Spoilers Picard Season 3 - Preview Photos/Videos Thread

From Dave Blass's Twitter

Does make you wonder if SNW should have just gone for a 100% recreation of the TOS sets as well….. considering how awesome this is!
Does make you wonder if SNW should have just gone for a 100% recreation of the TOS sets as well….. considering how awesome this is!
No one would accept 1960s visual aesthetic in a modern day show. As it is, the only reason we're getting away with TNG's 1980s aesthetics in this show is because is intentionally cashing in on nostalgia in a way SNW isn't. Just like why the TOS sets were faithfully recreated on Enterprise's Mirror Universe episodes.

Indeed, thinking about it for a moment, IAMD aired at a time when the TOS look was 39 years old. The TNG look is currently 36 years old. This is probably the ceiling where you can get away with faithfully recreating TNG's sets and get away with it. If the TNG TV series era gets revisited in another ten to fifteen years, it will have a completely different look to it.

Some interesting tidbits from this:
  • I believe this is the first indication that Earth has a planetary shield grid at this point in the 24th/25th century era (i.e., Discovery depicts a 32nd century Earth government with an extensive shield grid).
  • Spacedock being capable of holding off that many ships stretches credulity, but it does fit with a well-armed starbase being a very fortified position in the Trek universe. Deep Space Nine was able to repel and hold its own against both Klingon and Dominion armadas.
  • Riker's lines about the "cavalry" implies that the ambiguity of whether the entire "fleet" is present at Frontier Day or just the home fleet (possibly the Third Fleet protecting Earth in Deep Space Nine) seems to indicate it's only the latter, and this is only a portion of Starfleet.
  • The scorch marks and debris from crashing on Veridian III are still on the Enterprise saucer. Also, there's a noticeable color texture difference between the star drive and the Enterprise's saucer, where the damage done to the Enterprise's hull is still noticeable compared to the elements from the Syracuse.
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In regards to the E-D bridge, what are those panels on either side? Are they storage compartments? Weapons lockers? Sleeping accommodations? I've never actively thought about these before.
In regards to the E-D bridge, what are those panels on either side? Are they storage compartments? Weapons lockers? Sleeping accommodations? I've never actively thought about these before.

The old blueprints and technical guides say they are equipment storage bins
I'm amazed at the accuracy here. Working in construction it's nearly impossible to match materials (stains, carpet, upholstery, paint) within 18 months of construction.....much less 30+ years! It's wild that they were able to pull this off and it be so dang close to the original TNG set.
Riker's lines about the "cavalry" implies that the ambiguity of whether the entire "fleet" is present at Frontier Day or just the home fleet (possibly the Third Fleet protecting Earth in Deep Space Nine) seems to indicate it's only the latter, and this is only a portion of Starfleet.

I think it makes sense to assume that "entire fleet" was not literal and that the ships at Frontier Day were just the Home Fleet or perhaps a selection of key capital ships from across Starfleet, so they represented the entire fleet.

What is interesting is that in the clip, Riker says that the other Federation ships have gone dark. I guess we can surmise that the changelings infiltrated those ships too and ensured their comms were off. Or, perhaps the Borg transporter plan worked on those ships and they are now assimilated as well.

Bev's line about if Earth falls, there will be no stopping the Borg does not quite make sense to me. Wouldn't the combined fleets of non-Federation powers (Klingons, Romulans, Breen, Dominion, Cardassian etc) be able to defeat the assimilated Starfleet? They would surely take huge losses but I would imagine that a big enough fleet would be able to stop them. Although, I guess with the entire Starfleet being borgified and with the Fleet Formation tech, that they could be unstoppable.
What is interesting is that in the clip, Riker says that the other Federation ships have gone dark. I guess we can surmise that the changelings infiltrated those ships too and ensured their comms were off. Or, perhaps the Borg transporter plan worked on those ships and they are now assimilated as well.
I have a feeling that Jack's abilities are only extending within the Sol System if he and the Borg Queen are broadcasting from within the atmosphere of Jupiter. I wondered if that line about other Federation ships going dark might indicate that the Borg have knocked out the Federation communication network from Earth.

