Single Best Voyager Episode?


Red Shirt
I hate to say it, but after all these years, I'm not remembering individual Voyager episodes as well as the other series. I'm curious, though, whether anyone remembers if there was a single episode of the series that really was given the "Best of the Best" ranking for the series. I'm thinking similar to "City on the Edge of Forever" for TOS, "The Inner Light" for TNG, and "The Visitor" for DS9.

For the life of me, I'm just not thinking there ever was one of these truly GREAT gems in the seven year run. That's not to say there were no good or even wonderful shows, but not one that much of fandom stood behind and said, "If there's only one, ya gotta see this one!"

Any suggestions?
I'd go with Timeless though Blink of an Eye might be better as far as objective bestness.
I don't think I can choose one episode that stands above the rest. It's apples verses oranges with some episodes, one being better than the other depending on my mood.
I can't remember them all since I don't have a series collection for it, but I'll have to say that I'll never be able to forget "Threshold". Unfortunately.
I've always put Living Witness up there in the "inner light" echelon of Trek. It featured a great story with Voyager's best character and actor in the lead role.
"Cold Fire"

It has everything. Spooky, exciting from beginning to end. The struggle between good and evil.

Not to mention that it has Kes as the main character. ;)

I'll give it five points out of five!
^Did Tuvok make a security protocol for her after that episode? She did accidentally melt his face.
dstyer, you need look no further than the Third Season (2 part) episode: "Future's End." This is STAR TREK at its finest! It's a Time Travel story that actually works in its construct. The script is in shape. The main characters in VOYAGER are all in their proper positions and in focus. Not to mention the rather dishy Sarah Silverman guest stars and plays a prominent role ...

dstyer, you need look no further than the Third Season (2 part) episode: "Future's End." This is STAR TREK at its finest! It's a Time Travel story that actually works in its construct. The script is in shape. The main characters in VOYAGER are all in their proper positions and in focus. Not to mention the rather dishy Sarah Silverman guest stars and plays a prominent role ...


Yes! I totally agree!

"Futures End" is an excellent episode. Definitely one of my favorite episodes of Voyager.

Not to mention Henry Starling who is an excellent villain.

Obviously the man has some support as well! :)
"Year of Hell", due to Kurtwood Smith. I think he was the best guest star they ever had.

This is the problem I have with "Best of" lists. One's decisions on episodes can vary from actors' performances, episode overall, an intriguing but clumsy story point, anything.
I gave up long ago on "best" lists. I enjoy too much of Voyager to have one favourite episode.

And I personally didn't think "The Inner Light" or "The Vistor" were particularly special, so I doubt my idea of a favourite would mesh with the OP's, anyway. To me it's entertainment, not high art.
I'll give you five off the top of my head:

Future's End

Death Wish

Year of Hell


Living Witness

Give me five minutes and I'll be kicking myself for not including awesome episodes I'm not currently remembering.
A few of my faves:
Someone to Watch Over Me
Year of Hell
Futures End
Living Witness
Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy
Eye of the Needle
Dark Frontier
Child's Play
Message in a Bottle
Body and Soul
Any episode that makes the audience actually think about an issue presented in it is a success in my book. It doesn't even have to be the main story point.
Here are my top 5 favorites:

1 Cold Fire
2 Persistence Of Vision
3 Caretaker
4 Warlord
5 Basics (part 1 and 2)