Recommend an Episode

Warp 10 (Pepperoni)

Lieutenant Commander
Red Shirt
If you're in the mood for Trek but can't settle on an episode, then I have an idea...

Inspired by the "Last Star Trek Episode You Watched" and the "Episode Pitch Game" threads, here's where you can recommend an episode to the previous person and then ask for a recommendation of your own.

For example, someone might ask for an episode of TNG that's got some good Klingon scenes. Tons to choose from so pick one that speaks to you, then give your criteria what you'd like to watch. Be as specific or as open-ended as you like!

Using my example to start...

I recommend: TNG, A Matter of Honor

I request: what you consider to be an underrated episode of DS9
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It's tricky. I'm gonna assume I'm not allowed to list a holosuite ep, but there's also some leeway as to what constitutes a holodeck episode.

I'm going to argue that it counts and recommend Identity Crisis,
and request a top-notch episode for McCoy. (Doesn't have to be a "McCoy episode", just one where he's great in it.)
request a top-notch episode for McCoy. (Doesn't have to be a "McCoy episode", just one where he's great in it.)
i recommend "Shore Leave," where that incredible De Kelley charm is on full display. If you have time for two, try "Mirror, Mirror," where the good doctor is both brave and principled.

How about an episode involving time travel -- other than "City on the Edge of Forever."
I recommend Discovery: "Far From Home," for the excellent teamwork of Stamets and Reno, figuring out what was wrong and repairing the ship despite both being physically impaired.

I request an episode where one of the less-used characters of their series really got a chance to shine.
I recommend Tuvix. One may not agree with the decisions made in the episode, but that's why it's good in my opinion. It gets people talking like few Trek eps do.

I request an episode that makes you laugh out loud. In a good way, not with derision. ;)
I request an episode that makes you laugh out loud. In a good way, not with derision. ;)
PRO's "Mindwalk". Kate Mulgrew and Brett Gray just nail it.

How's about an episode that is the Trek equivalent of comfort food. Like the media equivalent of sitting down on a rainy afternoon to a warm grilled cheese sandwich with a cup of hot chocolate, on a squashy sofa wrapped in a super-soft blanket with a warm cat purring in your lap.
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What say you to "The Trouble With Tribbles"? That one brings all the nostalgia vibes for me. Alternate choice: "In the Cards," a bit of Niner fluff where everyone ends up happy.

Request: an episode with an amazing performance from a guest star. Ideally not someone from one of the other Treks.
How about... a holodeck episode that doesn't suck?
How dare everyone forget "Chaotica's Bride"!?

Request: an episode with an amazing performance from a guest star. Ideally not someone from one of the other Treks.
Obviously "Chains of Command (pt 2)" has not just David Warners iconic "4-lights" performance, but also Ronny Cox as Cpt. Jellico. Such a doubly whammy of guest appearances.

Since @Oddish forgot his own request:
An episode with an interesting alien-of-the-week.
Crap. Sorry about that. I think I'll be unexpected and say... "Unexpected". Their ships have crazy atmosphere, gummi water, edible ships, holodeck technology, and telepathic pregnancy pebbles.

How's about an episode relating to a matter that we can no longer discuss, but remains near and dear to my heart! An episode where a character receives (or is at least offered) a promotion!
How about four for the price of one? Lower Decks's "Twovix," in which Mariner, Boimler, Tendi, and T'Lyn are all promoted!

Speaking of T'Lyn reminds me: I would like someone to recommend a good episode in which we learn more about Vulcan culture.