Contest: VOTE PLEASE VOTE AGAIN! — February 2018 Art Challenge — Final Poll

February Art Contest — Alternative Trek

  • Cyfa

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • gazomg

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • pl1ngpl0ng

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • Soran77

    Votes: 4 28.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Good Bad Influence
It's voting time, folks! Under the banner “Alternative Trek” last month's contest winner @DeMilburn asked for your own interpretations of the Trek universe. Three artists have entered their work and now it's for you to decide who should win this month.

As always, please click on the thumbnails to view the entries in their original size, and thank you very much for voting!

EDIT: Unfortunately I forgot to include @Soran77's entry. I added it now and restarted the voting. Please vote again!




Voted, and.... there's impossible to do worse than 3rd place
so medals for everyone!:-D
Where is my entry?
Did things change again and we had to post in the Challenge thread..?
Ah, sorry, I forgot to check for contest threads. Yeah, it would be better to post the final entries in the challenge thread itself. In the past entrants were asked to mail their work to @Ptrope, but I think it's more sensible to simply post it in the corresponding thread.

I could add your entry and restart the voting, if the others are fine with it. You'd have to decide which of the two images you would like to enter, though. :)
I'm OK with adding Soran77's entry restarting the voting - but, then, I haven't voted yet so I don't know who's in the lead so far :)
It's a draw! What happens now? Do we vote between @pl1ngpl0ng 's entry and mine? If not, I'm more than happy to concede as Star Trek Dunes is inspired, not to mention finished. Unlike my hasty sketch... :)
It's a draw! What happens now? Do we vote between @pl1ngpl0ng 's entry and mine? If not, I'm more than happy to concede as Star Trek Dunes is inspired, not to mention finished. Unlike my hasty sketch... :)
A draw.... aha... so everyone gets medals after all :-D
Anyway I just cut and paste stuff ..
while you actually display traditional art and skills, so...
You win:beer:
:lol: You guys …

Since @pl1ngpl0ng had a pretty strong lead before I restarted the poll and in the interest of getting the March contest started I would like to suggest that we give this one to you. What do you say?


....I fu...#$ng WON!!!!!!

I love you I love you I love you I love all of you!!

I want to thank my beautiful children,
I want to thank my mother and

It's WORK right?.... the prize for winning is that you gotta DO stuff right?
That's just..... wow

It IS crap!!!

I want money.... why can't I have money?



Well ok then lol :-D
Thanks for the votes!
I need suggestions for the next challenge tho as I have No idea what to come up with...
^ :lol: Don't make us regret voting for you! ;)

As for suggestions, I don't have any at the moment. Maybe @Cyfa might have one? Or maybe you'll get inspired here.
Ahh.. That's a nice thread! Thanks for the link:)
I will go through it an come up with something shortly, by tomorrow at least. :techman:
Best acceptance speech I've seen in a long, long time, @pl1ngpl0ng ! Congratulations!
And, @Michael 's right, I do have a few ideas saved. So, just in case inspiration doesn't strike soon, how about: Cape Trek - a Star Trek/Super heroes/villains theme? Or, Trekformers - transforming Trek tech?
Best acceptance speech I've seen in a long, long time, @pl1ngpl0ng ! Congratulations!
And, @Michael 's right, I do have a few ideas saved. So, just in case inspiration doesn't strike soon, how about: Cape Trek - a Star Trek/Super heroes/villains theme? Or, Trekformers - transforming Trek tech?
:biggrin: ...

And... your suggestions, both of them are equally cool!!
I have been hanging around that thread Michael showed me and was about to choose something probably mundane, but these Cape Trek & Trekformers ideas of yours are golden! YES.. I Will Make It So! .... I'll take one of them and start a new challenge ... have some stuff to do now but will have a thread up and running by tomorrow at the latest.