't watch anything like that, It's just not my kind of movie. I can't tell you the last time I saw one. I think I saw maybe Captain America with my friend in a theater, which was - what? - a long time ago when that first came out. I just don't watch them."

Which I can understand. There are 23 or so movies. Only diehard fans truly follow all the movies. The general audience might have seen 2 or 3 movies at most ages ago when it first started out.

Then more movies came out and then it becomes too hard to follow for them and they just move on
Okay...that is pretty funny and obvious. :lol:

And nice touch with The X-Files music in that snippet. :lol:

Clearly since Spider-Man wasn't getting help from the Avengers, the Fantastic Four decided to step in and Sue's fighting Lizard.

And then after Strange can't stop what's crossing over from crossing over, Magneto, Rogue and Wolverine will end up atop the Statue of Liberty.
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speaking of stuff edited out…
What is going on with Goblins arm and leg in this shot?
Either the worst bluescreen shot ever or there is something/someone piggybacking on the glider they don’t want us to see.

So who is our mystery glider-flyer? I don't think it's Dafoe, and the glider design doesn't match either his, DeHaan's or Franco's. Is Ned going to go all Hobgoblin on us??
So who is our mystery glider-flyer? I don't think it's Dafoe, and the glider design doesn't match either his, DeHaan's or Franco's. Is Ned going to go all Hobgoblin on us??

It's Dafoe. A few weeks back someone leaked, or maybe officially released because who can tell these days, concept art for the new Goblin look. It more or less matches this quick glimpse. It's base is the green flight suit from Dafoe's Gobby, but with new gold and purple bits to give it more color and texture and the goggles instead of the Power Ranger helmet. In the concept art, it almost looks like Norman used whatever was handy to repair the suit after it's damaged. Or maybe he just follows Otto in getting himself some upgrades.

Edit: See here, for reference: https://twitter.com/SpiderMan_News_/status/1454551704603545604
I can't wait to hear fan reaction when it turns out that Maguire and Garfield aren't even in the movie, or are only in the movie for quick shots of the multiverse.
Has Sony ever confirmed they were in the movie? Or even hinted? As far as I know they've just never denied the rumors.

Having the villains from Sony's non-MCU Spidey films appear in no way requires that the Spider-Men they faced to also appear.
The concept just screams it. Plus with the success of the Spider-Verse movie, it just makes sense to try something like that in live action.