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Spoilers Section 31 General Discussion Thread

A Section 31 series. Yay or nay?

  • Yay, a Section 31 series!

    Votes: 78 39.8%
  • Nay, give us anything else instead!

    Votes: 118 60.2%

  • Total voters
They can be hands on if they want and more important maybe they can hire the right people to make the shows.
Most of the people Kurtzman has hired have worked out pretty well. Akiva Goldsman with SNW, Mike McMahan with Lower Decks, the Hagemans with Prodigy. And though I personally don't think too highly of him as a writer, Terry Matalas does have a segment of Trek fandom devoted to him. And I will remind you, Matalas was hired by Kurtzman, who mandated him to make Picard S3 a TNG reunion.
I am looking at what James Gunn seems to be doing at D.C. One guy with a vision can turn things around instantly. Maybe it's to early to tell but it feels like he is quickly fixing all the mistakes done by Snyder and others who were running things.
You're getting ahead of yourself there. James Gunn's new DC era doesn't officially start until this summer with Superman's release. And while I don't doubt it will be a good movie, it's still too early to be crowning him the savior of DC's films.

Besides, while Snyder himself and his DC movies were flawed, that era did have some good movies, like the Wonder Woman movies and the first Aquaman.
Yes, both of them. 1984 had its flaws and plot holes, sure, but it was still an enjoyable film overall.

Well, I still think it's too early to be crowning James Gunn the Savior of DC or to offer my firstborn to him or anything like that.
Better line up early. I hear there might be a wait.
So Georgiou seems to be wearing contact lenses in S31...do we think this is some kind of justification regarding the stupid DSC MU eye thing? Or just done for aesthetic purposes?

I honestly can't remember if she wore them in DSC season three and I'm way too lazy to look. ;)
I just checked screencaps and she doesn't have the lenses when they go outside, so it seems to just be a fashion choice when she's at her club/station/ship thing.

and the Chameloid doesn't wear his lenses when he's a Chameloid :shrug:
Quasi does have yellow eyes though?
IIRC, her eyes turn yellow when she takes that drug that Alok gives her early in the movie; there even is a subtle audio cue accompanying it. They stay yellow for a while and in the course of the movie’s events the effect seems to subside so that when they are on that “safe house” planet her eyes have become normal again. It’s a bit confusing, since they have a character whose eyes are always (or almost always) yellow, but I think the intention was that both instances of yellow eyes are not connected. What’s also confusing is that Alok’s eyes don’t become yellow, even though he also seems to take the drug. Maybe an indication of his augment nature?
IIRC, her eyes turn yellow when she takes that drug that Alok gives her early in the movie
They're yellow before that, for the entirety of "Coded Transmission 1". Then they go away for the rest of the movie and only return for the "Final Transmission" ending.
They're yellow before that, for the entirety of "Coded Transmission 1". Then they go away for the rest of the movie and only return for the "Final Transmission" ending.
Dang, you are right! I totally missed that. So much for my theory then. :lol: Then I guess your theory makes more sense and it’s just some fashion choice. Like many things they seem to not have thought that through.
So you did a Google search and came up with a show from 2020? Four years ago isn't "Now." :lol:

It's also a show with pretty good review scores across several sites. And several wins and nominations for various awards.

Might not be the burn you think it is. ;)

Yeah, they appear to be largely unemployable after Discovery. No studios lining up to take them. I wonder why.

Explains a lot that you think Star Trek writers should have a background in shows made for teen girls. Star Trek has had dozens of talented writers lining up who'd love a shot at running a show and you often end up with these guys. Even when you get a talented writer on board, you have them being told what they can and can't do cause they're told they want it to be "too Star Trek".
Yeah, they appear to be largely unemployable after Discovery. No studios lining up to take them. I wonder why.

Explains a lot that you think Star Trek writers should have a background in shows made for teen girls. Star Trek has had dozens of talented writers lining up who'd love a shot at running a show and you often end up with these guys. Even when you get a talented writer on board, you have them being told what they can and can't do cause they're told they want it to be "too Star Trek".
They should have a background in writing TV shows. That’s the skill set. It’s transferable from genre to genre. “In the Wink of An Eye” was written by a woman who hosted a kids show with puppets. Berman’s previous show was for kids.

Maybe try to stop ghettoizing other genres in your attempts to criticize. It makes you look ill informed.

Here's an excerpt from the TOS writer's guide. You'll note that genre shaming isn't on the list

I. Build your episode on an action-adventure framework. We must reach out, hold and entertain a mass audience of some 20.,000,000 people or we
simply don't stay on the air.

II. Tell your story about people, not about science
and gadgetry. Joe Friday doesn't stop to explain the mechanics of his .38 before he uses it; Kildare never did a monologue about the theory of anesthetics; Matt Dillon never identifies and discusses the breed of his horse before he rides off on it.

III. Keep in mind that science fiction is not a separate
field of literature with rules of its own, but, indeed, needs the same ingredients as any story -- including a jeopardy of some type to someone
we learn to care about, climactic build, sound
motivitation, you know the list.

IV. Then, with that firm foundation established, interweave in it any statement to be made about man,
society and so on. Yes, we want you to have something to say, but say it entertainingly as you do on any other show. We don't need essays, however brilliant.

V. Remember always that STAR TREK is never fantasy; whatever happens, no matter how unusual or bizarre, must have some basis in either fact or theory and stay true to that premise (don't give the enemy Starflight capability and then have them engage our vessel with grappling hooks and drawn swords.)

VI. Don't try to tell a story about whole civilizations . We've never yet been able to get a usable story from a writer who began... "I see the strange civilization which...".

VII. Stop worrying about not being a scientist. How
many cowboys, police officers and doctors wrote westerns, detective and hospital shows?
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