Russell T. Davies Returns to Doctor Who as New Showrunner

I can just imagine Russell laughing to himself as he wrote it.

I wonder if this is the pre-credits sequence? We know Ncuti has a different outfit for most of the episode and this one just has a random thrown together feel to it.


Ah. It’s the classic kilt/leather biker jacket combo.

Good Lord.
Can someone give me a summary on when and what episode series is confirmed/speculated to be released? i find it all a bit confusing still.

I know we expect the 3 60th specials to be dropped next month. That’s it.
Can someone give me a summary on when and what episode series is confirmed/speculated to be released? i find it all a bit confusing still.

I know we expect the 3 60th specials to be dropped next month. That’s it.

Specials probably 11th, 18th, 25th November.

Ncuti & Millie's first episode probably Christmas Day.

The next series Spring 2024. (Maybe around Easter?)
Ah nice.
And the filming reports I read today are then for next years Christmas special?

Pick-ups for this year.

Ncuti was unexpectedly stuck simultaneously shooting "Sex Education" and "Doctor Who" for a few weeks early in the year, and they seem to be picking up shots they couldn't get originally.
I can just imagine Russell laughing to himself as he wrote it.

I wonder if this is the pre-credits sequence? We know Ncuti has a different outfit for most of the episode and this one just has a random thrown together feel to it.


Well, it's nice to see something closer to an actual TARDIS interior again. Even if they overdid the jpg compression, and there are only so many reasons why they'd do that...

I do like his mustache. Not everyone can pull the look. I like the outfit as well, and I'll get back to that in a moment.

We do know that Ncuti will be changing clothes into something every episode, per one of RTD's shiny new ideas for his show. I thought that would be more a mannerism of Tennant's era but at least we don't have the product placement readily visible in the outfit, making cosplayers have to spend 2 minutes of research instead of 2 seconds. Pity we have nothing on Ncuti's actual Doctor persona. Hopefully he's not going to be another Tennant comedy act. Unless he changes that as often as his outfits, they'll just blame it on Toymaker.

That said, his mixing up 9's coat with Jamie's kilt - Ncuti actually pulls it off. It's also a very Doctory thing to throw together random clothes; even Davision wanted to do something similar but was vetoed in favor of the beige sports uniform he was saddled with. Though he's changing outfits every episode, so nobody should be getting used to a single outfit, and those complaining about the Doctor never changing clothes in the past or, at most, having the same style but changing jacket or underpants from time-to-time sorta have a point, but it's not like RTD has deconstructed or lampooned the show before (Jounrey's End cliffhanger was more of a mockery than people might ever realize...) As long as they keep him on Earth it'll probably be easier to do, and takes less scripting creativity to pull off as well since worldbuilding to get people to empathize in situations other than what they're accustomed to is not easy (hence having relatable situations or characters via other means...) But if RTD2's era is as radically different as we were told a year or whenever ago, then modern day Earth is the last place any upcoming RTD-era location should be in. But everyone else is returning, so what's left that will be radically different? I'm already chuckling at what people will be shocked by...

At least Ncuti isn't going to try to redo Tom Baker's comedic entrance:

Or maybe they should, the pacing of that scene is way too slow and how modern Who seems to get more audiences when they yuk it up, a la Tennant's era the first time around... (and possibly the second, for these specials coinciding with the 60th anniversary. Hoping his specials are a celebration of all 60 years and not just 17.)

They could do a sequel to "Planet of the Dead" as well, as more breezy outfits would be easier on the actors in that heat. They'd all have to fly out to do the sequel, but JNT managed lots of foreign filming and it always looked great... They'll need Michelle Ryan again as well. That was a fan-favorite special as I recall...
It's that time of the month again when some people get an early copy of DWM. Only bit of news to come out so far is Russell confirming that there won't be a Special on the 23rd but there will be something special then. Also on the 17th, which is Children In Need night and the 1st, which was announced yesterday.

He also mentions a crossover between DW and his last series 'Nolly'. John Logie Baird appears in it, as Noele Gordon was the first person to appear on colour TV back in 1927, when she was eight. So I'm guessing he's used the same actor.
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Even more interesting news from DWM.

"In early July of this year; Russell T Davies came up with a further idea for celebrating the 60th.* Three writers were put to work and a six-day studio shoot in September was conducted!"

*Not for Children In Need.

So that's about 15-20 minutes of something. Could it be Paul McGann's time.... again?

And is this the something special he mentioned for the 23rd?
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