Sonequa Martin-Green is Your DSC Star

Exactly. I think it's a nice change of pace. Kind of like that TNG episode, "Lower Decks".
Lower Decks is, for my money, one of TNG's finest moments. Changing up the scenery like that can really create some exciting new stories. That's what I'm hoping for with DSC.
I thought the whole point of the show from the get-go was that it was to be from the point of view of someone who is NOT the commander of a ship.

Yes, they said so. They wanted someone with a lower rank. Although if she really plays Number One, so the first officer, it won't really be much of a change. When they announced, that they wanted to tell stories from a different perspective than usual, I imagined someone lower in the ranking order.
If Martin-Green is cast in the lead, many fans are going to do their best to make her life a living hell. She is a woman and non-white. It's going to be doubly hard for her.

By the way, although she is supposed to be the lead character, she will not be the ship's commander. I guess Fuller, CBS or whomever, lacked the guts to make her the one in command. Figures.
Yet, they still cannot cast a non-white woman as both the lead and ship's captain in a series. Hmmm.
Yet, they still cannot cast a non-white woman as both the lead and ship's captain in a series. Hmmm.
To be fair, we don't yet know who the captain of the Discovery will be. The captain very well could be a woman or person of color. I'll be disappointed if they cast a straight white man as captain, but we don't know who it is yet.

EDIT: My running theory for now is that the captain in season 1 will be, well, let's say a bit of a redshirt. I think Martin-Green's Number One will be captain by season 2. Just a theory though.
Yet, they still cannot cast a non-white woman as both the lead and ship's captain in a series. Hmmm.

They have already cast a non-white woman as an admiral though, who will be the superior of whoever will be the captain. That counts also for something.
They have? Who?

Sorry, was wrong. Yeoh "only" plays another Captain. Although it wouldn't surprise me, if we will see a female non-white Admiral in the series nevertheless, just played by someone else. We really don't know so many characters yet.
If Martin-Green is cast in the lead, many fans are going to do their best to make her life a living hell. She is a woman and non-white. It's going to be doubly hard for her.
Then those "fans" are idiots and we shouldn't be paying them any attention.
Yes, they said so. They wanted someone with a lower rank. Although if she really plays Number One, so the first officer, it won't really be much of a change. When they announced, that they wanted to tell stories from a different perspective than usual, I imagined someone lower in the ranking order.
They're trying to break the mold the latter Trek series, particularly Voyager, especially Enterprise, where the main cast is the ship's senior staff and that rather than creating a show about characters you want to tell stories about, they were only filling the job slots of the ship's crew, Captain, XO, pilot, engineer, security officer, doctor, and on. With Discovery, they actually are going to be selecting characters they want to tell stories about rather than just staffing a starship. This is a good thing, and something I've long felt Star Trek was in serious need to do.
Although it wouldn't surprise me, if we will see a female non-white Admiral in the series nevertheless, just played by someone else. We really don't know so many characters yet.
The character information leaked in the summer indicated there would be two Admirals in the show, at least one of them is almost guaranteed to be a woman.
What's the life expectancy of a Denobulan?
Couple hundred years, IIRC. At least I recall Phlox talking about a grandparent who was alive two hundred years earlier, rather long time for a grandparent.
If Martin-Green is cast in the lead, many fans are going to do their best to make her life a living hell. She is a woman and non-white. It's going to be doubly hard for her.

Yeah, that's not going to happen (that "living hell from the fans" nonsense, I mean.)
Yet, they still cannot cast a non-white woman as both the lead and ship's captain in a series. Hmmm.

That's a nonsense way of keeping score. There's no meaningful achievement or progress in casting a character of a particular rank. What matters is the significance of the part to the production. The lead is the lead is the lead.

Walter Koenig told the story of embarrassing himself with his excitement upon learning that Chekov would be a lieutenant commander in ST:TMP, since the fictional rank had nothing to do with his importance to the story. He put it succinctly: "I've seen lots of movies where the leads played Army privates and the generals were played by extras."
Exactly. I think it's a nice change of pace. Kind of like that TNG episode, "Lower Decks".
The first thing I thought of when I heard the concept was M*A*S*H, where the commander was a supporting character. Of course, the same is true of almost every cop show in history, where the heroes have to report back to a captain.