Sonequa Martin-Green is Your DSC Star

Hugo - so... any more female characters on this show???

Presumably so, given that there is only one aboard Discovery to date. As I understand it, Yeoh and Chieffo will have recurring roles rather than being part of the main cast (though such things can be blurred in shows these days).
I find TWD to b a generally dull and loathesome excuse for entertainment and abandoned it back in S3. I do not recall Martin-Green's character sadly, so find it hard to comment on her quality.

However, for all its many, many failings, the producers of TWD have rarely hired a poor actor. It is in fact the utter shite they have their poor cast doing and spouting that hurts the most. The show is a waste of their talents. Still, it's hugely successful so I hope they are all well reimbursed for their involvement.

Re: contracts etc... prior to announcing her casting there would have been significant contract negotiations between CBS/AMC/Martin-Green's agent. No doubt most things have been hashed out regarding how much (if any) time she will now spend on TWD and if the producers require her for their story shooting schedules will be amended accordingly.

I hope she is able to benefit from both shows, giving her the opportunity to broaden her exposure. Still, in the end ST DISCO will be the little "niche" show out of the two and she is likely to gain far more exposure from TWD globally than ST at this stage. If I were her agent I'd try to keep her going on both - as long as it doesn't burn her out of course!

Hugo - so... any more female characters on this show???

Martin-Green was not in TWD in season 3 and FWIW I think the show got better after season 3 - although this past season it has started to go back down in quality.
There's no reason the character--introduced as Number 1--cant be called Lt Cmdr Rainsford.
IMDB has her listed as Rainsford. Not sure if thats a finalised name or just the casting name they were using but.... step closer not speculating any more.
She's listed as Rainsford on Wiki, too, but it doesn't cite any references.
It could just be a placeholder name until they settle on the final name or announce it. That happens.
Or someone made it up and submitted it to imdb, then someone else saw it there and it popped up on various wikis, from there it will make its way to publications to lazy to actually fact check and assume a wiki is an actual believable source.

If the name doesn't show up in a press release it's most likely BS.
Or someone made it up and submitted it to imdb, then someone else saw it there and it popped up on various wikis, from there it will make its way to publications to lazy to actually fact check and assume a wiki is an actual believable source.

If the name doesn't show up in a press release it's most likely BS.
Yeah Michelle Yeoh's character was reported as Han Bo before CBS announced the actual name.
Martin-Green was not in TWD in season 3 and FWIW I think the show got better after season 3 - although this past season it has started to go back down in quality.
Personally, I thought the show has gotten worse. I abandoned it by season 6, then got sucked back in, only to leave it for good on the Season 7 torture porn debut. If someone asked me if they missed much after leaving by Season 3, I'd say, no, and in fact they got out while the getting was good. The show is just an ongoing exercise of "let's see how we can kill yet another main character off in the most gruesome way possible, without providing a single shred of actual entertainment, or positive message." TWD is like the total antithesis and complete opposite of Roddenberry's vision, if you think about it.

That said, Martin-Green is a fine actress. I am hoping she brings some of the vibe of Sasha, as well as maybe something akin to Zoe Washburn from Firefly.
The high point of TWD was "look at the flowers.". Since then it's been slinking downhill. I actually liked the first half of last season, where it was all one day (except the damn dumpster) but the second half had a big drop in quality. And now with Neagen I have lost a lot of interest. It's no longer the must see TV it once was.
Well, I haven't really liked the show since the conclusion of the Governor arc. I know it's a show about zombies and all, but it has just gotten so hopeless and depressing. There is no hope for a cure, or rebuilding society, and the only growth characters experience is the continual degeneration into basically villains, and a mentality of eff everyone I'm looking out for myself. Not a very positive message. The show and the characters in it simply exist to for perpetual suffering. Some of my reason for investing myself in a show, is to escape reality for a bit. Not that my life is all that bad, but I do like to escape from the daily grind sometimes. Which is why I have been a fan of Star Trek. Even in shows like DS9, there is still a positive message, that you don't get with TWD.
^^I find starting with the fifth season, particularly in the second half, TWD stopped being as dark and started injecting a bit less depression in the episodes. There's even been two light-hearted episodes in the past year.
^^I find starting with the fifth season, particularly in the second half, TWD stopped being as dark and started injecting a bit less depression in the episodes. There's even been two light-hearted episodes in the past year.

Like Darryl & Rick chasing Jesus in a segment that only needed the Benny Hill theme song.
If Martin-Green is cast in the lead, many fans are going to do their best to make her life a living hell. She is a woman and non-white. It's going to be doubly hard for her.

By the way, although she is supposed to be the lead character, she will not be the ship's commander. I guess Fuller, CBS or whomever, lacked the guts to make her the one in command. Figures.
If Martin-Green is cast in the lead, many fans are going to do their best to make her life a living hell. She is a woman and non-white. It's going to be doubly hard for her.

By the way, although she is supposed to be the lead character, she will not be the ship's commander. I guess Fuller, CBS or whomever, lacked the guts to make her the one in command. Figures.

I thought the whole point of the show from the get-go was that it was to be from the point of view of someone who is NOT the commander of a ship.
I thought the whole point of the show from the get-go was that it was to be from the point of view of someone who is NOT the commander of a ship.
Exactly. I think it's a nice change of pace. Kind of like that TNG episode, "Lower Decks".