Spoilers Season 3 wild speculation

I think Picard will realize the futility of fighting the whole fleet with one ship, he will take the Enterprise back in time and stop Jack from being conceived, thus rewriting the entire timeline, negating S1, S2 and now S3.
How this ends IMO. Not sure how they liberate the fleet, but the rest...

- Worf dies saving his friends. His last words are "Jadzia" as he goes out in a blaze of glory. He has the brave and honorable death he always wanted, and fulfills a destiny different than Kor, who outlives everyone. There is no Kor mention (too deep a cut), but it is his character arc. He dies well.
- They're gonna do a riff on Star Trek Destiny. Picard and Beverly will confront jack in person on the cube, and he will destroy this Queen, and change the Borg as a concept. Not exactly the Destiny way with the Catatoms, but into something positive (Jurati, but better).
- Jack resolves to take the Cube into the Delta Quadrant to liberate the rest of the Borg collective since he's a "transmitter" and will transmit their liberation.
- Beverly goes with him, since she doesn't want to lose him like she lost Wesley (heavy foreshadowing on this). She'll never return to the Alpha Quadrant.
- Data goes to Copelius (maybe with Geordi) since he's not longer alone in the universe. We get a brief Soji cameo and maybe a look at Lal's portrait, as he resolves to bring her back now too. Full circle with Season 1 Episode 1.
- Geordi saves his girls and decides to help rebuild starfleet rather than curate a museum.
- Deanna rejoins Starfleet alongside Riker. Riker becomes Captain of the USS Enterprise G, which is in fact, the upgraded Enterprise D in a modified Galaxy-X configuration (per Matalas' tease we'll see "-X" in the finale). Also draws one of the last aspects of All Good Things into canon.
- Picard goes and meets Laris and moves on with his life, his adventures being over at last.

The crew is broken up.
-Seven of Nine reconciles with Raffi, and becomes Captain of the Titan. Janeway and/or Tuvok cameo to wish her off. She realizes she carries the legacy of her three mentors - Janeway, Picard and Shaw - who were all great and very different captains. She, the Borg who became human who became a Starfleet Captain, is their Legacy.

And that is how the series, and the TNG era ends.

next up: the Legacy Era.
Didn’t Stashwick say he would love to be part of the Legacy Series? Maybe Shaw isn’t really dead.



Found this, which just raises more questions than answers lol.

And Matalas said that the Borg wouldn’t be the evil masterminds of season 3. They are all a bunch of white liars, nothing that comes out of their mouths can be taken seriously, until the show has actually concluded. I love them…
And Matalas said that the Borg wouldn’t be the evil masterminds of season 3. They are all a bunch of white liars, nothing that comes out of their mouths can be taken seriously, until the show has actually concluded. I love them…
As I discovered myself, a little semantics goes a long way. He never actually said the Borg weren't going to be in it. He deflected by saying what they were probably doing.
I've seen indications of it being 25th century. The 32nd century idea doesn't seem to be getting pushed as much lately.
Read the announcement again. It says it's been 100 years since any new Academy students. That lines up with 'The Burn'.

And Matalas said that the Borg wouldn’t be the evil masterminds of season 3.
He specifically said Jurati's borg wouldn't be in the season.
I'm still riding for a Yeoh cameo in the finale and a miniseries around her, Worf, Raffi, and wildcard (Bashir, older Voq/Tyler)
I'm still riding for a Yeoh cameo in the finale and a miniseries around her, Worf, Raffi, and wildcard (Bashir, older Voq/Tyler)

I'm betting it's going to be Doctor Joe Zimmerman, complete with an aged Robert Picardo Golem body :)

Who else has the experience negating transporter mishaps?

I'm also hoping for a debrief by Admiral Jellico, where Shaw takes the blame for the whole fiasco, saying he phoned up Picard and co. because he was concerned Changelings and the Borg had infiltrated Starfleet, then brought them on only "as an observer," ala Beverly Hills Cop :lol:
Cliffhanger ending. Just when they think everything is back on track, they get locked out of all systems fleet-wide again and Tuvix steps out from the darkness to say, "There's nothing wrong with the damn transporter!" Fade to black.
I think Picard will realize the futility of fighting the whole fleet with one ship, he will take the Enterprise back in time and stop Jack from being conceived, thus rewriting the entire timeline, negating S1, S2 and now S3.

I know you were joking, but I sure hope the writers don't use a reset button to undo the fleet assimilation.