Random Thoughts...or...What's on Your Mind?

Congrats on your new bass! I love bass. Guitar is fine, too, but there's something about bass that just grabs me.

I actually wanted to learn keyboards when I was in high school at the height of glam rock. Instead, I learned bass and never looked back. Well...kinda. I have a midi controller or two now and play around with those from time to time, but mostly I love bass. I had to give up playing regularly about 25 years ago because of wrist and forearm issues, but it's fun to pick it up every now and again.

A friend of mine knows my affinity for bass and sent me a link to a video by this band:


Holy! A heavy metal band without a single guitar or even distortion! :o
depends on the country, MLB. In some countries you need a visa and if you don't get that (i.e. if you have no stamp) the authorities might accuse you of having gotten into the country illegally. In some countries that might result in several years of prison.

Thanks for the link, Scribble! That band just got a new fan
I just wish I could play those - argh! What might "Läufe" be in English?? Slurs?? Those quick, running-like scales, I mean - as effortlessly as these two guys do.
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I'd not give up the guitar completely, though. Everyone can play lead guitar but what's really in demand are good rhythm guitarists. If you have a sense for timing and don't get thrown off your rhythm, regardless of what the others do, you can have your pick from a dozen bands that want you =)
Also, leaving the bass away for 1 or 2 tunes and adding one more guitar instead can give new sound effects and harmonies and make a set more interesting for the audience.

Thank you!!! Rhythm is probably my strong suit but not with electric because I can't use a pick. I just never *picked* it up :lol:

That's an interesting take on it btw! I don't know if I'm gonna give up guitar yet, I still love playing my acoustic. We'll see how this bass thing goes, maybe it'll make me a better guitar player!

also....WHERE did you find this adorable smiley!?!?

Congrats on your new bass! I love bass. Guitar is fine, too, but there's something about bass that just grabs me.

I actually wanted to learn keyboards when I was in high school at the height of glam rock. Instead, I learned bass and never looked back.

Thanks Scribble!

That's so funny, I actually started out with keyboard first too! It wasn't for me either. I have the hands for it (long skinny fingers, and I'm dexterous) but I couldn't pick it up quick enough and got frustrated.

Once I tried guitar I got it down right away. I could grab the chords pretty well and all but I actually started with a nylon string, so I didn't use a pick. I spent so many years playing pickless acoustic that now I'm incapable of using a pick, which hurts me a lot with the type of music I want to play (punk).

I'm hoping I can pick up bass. I'm ok at rhythm, so we'll see. :)
depends on the country, MLB. In some countries you need a visa and if you don't get that (i.e. if you have no stamp) the authorities might accuse you of having gotten into the country illegally.

I have never needed a visa for any country I've visited, but I always assumed that it is a separate document that you have to carry in addition to your passport. Meaning: You have to get a visa in advance, before you travel to a country that requires one. It's not something that they just stamp on your passport when you go through customs.

Congrats on your new bass! I love bass.

That's TERRIFIC bass!

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"Pockets - Starfleet uniforms do not appear to have pockets of any sort, which is just blasphemous."

Tell that to women of the 21st Century.
It's about priority. Pockets are maybe the most utilitarian aspect to apparel, besides covering you. Much of women's clothing is utilitarian, but more than not, their fashion begins with esthetics. How utilitarian it is, comes after (If ever) Wearing a healed shoe, for example, doesn't even really seem all that healthy for the human foot, let alone as utilitarian as a sneaker. Men's apparel is more prone to launch off its utility 1st. (We seem oblivious to esthetics on some shit lol)

That less heed is paid to utility is just a reflection of that, & the related factor of said group also having a fashion trend of carrying purses, that compensates for pocket absence. It's just my opinion, but there's nothing wrong with a group prioritizing looking good, whether for themselves or others, nor is there anything wrong with the fashion industry reflecting the trend.

As such, I never minded the Starfleet no pockets style. It's what they like. Heck, what do they really need to carry anyhow? If I were designing their fashion, I might go with that more, & instead of just their phaser belts, they could have wristwear, like tricorder wrist gear, & maybe another wristband for remote beamouts, or remote shuttle control... & more features in their adornments, similar to the combadge... like a rank insignia techno pin that doubles as a bodycam

They get off on their gadgets. They're stylish, man. They got verve, yo. They're Starfleet :bolian:
It's about priority. Pockets are maybe the most utilitarian aspect to apparel, besides covering you. Much of women's clothing is utilitarian, but more than not, their fashion begins with esthetics. How utilitarian it is, comes after (If ever) Wearing a healed shoe, for example, doesn't even really seem all that healthy for the human foot, let alone as utilitarian as a sneaker. Men's apparel is more prone to launch off its utility 1st. (We seem oblivious to esthetics on some shit lol)

That less heed is paid to utility is just a reflection of that, & the related factor of said group also having a fashion trend of carrying purses, that compensates for pocket absence. It's just my opinion, but there's nothing wrong with a group prioritizing looking good, whether for themselves or others, nor is there anything wrong with the fashion industry reflecting the trend.

