Russell T. Davies Returns to Doctor Who as New Showrunner

The opening bars are a little busy. I really like I when they jump straight into the baseline.

It’s far from Gold’s worst. That would be the Capaldi theme.
Assuming you're referring to the main title theme from the Capaldi era, the full version of actually isn't that bad, they just used a butchered version of it in the show for some reason.

Yes, that's what I meant. I don't like that the howl is more of a screeching warble.

I love the era though.
I know not everyone has access Gallifrey Base, but can you link to the thread in question? I wonder if my account still works...

(And in case I'm still on ignore, can someone else ask for me?)
As far as I'm concerned, if they won't broadcast on the very day, it's mute. If this means that we'll get the specials as close to the Christmas Special too, I'm all for it.

Come on. Moffat was lucky, and rightly capitalized on the occassion. RTD wasn't, and is making the best he can as he sees it. Either way, it's the story that'll count in the end.
The BBC are partnering with Toshiba on some promotion work and I'm (fingers crossed) hoping this is confirmation that we getting a real 4K production. And Dolby Vision too which is even better than regular HDR.

There's also a competition that might interest folks in the UK. You might get to see the Christmas Special two weeks early.


(Everybody should send that ad to Stef Coburn. He'll get so angry at seeing the Doctor called "them" that he'll have a heart attack.)
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Now that RTD has tapped into a somewhat obscure Who villian with the toy maker, i wonder if he will bring more into the modern era, like say The meddling Monk.
The BBC are partnering with Toshiba on some promotion work and I'm (fingers crossed) hoping this is confirmation that we getting a real 4K production. And Dolby Vision too which is even better than regular HDR.

There's also a competition that might interest folks in the UK. You might get to see the Christmas Special two weeks early.


(Everybody should send that ad to Stef Coburn. He'll get so angry at seeing the Doctor called "them" that he'll have a heart attack.)

Wishing a heart attack on someone over a tv show is a bit much don't you think?