Season THREE OFFICIAL TNG Blu-Ray Discussion Thread

^ There are no plans to adjust the framing of the episode. From what I understand, it would involve rescanning and editing together the whole episode again from scratch.

So it's not a matter of the remastering team choosing to have a tighter image of the episode, but that the episode was scanned incorrectly?
It would be the finalizing of the ep that was flawed, not the scanning.

So if they have the scanned files, why rescan them as you suggested?

Possible they didn't keep backups? In any case, it would still require reassembling the entire episode I guess. Would be nice if it were cropped correctly, but for a single episode it's not a huge deal.
Was it really the entire episode that was cropped? I thought it was just a few scenes like the one in Ten-Forward.

Because if it is the entire episode, then I really DON'T see what the big deal is. Other than the poorly centered credits in the beginning, I didn't notice a problem with the framing at all (like cut off heads, etc).
It would be the finalizing of the ep that was flawed, not the scanning.

So if they have the scanned files, why rescan them as you suggested?
I never suggested that they should rescan the film. I said I wanted them to fix it, and FrontierTrek said that this would not be possible without rescanning. Which sounds like an excuse on CBS' part to me, but I have no info to base that off of. But how likely does it seem that they scanned everything and then discarded the digital files completely once the Blu-rays were burnt and sent out? And if it were an error in scanning, how is it that all the non-FX shots have less image and all the FX shots have extra image?

It's not a super big deal, I just wish it weren't the case. :)
The 2K film scan would have been of the Full Camera Aperture (the entire exposed image -- just like what you see in the S2 gag reel). What this is about is CBS Digital doesn't want to spend the time and money to re-conform the episode from scratch by going back to the originally scanned files/tapes which they most certainly still have.

CBS's conform process is rather complicated (See here). Though you could argue that the hard part has already been done -- the correct shots have all been found. :)
I don't suppose we could hope for any kind of 'pepping up' of the rather lame space battle in "Yesterday's Enterprise" and/or a retooling of the Enterprise-C model to that which was originally intended for it? (the one that's on the briefing room wall of the D)

The Ent-C is what it is, unfortunately. Changing it to Probert's Ambassador-class would likely piss-off as many people as it would satisfy.

As for the battle FX, I personally love them. The way the ships move and fire slowly really gives weight (literally) to them. The shot of Ent-D turning into position before the fight starts, and the firing from the trailer, are some of my favourite shots of the series. I prefer that than to see the ships zipping about like they have no mass at all.

Having said that, I do wish CBS-D would replace the Bird of Prey explosion with something a little more dimensional.
It's great that it's higher definition, but I'm still disappointed by the missed opportunity they're deliberately making by not improving the special effects in any way. Recompositing is nice, yes, but if an effect looked a bit hokey, why not replace it with something better? Why not give us more than just the same Romulan Warbirds and Excelsior/Miranda/Oberth ships in Starfleet? I might buy this out of loyalty for Star Trek, but only when the price drops. I seriously hope they rethink their stance on redoing the FX at some point.
It's a remastering, not a reimagining. They are taking the correct stance in preserving the show how it was, first and foremost.

If they want to do an alternative version as a viewing option (with new effects, new ships, whatever), they can make that decision afterwards. In the meantime, I want to see the original work as it was made in the 80s/90s, with as much clarity as possible.

On the one hand, cropping top/bottom for 16:9 treatment is dismissed by many, but on the other hand, cropping a 4:3 frame to an even smaller area, showing even lesser of the original footage, is okay?
Neither is okay, but the latter doesn't destroy the shot composition, so it's the lesser of two evils.
Sad thing with season 3 on the horizon is that we only have one more season after that of Ron Jones. TNG music became largely cookie-cutter and forgettable after he left, with a couple exceptions (Inner Light). Thanks, Rick.

Watching so much of season 1 and 2 lately, and it's quite clear from the get-go which episodes were scored by Jones. The music sets a mood, and there are actual melodies.
Watching so much of season 1 and 2 lately, and it's quite clear from the get-go which episodes were scored by Jones. The music sets a mood, and there are actual melodies.

Yeah, the music in some Season 1 episodes was really outstanding. It really resonated emotionally at times.
It's a remastering, not a reimagining. They are taking the correct stance in preserving the show how it was, first and foremost.

If they want to do an alternative version as a viewing option (with new effects, new ships, whatever), they can make that decision afterwards. In the meantime, I want to see the original work as it was made in the 80s/90s, with as much clarity as possible.

I'm just going to assume when the TOS blu-rays were announced, this place went up in flames.
It's really too bad they didn't have the original film elements for the model work on TOS though. I would have loved to have seen them after they'd been cleaned up.
Yesterday I was searching around trying to find out more about Season 3, and see if a release date was out, and found an interview with Roger Ley Jr. on One thing that I found out was they are going to do a tribute to Michael Piller on the special features. That is cool. He really was the guy who turned TNG around and made Season 3 what it was. Still wish we knew a release date though.
I could be wrong, but I think I read somewhere (maybe on TheDigitalBits or something) that they are shooting for April.

Don't quote me on that though.
I could be wrong, but I think I read somewhere (maybe on TheDigitalBits or something) that they are shooting for April.

Don't quote me on that though.

That's what trekcore has said as well. I'm actually looking for when the series will be available for pre-order, since last week I got a giftcard from Amazon and kind of want to use it. I guess it doesn't matter too much since I'm using it for TNG, but I would have thought a date for pre-orders would be coming soon.
It would have to be April at the latest if they wanted to release 3 seasons in the year. April, August, December sounds about right.

I suppose CBS will be announcing something by the end of February.
Is that confirmed is it April when S3 because this season is my favorite season some really good stories and the best cliffhanger in any Star Trek series !!! I've been looking on line with amazon uk but I can't pre order it yet.:wah::sigh: