Shuttlepod Show on YouTube

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Is there going to be an actual "podcast" audio version of this? Or just the YouTube feed?
It’s on both. The YouTube videos post a few days before the audio postcast uploads.

I have not posted on this part of this forum in years. Though Enterprise is what brought me to TrekBBS. I love that they are doing this. I was aware of it but only in the last week took the time to catch-up on all episodes.

It seems common that co-stars who do become friends, it happens from doing convention appearances after their series ended. While filming they were too focused on doing the work.
Youtube posted their interview with JuliAnne Christie who played Ah'len and it she has some really interesting stories.She acted in a movie with Eddie Murphy .
That was really fun! Fascinating that they guys had never seen her without makeup until this interview. That is probably very common with guest stars who had heady makeup. Her voice and shape of he face was still very recognizable even though I have not seen her episode in years.

The schedule is the videos first upload to YouTube on Sundays and the audio podcast on Tuesdays. Lately I have a brief 2 hour work shift on Sundays and listen to the video as I go. Nice to take a peak at the video in downtime. I often listen to the podcast later in the week again.

They already interviewed Anthony Montgomery this past week for a later episode. That only leaves Linda, Scott, and Jolene for the main cast. I suspect the last two are going to be hard to get for different reasons.
I really enjoy watching their video interviews. I also thought it was interesting when they mentioned it was the first time to see Julieann without her alien makeup.I watch their videos in my downtime too.It will be good to see Anthony Montgomery on their show.
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The latest Shuttlepod show interview is with director David Livingston and he tells some really interesting things about directing Shuttlepod one and other Enterprise shows.Connor says they're going to do more interviews with people who worked behind the scenes of making Enterprise .
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That was a very strong episode. Nice to get such a detailed discussion on the prep and filming of the ShuttlePod One. Hope we really do see more of that from those behind the scenes.

Interesting that Conner mentioned Rick Berman as potential guest in the future. At this point I am guessing more as a hypothetical guest.

Reading what has come to light over the years and hinted here - Berman never got the credit he deserves for stopping executives at UPN from turning ENT into something unrecognizable.
Shuttlepod show has posted their interview with Anthony Montgomery. It's a great interview and worth listening to.
To be honest those people do not matter to me. It’s a big reason I mainly lurk here. “Fan-Dumbs” are not interested in facts but creating their own mythologies that suit their own agendas . It’s certainly not limited to Star Trek.

Which is why its great for things like this podcast to exist. The people who actually worked on this stuff can speak of what really happened. Those of us willing to listen can. Ignore the irrelevant.

Connor posted a video today that they are visiting Rick Berman’s House on Wednesday to record a new episode. That is much sooner than I expected.
It’ll be interesting to see Berman.

I listened to the ‘Shrancast’ whilst doing other things the other day. Not just interesting from a Trek perspective, but interesting to learn how the entertainment world worked in times of yore.
I posted a question on Facebook. Anthony and others have mentioned their original contracts covered movies. Was that part of the DS9 and Voyager casts contracts even though it that never happened? How serious was that? Following superhero movies and other franchises I am very aware that most film and contracts cover every possible eventuality. Including seasons and sequels that sometimes never get made.

So often that is more big business, studios and networks trying to get a good deal in the beginning IF that stuff every happens. Fans often do not understand that it was all hypothetical.

Perfect example all the plans Manny Coto talked about for a season 5. If it was never going to happen, it’s just a wishlist or fan fiction.

I normally never submit questions or even ask at the few cons I been to. I figure most are asked by others already. Might try to ask multiple, not just with Rick but other guests in the future.
Yes they're awesome. The latest Shuttlepod show is Connor and Dominic answering fan question and tell some good stories of actor jobs on tv shows they've starred in.
It’s so wonderfully surreal to see Connor and Dominic be friends in real life too. My perception over the years of watching and being part of many different fandoms - this is what you hope to be true. Honestly some fans naively assume all actors who work together are best friends in real life. But the reality is not always that. Often actors are just co-workers with no ill will towards each other but drift apart.

So to see these two doing a regular show together, often from Conner’s house!!!, is something to be treasured. Especially for someone like me who has never never been to a Trek convention. Though watching this has motivated to look at my options.
That will be interesting that Brannon Braga be interviewed by them. And what stories he has to tell while working on Enterprise.
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