Ok. What is the chance of a Picard spinoff?

Season 3 was a TNG Reunion. The TNG cast WILL NOT be back for Legacy. It will be Season 1 and 2 levels where it was mostly new characters.

But my curiosity is which direction do they go. Is it a "where are they now?" plot line follow up for Berman era characters and stories? More new characters getting on in changing landscape of the galaxy post Dominion War?

I'm not saying they're bringing back Picard and company. More will they bring back others for follow up?
Is it a "where are they now?" plot line follow up for Berman era characters and stories? More new characters getting on in changing landscape of the galaxy post Dominion War?

The prior sounds like a chore.
The later could be interesting.
Legacy was meant to be episodic. Matalas already mentioned that in interviews. His story treatments for it are week-to-week adventures, drawing on Berman era TNG. He mentioned doing a Klingon episode one week, a DS9 the next, etc. It's supposed to involve Riker, Worf and many other 90s castmembers in recurring roles.

Warmed-over TNG.

Hard pass. Too backwards-looking.

What about Seven and the crew of the Enterprise-G? What about the portal that was created at the end of Picard S2?

Lower Decks seems to have that first one covered. ;)

What do you do without stepping on LD's toes?
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Hadn't read this...
Legacy was meant to be episodic. Matalas already mentioned that in interviews. His story treatments for it are week-to-week adventures, drawing on Berman era TNG. He mentioned doing a Klingon episode one week, a DS9 the next, etc. It's supposed to involve Riker, Worf and many other 90s castmembers in recurring roles.

Personally I would have preferred serialized, but it doesn't matter either way at this point.
If it's not serialized, I'm not interested. It's one of the problems I have with SNW. I don't want disposable, episodic one-and-dones.

Stories with their own beginning, middle, and end that are part of an overall season arc or series arc would be okay. But otherwise? No. We have hundreds upon hundreds upon hundreds of hours of that already.

What Terry Matalas did with The 12 Monkeys, he should make Legacy like THAT. And to anyone who hasn't seen it, I ask, "What the Hell are you waiting for?! Go watch it!!!" I have a whole thread in here where you can see my first-time reactions.

Anyway, you can weave in a ton of things, so you still get the variety you'd have with something that's episodic, while still being serialized. I'm hoping that's what he meant.
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I prefer serialized as well, however.. it really doesn't matter either way. Jack's trial arc with Q would have probably been an ongoing narrative thread.

Warmed-over TNG.

Hard pass. Too backwards-looking.

What about Seven and the crew of the Enterprise-G? What about the portal that was created at the end of Picard S2?

They'd probably just continue to pretend that Picard S2 didn't happen, lol.

Part of the appeal of Matalas as showrunner was that he is a bigtime fan of the Berman era, he's namedropped his reverence for it in interviews . That's why he brought Drexler, the Okudas and others on board. So ideally we would have gotten a Star Trek Legacy very much for the fans of that era of Trek.

While SNW should ideally be aiming to draw in a new, younger audience.

I don't think we'll realistically get all these shows running simultaneously at this point.
You've got a long wait for SNW to end.

I don't think we'll realistically get all these shows running simultaneously at this point.

They could do what HBO did with The Sopranos: Air seasons every other year.

It would solve the problem of dueling Enterprises (at least until SNW finishes its run after S4 or S5).

We ARE talking about Prestige TV, aren't we? ;)
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I'm pretty sure I remember Christopher Monfette somewhere (RMB, Inglorious Treksperts, Popcast...) saying Legacy would be less serialized than PICARD, but still with serialized elements.

So... semi-serialized, a la say the Stargate or Buffy franchises?

Apparently one aspect of the Legacy proposal is to do 20 episodes a season instead of 10, but with the same per season budget (ie, each episode would average out to costing half as much as recent NuTrek).

With an expanded episode order, you might be able to still have serialization but break out of the bloated film syndrome.
I'm pretty sure I remember Christopher Monfette somewhere (RMB, Inglorious Treksperts, Popcast...) saying Legacy would be less serialized than PICARD, but still with serialized elements.

So... semi-serialized, a la say the Stargate or Buffy franchises?
Okay, good. I can live with that.
Apparently one aspect of the Legacy proposal is to do 20 episodes a season instead of 10, but with the same per season budget (ie, each episode would average out to costing half as much as recent NuTrek).

With an expanded episode order, you might be able to still have serialization but break out of the bloated film syndrome.

I don't think P+ wants to pay for that many eps.

I like the ten-episode seasons. It's much more concentrated (you don't get the filler that you got with pre-2005 Trek).

With Berman-era Trek, you could just picture the writers asking themselves, "How are we going to fill our order of 26?"
If anything, if they want to have more live-action series, they'd go the other way and make it eight per season.

That'll be really annoying. Maybe SFA will surprise me, but SNW didn't grab me, so if Legacy happens, it'll be the next Star Trek series I'll consider "home", if that makes sense.
With Berman-era Trek, you could just picture the writers asking themselves, "How are we going to fill our order of 26?"
Indeed, and it stands out in other shows too (looking at you Night Court). At this point in time for me it's better for a show to be considered too short and left me wanting more than too long and I'm done with it.
That's how I feel about shows like Criminal Minds which I am doing a rewatch of.... I felt it went on too long and I'm only on season 10
Then there's NCIS (currently in its 20th season :eek: )

How many times has THAT show overturned its cast? :confused:
I don't think P+ wants to pay for that many eps.

I like the ten-episode seasons. It's much more concentrated (you don't get the filler that you got with pre-2005 Trek).

With Berman-era Trek, you could just picture the writers asking themselves, "How are we going to fill our order of 26?"
If anything, if they want to have more live-action series, they'd go the other way and make it eight per season.

One factor that made NuTrek possible was the initial funding provided by Netflix and Amazon Prime. Post-streaming contraction / market correction, Star Trek will need to do more with less, and be profitable almost immediately for Paramount+. How do you get around the massive upfront costs of building standing sets for a ship or space station? Either by repurposing existing assets or amortizing the initial costs over more episodes that cost less.

Several structural factors led to Star Trek stagnating in the Berman era, chief among them prohibitions on greater serialization and small writing staff sizes for the number of episodes produced. I think a well planned Legacy could pull off a 20 episode season, so I'd be open to whatever the most sustainable episode count per season would be. Either that or film multiple 10 episode seasons back to back and achieve the economy of scale that way.