Space Battleship Yamato 2202

Just a side note, as I haven't seen in mentioned here yet, but the 2199 adaptation manga by Michio Murakawa has been getting translated and published in the US by Dark Horse comics. The second volume just shipped, got mine last week. It's essentially the same story as the series, but has extra scenes and some more character moments added in, and the art is top notch. Four volumes have been announced and scheduled here, but it will be interesting as I'm not sure the full story is completed yet even in Japan.

Volume two available through Amazon here:
Good to know, however, my interest in anime related manga or novels depends on the anime since I usually watch that first. If I read the a manga or novel related to it, it's mostly because the manga or novel was the source and the anime did not completely adapt it leaving loose ends, I've read a few manga (reading 4 now), but if I had a preferred format it would be a novel series for all the extra world building detail.
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I actually agree, for me a manga is only of interest if it gives a better story in some way. I initially ordered this one to support the translation (same with the disks, under the theory that buying the English adaptations helps encourage them to keep doing them for future series), but was pleasantly surprised at the amount of extra scenes and dialog. It's been a little like getting a director's cut of the series.
The compellation film for Yamato 2202 will be released on January 15th, of 2021, with the BD coming out a month or so later. I have heard that this film will be done in an in-universe style documentary, covering the major events leading up to Yamato's launch in 2199, the voyage to Iscandar and back. The aftermath of the Gamilas War and the saving of Earth. Followed by the events of the war with Gatlantis (Yamato 2202) being the major part of the film. Since it is documentary style, they can point out details that would be glossed over in a drama. Things like production times, number of ships produced. Fleet losses. Casualties. Dispositions of fleets. Stuff like that. Thing you might see in a "historical" documentary.
I actually agree, for me a manga is only of interest if it gives a better story in some way. I initially ordered this one to support the translation (same with the disks, under the theory that buying the English adaptations helps encourage them to keep doing them for future series), but was pleasantly surprised at the amount of extra scenes and dialog. It's been a little like getting a director's cut of the series.
I do this too. I try to buy the manga/novels I'm interested in right after release in hopes it helps the company and hopefully gives the title better sales so they don't cancel it. Then I shelve them for future reading. I started doing this since I've had more than a few series I was reading be canceled by the publisher. Unfortunately now I have a huge book backlog, now...
It seems to cover a large range of time in universe:

1969 Mankind arrives on the moon.
2011 International Space Station completed.
2042 Mankind on Mars.
2111 Commencement of colonization on Mars.
2145 Bicentennial of the End of World War II
2164 Outbreak of the First Inner Planetary War
2183 End of the Second Inner Planetary War
2191 First contact with an alien civilization (Gamilus) and Outbreak of war
2198 Second Battle of Mars
2199 Iskandar's messenger crash landed on Mars.
2199 Space Battleship Yamato is launched and mankind's first faster-than-light navigation is successfully completed.
2200 Gamilus War ends.
2201 Confirmation of the existence of the dimensional time fault
2202: Gatlantis War begins
Weird... Assuming it's already done (or close to being done), and assuming it's over 90% animation (largely consisting of existing clips from already-released footage) that can be done at home, away from others, and it's going to be distributed via BRD, I'm not entirely sure what the purpose of this delay is. Seems horribly unnecessary.
Weird... Assuming it's already done (or close to being done), and assuming it's over 90% animation (largely consisting of existing clips from already-released footage) that can be done at home, away from others, and it's going to be distributed via BRD, I'm not entirely sure what the purpose of this delay is. Seems horribly unnecessary.
They probably still would rather release in a Theatre - and that won't happen until COVID-19 is more under control.
Theatrical release is put on hold. This sets back other releases for the time being. Theatrical release was the main source of income I think.
Hachette has just announced (and relayed through the Our Star Blazers website) that they’re going to do a 1:350 scale Andromeda kit subscription, starting March 10. Final build will be around 51 inches long - over 4 feet! It’s going to be a beast.

Sadly, I’ve already been soaking up my collectibles quota with all the Eaglemoss ship lines as well as the BTTF DeLorean build, so I’m not going to be able to do these kits as they’re being made available. Maybe someday, if the parts still remain available a year or two down the road. :(
Hachette has just announced (and relayed through the Our Star Blazers website) that they’re going to do a 1:350 scale Andromeda kit subscription, starting March 10. Final build will be around 51 inches long - over 4 feet! It’s going to be a beast.

Sadly, I’ve already been soaking up my collectibles quota with all the Eaglemoss ship lines as well as the BTTF DeLorean build, so I’m not going to be able to do these kits as they’re being made available. Maybe someday, if the parts still remain available a year or two down the road. :(

Yeah, I saw the release video on YouTube. That thing is massive! The hand reaching in to turn the turrets underscored how big it was. I wish I had the skills and the space in my tiny apartment to build and display something like that; it would be the pride and joy and the centerpiece of any collection.
It would indeed. I have the 1:350 E Refit and K’T’inga and a half-studio scale TOS Battlestar Galactica kits also waiting to be built. The 1:350 Yamato and Andromeda would have looked glorious next to them.

I have the skills and space for it, but sadly, my limitation is $$$ at present.