Season THREE OFFICIAL TNG Blu-Ray Discussion Thread

I noticed a lot of the live action shots are nearly blown out, I really hope those are before color correction, I was temporarily blinded.

I know season 3 is where things got bright but those luma levels were way too high for comfortable viewing.

Yeah I know. They got it so bright the black of the uniforms doesn't even appear black anymore. Which is not only unflattering, but makes them look a lot less cool.
Hanging out. S3 was when I really got into TNG. I remember when I bought a Stereo VCR the first episode I watched was "Tin Man". I can't WAIT to see it in Full HD. I wasn't that fussed about seasons 1 and 2 but S3... bring it.
Syfy (I have to admit, I've been watching a bit more Syfy channel this week with the 20th anniversary special and today, and I still hate that name) has been running a marathon of TNG Season 3 and I have to say, I can't wait till this set comes out. I'm enjoying Season 2 (Even though the quality is not as good as Season 1) but season 3 is really when everything started clicking and to just get episodes like Yesterday's Enterprise Remastered will be awesome. Heck, even some of the lesser episodes like another one I watched today, A Matter of Perspective, will also look great remastered, especially when we know CBS-Digital is doing it. I will definitely be going to the movie theater to see Yesterday's Enterprise and Best of Both Worlds (Honestly, how can it not be these two episodes featured) on the big screen.
It's about a decade now since I've watched TNG all the way through. I picked up the DVDs years ago but never got around to it. Last year I was about to start and then word got out about the BDs so I decided to wait and watch as the BDs were released. Got to say, I'm glad I did it that way. Even with the audio flaws, I loved rewatching the first season again. I'm thoroughly enjoying season two at the moment, even the duff episodes, and I'm positively salivating at the prospect of HD season three! Yesterday's Enterprise, Best of Both Worlds, The Defector.....bring it on!
Yeah, can't wait for Season 3, probably my 2nd or 3rd favourite season. It's when TNG really hit its stride. There were very few bad episodes, unlike the first two seasons which had their fair share of clunkers. It got off to a solid, if not quite spectacular, start and then from around the middle of the season, just started hitting it out of the park! Cannot wait to see it in HD with more great special features!
I never owned S1 or S2 on DVD initially. I watched them when they first aired but had no interest in buying the sets. I'm happy to have them in HD now though.
Looking forward to season three in a big way:bolian: TNG hit it's stride in season 3! One of the best series cliff hangers of all time:D Bring it on!

Any idea on a release date?
Looking forward to season three in a big way:bolian: TNG hit it's stride in season 3! One of the best series cliff hangers of all time:D Bring it on!

Any idea on a release date?

They're shooting for April, with Enterprise S1 a month or so before

Hadn't heard that Enterprise was coming so soon. Just had a quick look and found the Digital Bits news piece about it - OT, but the footnote at the bottom of that page makes reference to a rumoured X-Files BD release in 2013 as well! Hallelujah 2013 is shaping up to be a great year for HD releases! :techman:

Looking forward to season three in a big way:bolian: TNG hit it's stride in season 3! One of the best series cliff hangers of all time:D Bring it on!

Any idea on a release date?

They're shooting for April, with Enterprise S1 a month or so before

Hadn't heard that Enterprise was coming so soon. Just had a quick look and found the Digital Bits news piece about it - OT, but the footnote at the bottom of that page makes reference to a rumoured X-Files BD release in 2013 as well! Hallelujah 2013 is shaping up to be a great year for HD releases! :techman:


Yup! X-Files may indeed by gracing Blu-Ray soon :)

Enterprise S1 should be mid-late March. And the bonus features are looking great... TNG S3 too!
Yup! X-Files may indeed by gracing Blu-Ray soon :)

Enterprise S1 should be mid-late March. And the bonus features are looking great... TNG S3 too!

T'will be interesting to see how FHE handle the XF BDs - remaster or upscale? Please let it be the former!

ENT - presumably it's just a case of re-scanning at 1080p, given that the HDTV versions would have been 1080i//720p?
Xfiles are coming to BD too?
OMG, that will be a very expensive 2013. Star Trek TNG and E, Xfiles, the James Dean Movies...
Guess I've got to speak to my boss to get a raise...:rommie:
So is X-Files another situation where they shot on film and edited in video? Those reruns usually look about as crappy as the TNG ones, so I assume it must have been.
ENT - presumably it's just a case of re-scanning at 1080p, given that the HDTV versions would have been 1080i//720p?

CBS is probably going to just pull the D5 HD master tapes off the shelf and encode directly to Blu-ray from those. Unlike the other shows, ENT was finished in 1080/24p HD from the get go.

But, as has been mentioned many times before, the VFX plates in the early seasons were composited at D1 resolution (480i), then upconverted back to 1080p (after removing the 3:2 pulldown, of course) during the online edit.
I am curious to see if CBS will airbrush Counselor Troi when she is onboard the Sheliak ship. Her appearance in that one scene pushes the envelope on a family show.