Ships of the Line 2013

The Wormhole

Fleet Admiral
Admiral just posted a preview on 2013's Star Trek calendars, which includes a look at the back cover of Ships of the Line. Unfortunately, they only have it in one size, and some of those it's rather hard to tell what it is. Here's what I think is there:

-The big one is obviously the original Enterprise with three DY-100s (or rather, freighters like the Wodin).
-Then there's what appears to be the Enterprise's hangar deck from TMP.
-A new image of the ringship Enterprise in a nebula with something else in the distance which I can't quite make out.
-The next two seem to both be of Enterprise NX-01, though I can't make out any details beyond that.
-Then we have the original Enterprise in lunar orbit with a shuttle approaching.
-The Enterprise D and the original Enterprise facing each other among clouds.
-The original Enterprise in some red nebula.
-A shuttlecraft from TNG's early years leaving a shuttlebay.
-The spacedock frame seen at the end of Nemesis.
-Something attacking the Enterprise D.
-DS9 with the Defiant flying by.
-What looks like one of the concept designs of the Enterprise for Phase II or TMP.

Anyone have any thoughts on this? Care to confirm or contradict my interpratations? Anyone got a bigger image of these so we can all know for sure what's there?
The cover image on the 2013 TOS calendar is the same one from the 1987 TOS calendar, just cropped more! :lol: Well, I guess it's not like they're making any new publicity photos from a 1960s TV show.

-A new image of the ringship Enterprise in a nebula with something else in the distance which I can't quite make out.

It looks to me like a Mark Rademaker double act, the ringship and the Vesta-class, representing the earliest and latest endpoints of known starship design (not counting possible futures).

-The next two seem to both be of Enterprise NX-01, though I can't make out any details beyond that.

The former looks like two shuttlepods leaving the ship and flying toward the camera; the latter is a formation of three ships, at least the forward two of which (and probably all three) are NX-class.

-The Enterprise D and the original Enterprise facing each other among clouds.

It suggests a new twist on the opening of "Tomorrow is Yesterday..." Oops! ;)

-The original Enterprise in some red nebula.

No, that's the refit E or the E-A, or another ship of that class.

-A shuttlecraft from TNG's early years leaving a shuttlebay.

Which looks to me like an Andrew Probert painting.

-Something attacking the Enterprise D.

That's a Constellation-class ship -- I'd guess it's a shot from the war games in "Peak Performance."

-DS9 with the Defiant flying by.

Plus something else flying by to its left, maybe a runabout, and what looks like a Galaxy-class ship docked at an upper pylon.

-What looks like one of the concept designs of the Enterprise for Phase II or TMP.

Looks more to me like the Belknap class designed by fan artist Todd Guenther in 1987. At least it's rather similar, a movie-era design with the nacelles splayed out to the sides of the secondary hull.
...The dimensions are a bit off for a Belknap, though, as is the pylon configuration. Might even be a "TOS Belknap" (or "Decatur").

I wonder what interesting detail will be revealed in that Probert painting (the TNG one, not the TMP matte). Will his shuttlebay match what we saw in TNG, or perhaps elegantly bend the studio reality a bit more towards the original artistic intent?

Also, is the ship in the TOS calendar supposed to be leaving Vanguard or what?

Timo Saloniemi
No, that's the refit E or the E-A, or another ship of that class.

(Note: After doing a double a triple-take I edited this, rewording it from an earlier claim in which I stated for sure that it had to be TV series.)
Honestly, it's really hard to tell. The nacelles look round, like the TV series style, but they also look swept back like the movie era.
No, if you mean the one in the red nebula, those are definitely movie-era nacelles, with the V-shaped backswept pylons, the dark grilles along the sides, and the slanted forward ends.
At least there is not a Tomorrow is Yesterday scene with the jet and the Enterprise again.
Wasn't Rademaker planning on having a picture of the refit Voyager in the 2013 calendar? Iwas disappointed to not see Voyager in there.

I REALLY like the one of the original E with the moon.
The red nebula pic is almost certainly a refit Connie, the running lights at the ends of the nacelles are a giveaway.
One of these days, I'd love to see someone make the attempt to design the rest of the convoy from that mini-series...

And preferably also a Challenger that would at least roughly match the description from the book. And a Chesapeake class that would provide the raw ingredients for that!

Timo Saloniemi
The F-104 was scene was used in 2007 and 2012 to nearly the exact same scene. I admit they are both good renders, but let's see something that hasn't been featured before. I do like how the calendar is now featuring other ships and new designs.
-What looks like one of the concept designs of the Enterprise for Phase II or TMP.

Looks more to me like the Belknap class designed by fan artist Todd Guenther in 1987. At least it's rather similar, a movie-era design with the nacelles splayed out to the sides of the secondary hull.
Close, but no cigar. :D It seems to me that Dan Uyeno got to do another ship for this year's calendar, since the first render in this blog post looks identical to the December picture.