Spoilers Picard Season 3 - Preview Photos/Videos Thread


WESLEY: Have you tried turning it off and turning it back on again? Literally?
BINARS: Boople bleep blop blop bupple blop. (TRANSLATION): Look like you know what we're doing! If these people ever find out about quantum computers, we can kiss our Federation membership goodbye!
Bev's line about if Earth falls, there will be no stopping the Borg does not quite make sense to me. Wouldn't the combined fleets of non-Federation powers (Klingons, Romulans, Breen, Dominion, Cardassian etc) be able to defeat the assimilated Starfleet?
Well, all those powers have been defeated by Starfleet at one point or another. I wouldn't count on them lasting long against a Borg controlled Starfleet.
No one would accept 1960s visual aesthetic in a modern day show. As it is, the only reason we're getting away with TNG's 1980s aesthetics in this show is because is intentionally cashing in on nostalgia in a way SNW isn't. Just like why the TOS sets were faithfully recreated on Enterprise's Mirror Universe episodes.

I think the problem with TOS was less the 1960s aesthetics, but more that design features such as the buttons being rows of Jelly Beans are a tad to quirky. Star wars today gets away with 1980s looking computer screens, and cockpits that look like 1960s aircraft. I think SNW did a tremendous jobs in upgrading the look. Wish they would have stayed closer in size and layout to TOS though. Kirk's bridge was perfect in layout. he just needs to swivel in his chair, and he can see what everyone is working on. Picard, and Janeway had no clue what was going on behind them without asking or pulling up pages on their own monitors.

Indeed, thinking about it for a moment, IAMD aired at a time when the TOS look was 39 years old. The TNG look is currently 36 years old. This is probably the ceiling where you can get away with faithfully recreating TNG's sets and get away with it. If the TNG TV series era gets revisited in another ten to fifteen years, it will have a completely different look to it.

I think Enterprise-D design has held up well. The one thing out of date was the computer screens that were either static, or CRT monitors. They fixed that.

Tea on he Enterprise-D was served in cups by the European company Bodum. The design has not changed much in 30 years. In fact, it will not change much in the next 300 it seems. ;)


The Italian furniture maker Cassina makes some eye wateringly expensive furniture that would look at home in a Enterprise-D lounge.



Italien car maker Lancia sees "the future" as being something that has a TNG color palette.

Star wars today gets away with 1980s looking computer screens, and cockpits that look like 1960s aircraft.
The thing about Star Wars is a lot of the ships and technology we see are supposed to be old and outdated in universe, which is why modern productions can get away with sticking to designs thought up in the 1970s. Star Trek meanwhile tries to depict its ships and tech as state of the art and as such they're dated looks don't mesh well when time marches on.

Some interesting tidbits from this:
  • I believe this is the first indication that Earth has a planetary shield grid at this point in the 24th/25th century era (i.e., Discovery depicts a 32nd century Earth government with an extensive shield grid).
  • Spacedock being capable of holding off that many ships stretches credulity, but it does fit with a well-armed starbase being a very fortified position in the Trek universe. Deep Space Nine was able to repel and hold its own against both Klingon and Dominion armadas.
  • Riker's lines about the "cavalry" implies that the ambiguity of whether the entire "fleet" is present at Frontier Day or just the home fleet (possibly the Third Fleet protecting Earth in Deep Space Nine) seems to indicate it's only the latter, and this is only a portion of Starfleet.
  • The scorch marks and debris from crashing on Veridian III are still on the Enterprise saucer. Also, there's a noticeable color texture difference between the star drive and the Enterprise's saucer, where the damage done to the Enterprise's hull is still noticeable compared to the elements from the Syracuse.
Please use Universo instead (no intrusive trash)
  • Riker's lines about the "cavalry" implies that the ambiguity of whether the entire "fleet" is present at Frontier Day or just the home fleet (possibly the Third Fleet protecting Earth in Deep Space Nine) seems to indicate it's only the latter, and this is only a portion of Starfleet.
Specifically on this part, he does say other Federation ships right? I know this still doesn't clear things up, but I presumed he was referring to non-Starfleet Federation ships. This could refer to civilian ships as well as Vulcan ships like the VSS T'Plana etc. Lower Decks and the existence of the T'Plana make it sound as if the Vulcan Expeditionary Force still exists atbthis point, so perhaps some other member species still have done non-Starfleet navies.
Perhaps it's full of Starfleet retirement homes that went all "Cockneys vs. Zombies" on any assimilated crew.

Bloody Trafalgars.
I probably should have looked for a video clip for anyone (I presume most people) who haven't seen the film. Did eventually get round to finding one.
I don't know if it was intentional or not but when Jack was talking to Beverly about finding the Borg queen he came across very Shinzony.
I wonder why the starbase wasn't also assimilated?

Probably because it is so massive. The Starbase is like a moon. Remember, it can easily fit several galaxy class starships inside space dock with room to spare. There could be tens or even hundreds of thousands of people in the starbase and many of them would be over 25. So I am sure the Borg tried to assimilate it but failed.
Wonder what the deal is with Jupiter.
will the Enterprise will use Jupiter's gases to fight against the borg cube? Like when Kurn jumped to warp after diving into a star, or when Worf avenged Jadzia's death with the same maneuver to destroy the Dominion shipyards at Monac IV. Firing into Jupiter could potentially take out a cube...