Scott Pilgrim returns as an Anime

I'm definitely interested in a new adaptation. The movie was pretty overstuffed, the story would benefit from being decompressed a bit. I didn't think Cera had quite the right vibe for Scott (too much wistful nerd, not enough dumb puppy who's feeling any emotion that comes to him at 100% all of the time), but he came off more in-character in the animated segment they did as a tie-in for the movie. Also, the last book was extremely confusing, so I'm hoping knowing the shape of the whole thing can help them integrate the ending and thematic resolution into the whole story instead of it just sort of blasting out in one explosion of exposition (and, of course, the movie was made before the books ended, which gave it its own issues with finding the resolution).
I loved the graphic novels and really loved the movie. Something my daughter and I can share and continue to quote lines to each other with. I want this NOW! If I could squee, I would.
Two episodes in. I was afraid it would be a retread of the movie, but it's taken a turn in the second episode. I don't know if it's just me, but the animation seems unfinished in some places. That said, I really like it. The band Metric even makes a return with a new song for Envy Adams! I'm kind of blown away they got everyone to return.
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I normally resent the binge model, but after I saw a review talk about major spoil-able events in the first episode, I suspected it was more than just another bite at the adaptation apple to a third medium and decided I should hit it ASAP to avoid any possible spoilers.
And it was! I smashed through the whole thing this evening, and they stuck the landing, even as they flirted with doing what I was immediately afraid of once I started putting the pieces together (let's call it "Mostly Harmless" syndrome).

Hiding a sequel in plain sight as a straight adaptation is the ballsiest damn thing, and I respect it. I also respect myself for not interrogating the peculiar series title when it was announced. It pays to just let stuff happen.