Last night I dreamt I worked at Shoppers Drug Mart. (I have never actually worked there in my life.) The owners had just announced they were going to be converting our location to a clothing store. My co-worker Janet (dream-only character, no one I know IRL) and I were standing on the sidewalk in front of the store before our shift, talking about how bad this would be for the residents of our neighbourhood, since we already didn't have a lot of drug stores around.
Janet then said she had to take care of something, and took off down the street. She had left her phone charging, plugged in to an external outlet on the outside of our store. I waited for her to come back, but it was time to start my shift, and she hadn't returned. I didn't want to leave her phone unattended on the street, so I took it inside with me, and plugged it in in the employee area in the back. Then I went back onto the floor and joined the other employees. We were pretty much just in shock about the announcement, and we were talking about what impact there might be on our jobs. We were also looking at the model of the proposed floor plan layout for the clothing store, that the owners had set up in the middle of the store.
Then I heard the manager mention that Janet was outside and seemed upset. So she went outside, then came back in with Janet, who was crying because someone had stolen her phone. I came up to her and told her it was OK, I had just brought the phone in so that it wasn't left unattended outside, and it was charging in the back. She hugged me and thanked me, but I still felt guilty over causing her so much anguish.
So then we all had to get back to work. I headed over to the produce section. Once there, a customer approached me, and said she thought it was nice how I helped to calm down my co-worker. And I replied thanks, but it was kinda my fault she was upset to begin with. So the customer went back to her shopping, and then I woke up.
I realize that's a lot more mundane than a lot of the dreams in this thread. In fact, it was surprisingly grounded and realistic, without a lot of the dream "weirdness" you usually get. (Other than someone leaving their phone outside and walking off, I guess.) And the other odd thing about it was that I still remember it. I don't usually retain my dreams well, and often it's only the really weird ones that stand out in some way that makes them memorable. This was just some quiet slice-of-life dream, and yet I still remember it well, no less than fifteen hours later, probably more.