Prologic9's U.S.S. Bombay (TOS Miranda class from ST:Vanguard)


Lieutenant Commander
Red Shirt
Here's my version of the ever elusive 'TOS-era Reliant.' I've been working on this off and on for about a year now, and it didn't even star out as the 'Bombay' as I hadn't read the Vanguard series yet.

Overall I tried to stay as close to the base structure of the TWOK design as possible. Much like the Refit to the original Enterprise the shapes, proportions, and layout are 'close enough' to let the audience believe they could be the same ship.

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Beautiful interpretation of a TOS Miranda. I love the subtle weathering on the hull - gives it a well-used look.

I was wondering as to the purpose of the aft antenna/dish on the roll bar. Is it a sensor or tractor beam emitter?
One more thing... I'm thinking of updating my STXI reliant with some of my newer model parts... is it OK if I borrow a few features from you? I really like those sensors there in the middle of the hull intersection. :)

Neat stuff!!! I like it, especially the way you attached the nacelles to the pylons... Looks hell for stout...
Very nice!

How about another shot from underneath, say a 3/4 view from the front (the classic nose up facing right shot)?
Beautiful interpretation of a TOS Miranda. I love the subtle weathering on the hull - gives it a well-used look.

I was wondering as to the purpose of the aft antenna/dish on the roll bar. Is it a sensor or tractor beam emitter?

It's a powerful Transmitter that runs off of the internal power of that structure.

There's a nice bit in the first Vanguard novel where Mack talks about the cost of 'real time' subspace transmissions. having this makes it easy for the Bombay to say, stream sensor data to Vanguard in real time. It would also come in handy for diplomatic missions-- broadcasting important events and what not. There's a lot of possibilities.

It's also one of the only bits that's actually on the Reliant model, at least in one of its incarnations;

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Very nice!

How about another shot from underneath, say a 3/4 view from the front (the classic nose up facing right shot)?

I have this older WIP shot. Physically there are no meaningful changes to the current version.

ILM designed and built the Reliant, and their "cover it with shit" greeble method they developed in the Star Wars films was in full force there. That's the antithesis to Trek design IMO, and reconciling that with the minimalist nature of TOS was frustrating.
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...The one interesting plot-specific spec of the Bombay was that she had an aft torpedo tube. What do you think, is it down there at the bottom of the saucer, like the Enterprise forward tubes, and similarly invisible?

Timo Saloniemi
...The one interesting plot-specific spec of the Bombay was that she had an aft torpedo tube. What do you think, is it down there at the bottom of the saucer, like the Enterprise forward tubes, and similarly invisible?

Timo Saloniemi

I purposefully didn't put any visible weapons on it. If I had to pick something for a rear torpedo launcher, I'd probably rework the metallic tank thingy that lies under the deflector dish housing. You could just say the whole thing is a Photon Magazine/Launcher addition.