Women of the TrekBBS: Care to share your expert opinions?
I don't claim any expertise btw. It just seems to me the stuff you don't buy, they don't make as much. Men once wore fedoras. We don't wear that silliness anymore lol, & they aren't manufactured nearly as much
Believe it or not, from all indications from my family members and friends, more pockets would be more than welcome.

They seem to be appearing more and more, but I'm sure it will take a while to fully catch on in the fashion world.

I just know that every time one of my aunts or cousins gets a dress that actually has pockets they go on about how pretty or comfortable it is and exclaim in all-caps, "AND IT HAS POCKETS!"
Believe it or not, from all indications from my family members and friends, more pockets would be more than welcome.
They seem to be appearing more and more, but I'm sure it will take a while to fully catch on in the fashion world.
I just know that every time one of my aunts or cousins gets a dress that actually has pockets they go on about how pretty or comfortable it is and exclaim in all-caps, "AND IT HAS POCKETS!"
Of that I have absolutely no doubt, & I guarantee that if that trend pervades, you'll see much more of it, & if it's something that is valued, then I really hope it works out that way

They just do dumb stuff like make jeans with fake pockets, because for however long, it was something they could get away with, without too much fuss or push back, because their trend analysis gave them that impression, but times change, & we all gotta make them

Edit: actually...
That's the perfect example of what I mean, because I've heard that very phrasing myself quite often, & what you're saying is AND it has pockets. Even saying it emphatically, doesn't change that it is the second comment about the garment, the 1st usually being about looks, style, comfort etc...

Guys don't do it that way. I got a motorcycle jacket, with a ton of pockets. I wouldn't have gotten it otherwise. It's the 1st thing I'm shopping for. Then I give it a look to see how it looks. They know this about us & supply to that demand accordingly
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I like utility, pockets are cool and so is like garget-wear or wearable-teach (whatever you call it).

I definitely fall into the category that you're talking about, @Mojochi . First priority is looking good. I'm an artsy person, I think half of my wardrobe choices are attributed to that. Tattoos and unique fashions help me to express myself in a way that comfortable/basic clothing doesn't. Also, I'm 5'1" so I also sport heels everywhere I go. :lol: :shrug:

My comment doesn't really have anything to do with Star Fleet though. I can't seem to guess why they don't have pockets. Maybe they didn't have anything to carry with them? Or maybe it was just a thing of the past, like how we feel about capes.
I believe they got rid of the cricket phasers after season 1 because they didn't test well on people's tiny, low-resolution screens at the time, so the first season TNG uniforms definitely had at least one pocket (probably two). Riker slides a cricket phaser out of his pocket at one point. You can see him slide it behind the fabric until it pops out into his waiting fingers.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but at least TOS uniforms do have pockets. There are several scenes where Kirk used that flip-open communicator when he didn't have a pouch, belt or purse with him. So he must have carried it in a pocket. My memory might play a trick on me but I believe there is at least one scene where he actually pulls it out of a trouser pocket (left hand, iirc)

eta: yep - I found this discussion which contains a pic of a TOS crewmember with pockets (scroll down a bit more than half the thread to the post of David Belyeu) : https://www.quora.com/Why-dont-any-of-the-Star-Trek-uniforms-include-pockets

also....WHERE did you find this adorable smiley!?!?
I can't recall where I found it and I don't think it's still around anywhere. I've been collecting smilies for 17 years now. Feel free to copy it - all the smilies in my collection came from open and free sources.
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For the last 6 years I've been without a TV. Maybe watching less makes me remember those I watched better. There's simply not so much to remember.
Also, I only saw all series once, back when they first aired. It's indeed true that one remembers things better that one learned/saw/heard as a child.
LOL I remembered Kirk's pockets from 1972 but took almost a minute today to recall the name of my GP
Where will they put the parking for a million visitors a year?
That's an average of 3,774 visitors a day, some of whom we can presume rode in together. If it's an attraction that has peak attendance days, you may double your attendance or something on certain days. What is the attraction we're talking about? :shrug: