Season THREE OFFICIAL TNG Blu-Ray Discussion Thread

Forgive me if this has been asked, but are they going to do blu-rayed DS9, VOY & ENT sets concurrently with the TNG BD releases?

As opposed to waiting till one whole series is complete before starting the next.
Forgive me if this has been asked, but are they going to do blu-rayed DS9, VOY & ENT sets concurrently with the TNG BD releases?

As opposed to waiting till one whole series is complete before starting the next.

Enterprise will be released concurrently with TNG.

DS9 and Voyager have not been officially green-lit by CBS yet.
Forgive me if this has been asked, but are they going to do blu-rayed DS9, VOY & ENT sets concurrently with the TNG BD releases?

As opposed to waiting till one whole series is complete before starting the next.

Enterprise will be released concurrently with TNG.

DS9 and Voyager have not been officially green-lit by CBS yet.

Although it will be kind of weird at this point if they don't, since they're giving Enterprise a proper full HD release and with TNG doing so well so far.

I really really hope that DS9, at least, gets a good remastering. It really does deserve it and as FX heavy as that show was in particular, I would argue it needs one as much as more than TNG.
If sales figures for Enterprise get close enough to the TNG season set figures, you can bet your bottom dollar that CBS-D will work on restoring DS9 and Voyager for Blu-Ray.

I have yet to see my TNG seasons 1 and 2 blus, as I haven't attained my HDTV and Blu-Ray system, but I am absolutely buying into these sets.

The stills and side-by-sides, plus the details of the staggering work that is going into the project, have my jaw permanently dragging on the floor.

The fact that this is happening at all is a miracle, and if they get to DS9 and Voyager, it'll be glorious.
It's great that it's higher definition, but I'm still disappointed by the missed opportunity they're deliberately making by not improving the special effects in any way. Recompositing is nice, yes, but if an effect looked a bit hokey, why not replace it with something better? Why not give us more than just the same Romulan Warbirds and Excelsior/Miranda/Oberth ships in Starfleet? I might buy this out of loyalty for Star Trek, but only when the price drops. I seriously hope they rethink their stance on redoing the FX at some point.
I don't suppose we could hope for any kind of 'pepping up' of the rather lame space battle in "Yesterday's Enterprise" and/or a retooling of the Enterprise-C model to that which was originally intended for it? (the one that's on the briefing room wall of the D)
I don't suppose we could hope for any kind of 'pepping up' of the rather lame space battle in "Yesterday's Enterprise" and/or a retooling of the Enterprise-C model to that which was originally intended for it? (the one that's on the briefing room wall of the D)

Nope, the battle sequences are as they were in the original version, however the HD remastering makes the ships look totally sparkling. There's some beautiful detail that comes out! :bolian:
I just hope they will add losless HD music only tracks to some of the eps, especially BOBW, I'd LOVE that sooo much.
I just hope they will add losless HD music only tracks to some of the eps, especially BOBW, I'd LOVE that sooo much.

And commentary by the composer during the non-music moments.

I'd especially love it if CBS had a specific feature dedicated to Ron Jones' contributions for TNG's first four seasons. His music was always well diverse and with some being very iconic. Of course, any real details on his history working on TNG would most likely result in Rick Berman looking bad, and the poor guy spends a good chunk of his interviews regretting some of his decisions (and stating things that he should also regret).
^ It's not as drastic as jimbotron describes. The crop is VERY slight and went unnoticed by the majority of viewers... in fact I think it was only noticed due to screencap comparison with the DVDs. It was due to the steep learning curve CBS-D had to take when they first set out remastering the show.
In what way is it "not as drastic as Jimbotron decribed"?

Sins of the Father is cropped on all four sides (zoomed-in video), as compared to the DVD.

The incorrect crop especially stands out when the guest stars/production credits come up. The only times it is not cropped all all four sides is when a visual effect is in the shot. (These shots are opened up slightly compared to the old master.)
^ the crop is slight, and the majority of people never noticed it until comparisons were made directly. It certainly doesn't spoil my enjoyment of the episode at all...
Nor mine, but it doesn't mean I won't be pissed if it isn't corrected on season 3. They have to go back into Sins anyway to insert the missing 13 seconds, so...

Anyway, my only point was that Jimbotron described the error correctly and with no exaggeration. :)
^ There are no plans to adjust the framing of the episode. From what I understand, it would involve rescanning and editing together the whole episode again from scratch.

(at least this was the official position several months ago when I checked, whether or not that's changed in the meantime I don't know...)
^ the crop is slight, and the majority of people never noticed it until comparisons were made directly. It certainly doesn't spoil my enjoyment of the episode at all...

On the one hand, cropping top/bottom for 16:9 treatment is dismissed by many, but on the other hand, cropping a 4:3 frame to an even smaller area, showing even lesser of the original footage, is okay?

I personally would only accept the cropping of the TV overscan area top/bottom, if the image is then widened to 16:10 or even better 16:9. But adding no more information left/right and then even more cropping also left/right is inexcusable.
^ the crop is slight, and the majority of people never noticed it until comparisons were made directly. It certainly doesn't spoil my enjoyment of the episode at all...

On the one hand, cropping top/bottom for 16:9 treatment is dismissed by many, but on the other hand, cropping a 4:3 frame to an even smaller area, showing even lesser of the original footage, is okay?

I personally would only accept the cropping of the TV overscan area top/bottom, if the image is then widened to 16:10 or even better 16:9. But adding no more information left/right and then even more cropping also left/right is inexcusable.

Thankfully, it's only a single episode....not an entire Season. ;) Right? As we know, it could be worse.