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Post Your Dreams Thread

I might be one of your criminals.

Some how, after seeing the torn-out basement of my parents old home (though larger and with a new doctor’s office in it to one side)— I wandered about and walked into the rear of a store with no door.

Wet, a lot of mops and cleaning supplies…twists and turns.

I had a similar dream a year or three back where I had more doors upstairs that led to an abandoned mall with apartments instead of stores…the somewhat narrow hall finally opening into s true mall I had free run over.
I remember having a really vivid and lucid dream once...I was standing at a security station amidst a sea of bunk beds arranged in sections divided up by half walls made of white brick. The security station was just a raised platform by a couple of steps and a desk.

But as my eyes went farther out, I realized the floor was curving upwards and as I looked up, i could see I was in this huge cylinder with bunks going all the way around it so that I could see people moving high above me as the whole structure rotated to provide gravity. The thing that really stuck with me was how big it was and seeing the weird Mass Effect-like curve of the horizon going up.
In my dream last night my mom and I were out walking when we went past a house with 3 horses in it's backyard, 2 full size horses and a mini, we stopped for a few minutes and watched them before moving on. Af the end of the walk, my mom stopped and said need to do something, and told me to go home by myself. A few minutes after I got home she showed up with three horses, which she brought into the house. She explained that when we were watching them she saw something she didn't like, and after she left me she went back got them from the people who owned them. We put them into our backyard, which is just your standard small neighborhood backyard, so it's really not suited to keeping horse, and she said they were just staying with us for a couple days, and then some people from a local rescue were going to come get them. Just before I woke up, I realized that I had no idea where the dogs were, and I couldn't understand why they hadn't reacted to the horses showing up.
My dreams are just getting more abstract. The last two have been about there being a law about moving in more than two dimensions and I was going to be arrested.
How dare you be 3 dimensional! Dream rules can be so crazy.

I dreamed that I was moving around some old house that was stuffed to the gills with all sorts of paraphernalia and antiques. But I was looking for a box with bottles filled with air for some science fictiony project that would be in outer space. So I'd need oxygen. From bottles. Sure, that makes (dream) sense.
Today in dreams that make no sense seem normal while you're dreaming them....

Apparently I was going to be out all night long and my contact lenses were starting to dry up. Somehow I was too far away from my home or hotel or whatever to go back there, so I took them out and put them in water. Not only that, somehow I was wearing two pairs of lenses. But why would I even take them out if I didn't have my glasses? Now I can't see! But in the dream, my vision didn't change.
I was killing bad guys -- or maybe we were the bad guys -- yet I also had the power to personally undo my killing (but not other people's killings?) and bring the person back to life. You'd think that would be a more prominent part of the dream instead of a throwaway. Anyway, people who weren't involved in this combat and showed up afterward were rather nonchalant about all the dead bodies. Part of the battle had taken place inside the building of their workplace and they just all sat down and went to work like nothing had happened.
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I dreamed that I was wandering in a beautiful library. It had tall shelves packed with leatherbound books and there were sliding ladders and a spiral staircase. I was looking for something in the history section so that I could sit in one of the many leather chairs positioned around the library and read. I woke up before that happened.
I had a dream within the past couple weeks that Dr. Migleemo was my boyfriend. For a brief moment, I experienced genuine warmth and affection while hugging the birb:adore:
Just dreamt of eating very hot wings. Woke up choking. Uhh... excuse me brain, but WTF? Like get real.
I have these recurring dreams where I'm going to school or a place of work with a huge building and a massive campus or compound. When it's time for me to leave, I have trouble finding my car in a multilevel garage.
How about the dreams where you’re in school and it all looks the same as in real life, but then there’s that one part that looks completely different in all aspects but seems perfectly logical in the dream?
I have these recurring dreams where I'm going to school or a place of work with a huge building and a massive campus or compound. When it's time for me to leave, I have trouble finding my car in a multilevel garage.
Me too, but I don't drive, so I always have trouble finding the bus stop...

I positively hate those dreams!
I had the recurring dream recently where I am on campus but can't find my copy of the classes I'm signed up for, or the room numbers and time to be there. I got very stressed,
I used to have a dream that it was the first day of school and I couldn't find my classes, so I ended up spending hours wandering around the campus trying to figure out where the hell I need to be.
My dreams are never that specific. Usually just me in a location like one I had just now—me and three other dudes rolling around in an old school impala with fros for some reason (complete with Afro picks) and we step out of the car at night to get out and go to a house and there’s four dudes there mean mugging us. They act like they’re gonna get off the porch and chase us so we get back in the car and peel out and their shitty blue and gold and red striped conversion van starts chasing us so I peel out at a stop sign and lose them. I start running through an alley at this point, dodging between houses to not be seen and somehow get behind their van sitting parked so I put a step ladder over an aluminum ladder laying flat so its half on, half off, and shove it right behind their van so when they back up they’ll get stuck on it (dream logic, I guess lmao). I flip them the bird and walk off like a boss. They back up and get stuck and then…I wake up. Lol

See? Weird. I don’t have normal themed dreams, I’m just dropped in random locations and scenarios. Probably the other parallel timelines bleeding through lol
A bunch of stuff happened that I can't remember, then I became aware of the presence of a small cloaked ship above the crowd of people I was with. We couldn't see it, so I had everyone with a weapon start shooting into the air until something hit it.
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