Also, I wonder about how well that transporter plan worked. The Fleet Museum is a huge Starbase and a huge instillation with no indication of any trouble there from assimilated Starfleet personnel. Also, the clip doesn't indicate that there's any problems on the surface of Earth from Starfleet personnel that had been assimilated. Starfleet seems to still be in control of Spacedock and Earth.
Bev's line about if Earth falls, there will be no stopping the Borg does not quite make sense to me. Wouldn't the combined fleets of non-Federation powers (Klingons, Romulans, Breen, Dominion, Cardassian etc) be able to defeat the assimilated Starfleet? They would surely take huge losses but I would imagine that a big enough fleet would be able to stop them. Although, I guess with the entire Starfleet being borgified and with the Fleet Formation tech, that they could be unstoppable.
Classic Star Trek in a way. The Enterprise is always the only ship that stands between total destruction of everything. Although, if the Borg assimilated Earth, they would take out Starfleet Command, the Federation Council, and put the entire Federation into chaos. If the Borg used Earth and its resources to rebuild and spread out, it would be a struggle.

Some interesting tidbits from this:
  • I believe this is the first indication that Earth has a planetary shield grid at this point in the 24th/25th century era (i.e., Discovery depicts a 32nd century Earth government with an extensive shield grid).
  • Spacedock being capable of holding off that many ships stretches credulity, but it does fit with a well-armed starbase being a very fortified position in the Trek universe. Deep Space Nine was able to repel and hold its own against both Klingon and Dominion armadas.
  • Riker's lines about the "cavalry" implies that the ambiguity of whether the entire "fleet" is present at Frontier Day or just the home fleet (possibly the Third Fleet protecting Earth in Deep Space Nine) seems to indicate it's only the latter, and this is only a portion of Starfleet.
  • The scorch marks and debris from crashing on Veridian III are still on the Enterprise saucer. Also, there's a noticeable color texture difference between the star drive and the Enterprise's saucer, where the damage done to the Enterprise's hull is still noticeable compared to the elements from the Syracuse.
Yeah, we're already talking about this in the Preview Photos and Clips thread.
Which is where I've moved it.

Pike's bridge design from "The Cage" holds up quite well.


The gooseneck viewers look very 1950s...remind me of WOTW.
Does make you wonder if SNW should have just gone for a 100% recreation of the TOS sets as well….. considering how awesome this is!

SNW sets ae heavily influenced by the designs and design style of Phase II and what the TOS sets would have looked like with more money. The whole DSC era is heavily influenced by that TMP era too — maybe just go with Gene Rodenberrys explanation in the TMP novel.
The TOS sets were made on a budget that could barely afford a cheap used car in todays funds..

The majority of the budget for Star Trek was the 11 foot filming model of the ship
In regards to the E-D bridge, what are those panels on either side? Are they storage compartments? Weapons lockers? Sleeping accommodations? I've never actively thought about these before.
The few times they opened them on the show, it was to work on the circuitry inside. (eg: 1100101, Contagion.)

Some interesting tidbits from this:
  • I believe this is the first indication that Earth has a planetary shield grid at this point in the 24th/25th century era (i.e., Discovery depicts a 32nd century Earth government with an extensive shield grid).
  • Spacedock being capable of holding off that many ships stretches credulity, but it does fit with a well-armed starbase being a very fortified position in the Trek universe. Deep Space Nine was able to repel and hold its own against both Klingon and Dominion armadas.
  • Riker's lines about the "cavalry" implies that the ambiguity of whether the entire "fleet" is present at Frontier Day or just the home fleet (possibly the Third Fleet protecting Earth in Deep Space Nine) seems to indicate it's only the latter, and this is only a portion of Starfleet.
  • The scorch marks and debris from crashing on Veridian III are still on the Enterprise saucer. Also, there's a noticeable color texture difference between the star drive and the Enterprise's saucer, where the damage done to the Enterprise's hull is still noticeable compared to the elements from the Syracuse.

The Starbase defending earth better be able to delay or hold off a huge enemy fleet. Why else would it be there if it can't do it's job.