Phoenix Meltdown [Comic]

Author's notes: This was created in April 2014. I only ever made four pages of this, but I wrote and roughed twenty-something pages. Kind of wish I finished it, but I got distracted and forgot about it. I think I may still revisit and try to complete it one day, but for now, this is the first page.​

In a Window, Darkly, Page 1
Hairdressers.. yeah.. they're dangerous, I mean they have sharp items and everyone trusts them.. BIG mistake!:shifty:
This was the final page I ever did for In a Window, Darkly. It definitely leaves things hanging, or not even started, and I need to fix those outlines on the edge. I do want to complete this at some point. Will have to dig up my script and start drawing!​

In a Window, Darkly, Page 4
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Why do you connect balloon as across panels in diuff
In a Window, Darkly, Page 2
Just curious, Why do you connect balloons across panels in different rows when you have tails pointing to the speaking characters on each balloon?
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Kirk spawns tihi, that's a good one. :hugegrin:
lol I figure that's how the Gorn see Starfleet.
Just curious, Why do you connect balloon as across panels in different rows when you have tails pointing to the speaking characters on each balloon?
Not sure TBH, but I was compelled to when they were still speaking. Maybe they're not necessary?
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After playing STO for a bit, I wanted to try a comic version of the game. Seifer was my main toon, so here he has progressed to command. (Captain Cell moved on to other things in my fanfic "Needs of the Plenty") Toughest part was positioning the camera around a crew that didn't move. This was created in September 2014.
Needs of the Frequent

In this comic: Captain Oroku Seifer, Lieutenant Kayl, Ensign Dan
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Backgrounds are what make it real. I still draw by hand, and they are tedious, but they must be done. I'm just glad I'm getting better at it.
Backgrounds are what make it real. I still draw by hand, and they are tedious, but they must be done. I'm just glad I'm getting better at it.
Yeah, I've got to be more patient with them. Definitely worth the work.
Wanted to push Seifer forward to Star Trek Online time, so I made it that he was in his next Trill host (Oroku Seifer). Gave him a new ship and crew, and tried a new panel layout. By then, I had written a ton of fanfic with him in the STO forum's Literary Challenges and RP threads (he takes command of the Ragnarok in my fanfic here) and Kuumaarke was a character from the game that just started exploring the galaxy that season. Was fun making these as little extras. Created in May 2017.
To Boldly Crush


In this comic: Captain Oroku Seifer, Lieutenant Commander Winry, Kuumaarke
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Turns out when you load the Bridge of your ship in STO, your bridge officers spawn into random stations. Created in June 2017.​

The Starship Hustle


In this comic: Captain Oroku Seifer, Lieutenant Commander Moggs, Captain Sigon
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