Ok. What is the chance of a Picard spinoff?

I'm good with it not happening, and it shouldn't happen given Paramount's current financial problems. "The Last Generation" was such an effective end for this story (and the highest viewership for any Trek P+ series), there isn't much point continuing it further.
Okay I really disagree here. I dislike SNW more than DISCOVERY, and that pathway just leads to reboot. Legacy is continuation, and if it's successful, hopefully multiple in continuity series set in the 25th century, or who knows, maybe a Temporal Cold War miniseries or ENT follow up...

I mean, sure, Legacy probably doesn't happen without external funding from a Netflix or Amazon Prime etc. But rumors suggest to actually get filming, Starfleet Academy isn't funded either -- the Inglorious Treksperts (Mark Altman+) are doubtful that SFA will actually happen.

Matalas wrote episodic story outlines for a potential Season One of Legacy. I'm skeptical any of them will see the light of day.
I still want to see what Matalas can do with the lead time to set up his own series. Plus actors from the Berman era will only be acting for so much longer, so there's a diminishing window of opportunity to make this happen.

Have you seen 12 MONKEYS?
The SAG-AFTRA Strike only just ended. I'd wait a little bit before writing it off. I don't think Legacy will/would be announced/greenlit until Alex Kurtzman, Terry Matalas, et al, have had a chance to discuss things with Jeri Ryan, Ed Speelers, Michelle Hurd, and Ashlei Chestnut. Possibly Tood Stashwick, however they work out having Shaw back. Without their characters, they can't have Legacy.

As opposed to Starfleet Academy where as long as they have Mary Wiseman as Tilly, they can create entirely new characters from scratch and didn't have to secure any other specific actors before it was greenlit.
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I'm good with it not happening, and it shouldn't happen given Paramount's current financial problems. "The Last Generation" was such an effective end for this story (and the highest viewership for any Trek P+ series), there isn't much point continuing it further.
But, it was one of the top rated seasons so would not taking advantage of that popularity make sense?

I doubt Terry's outlines will make it either but his ability to garner interest might be appealing.
I doubt Terry's outlines will make it either but his ability to garner interest might be appealing.

I'm hoping he's paired with another showrunner (Michelle Paradise? Kirsten Beyer?)

There's much about the Berman era that should be left back in the nineties.

Much to the chagrin of the Saffi fans out there, I'm not seeing Seven and Raffi hitting the sheets together (Seven may follow the lead of her mentor Janeway and have Raffi over for dinner frequently).
Haha. Hard pass on Michelle Paradise and Beyer, after Discovery.

If Matalas is showrunner, he would bring his own people on. Monfette and the others. He mentioned something along those lines in one of the Youtube interviews back then.

A show that captures the Berman era would have been a nice contrast to the other Nu Trek programming. However, with Paramounts 16Billion in debt, there's really no incentive to invest in such a costly series now.

There's already an episodic Enterprise exploration series on the air that's probably quite expensive.
Okay I really disagree here. I dislike SNW more than DISCOVERY, and that pathway just leads to reboot. Legacy is continuation, and if it's successful, hopefully multiple in continuity series set in the 25th century, or who knows, maybe a Temporal Cold War miniseries or ENT follow up...

I mean, sure, Legacy probably doesn't happen without external funding from a Netflix or Amazon Prime etc. But rumors suggest to actually get filming, Starfleet Academy isn't funded either -- the Inglorious Treksperts (Mark Altman+) are doubtful that SFA will actually happen.

I still want to see what Matalas can do with the lead time to set up his own series. Plus actors from the Berman era will only be acting for so much longer, so there's a diminishing window of opportunity to make this happen.

Have you seen 12 MONKEYS?


I've seen it. 12 Monkeys was really well constructed. Well written. Shows that he is talented showrunner that could have delivered something great if the situation was different from what it is.

From what I'm hearing from production people in Toronto, Starfleet Academy will happen. It may get delayed, but they want to keep the Toronto production going and the local crews employed. NBD either way.

Star Trek has such an extensive back catalogue of fantastic storytelling, especially during the 90s era. It's no major loss not having ST Legacy. The Berman era got a great sendoff this year.
From what I'm hearing from production people in Toronto, Starfleet Academy will happen. It may get delayed, but they want to keep the Toronto production going and the local crews employed. NBD either way.

People who know "sources close to the show" are a dime a dozen around here.

Are these the same "sources" that said Disco was going to be cancelled for four seasons? ("Disco is going to be cancelled! Alex Kurtzman is going to be fired, drawn, and quartered with his head impaled on a pike and paraded down Hollywood Boulevard for crimes against Trek! Seth MacFarlane is going to buy the franchise and do Trek right!")

Something something Broken Clocks ... :shifty:

P+ is going to do whatever the hell it wants (Do you think they cared about the Toronto production crews when they cancelled Disco? They're a business, not a charity.)

If they care about the Toronto production crews, what about the crews back in L.A. who worked on Picard? (Right in P+'s own backyard?)

I'll believe it when I see it. :shifty:
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Don't tell anyone else this, but I know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy. He's there at Secret Hideout. He was there at Area 51. He knows the real story behind the JFK Assassination. He's seen the UFOs and he knows all the secrets. The Truth Is Out There.


Umm ... I think X-Files is down the street at Disney. ;)

Seven is hardcore military. She's not warm and cuddly like Pike.
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People who know "sources close to the show" are a dime a dozen around here.

Are these the same "sources" that said Disco was going to be cancelled for four seasons? ("Disco is going to be cancelled! Alex Kurtzman is going to be fired, drawn, and quartered with his head impaled on a pike and paraded down Hollywood Boulevard for crimes against Trek! Seth MacFarlane is going to buy the franchise and do Trek right!")

Something something Broken Clocks ... :shifty:

P+ is going to do whatever the hell it wants (Do you think they cared about the Toronto production crews when they cancelled Disco? They're a business, not a charity.)

If they care about the Toronto production crews, what about the crews back in L.A. who worked on Picard? (Right in P+'s own backyard?)

I'll believe it when I see it. :shifty:

I'll literally tell you that it was production members from the Pinewood Toronto studios that I met at a couple TIFF afterevents back in the Sept. The studio invested a lot in the Pinewood studio(s) over here, the stages, equiptment etc, so SFA is essentially a way of keeping the production going in a more cost-effective manner (without most of the Discovery cast). Still keeping uniforms, sets, etc and the local crew.

I think Starfleet Academy is a terrible idea.. especially this take on it...with this showrunner, but they're pushing through with it. It's not exactly surprising.
A show that captures the Berman era would have been a nice contrast to the other Nu Trek programming. However, with Paramounts 16Billion in debt, there's really no incentive to invest in such a costly series now.

Where is it written that the show has to be wedded to the Berman era?

Berman is gone. He's been gone since 2005. No one's expecting warmed-over Berman.

There's already an episodic Enterprise exploration series on the air that's probably quite expensive.

No one is expecting the thing to happen tomorrow (it took three years for SNW to make it to air).

SNW is filming season three. If Disco is the standard, it'll be cancelled after either S4 or S5 (after five seasons, the show starts becoming expensive).

The studio invested a lot in the Pinewood studio(s) over here, the stages, equiptment etc, so SFA is essentially a way of keeping the production going in a more cost-effective manner (without most of the Discovery cast). Still keeping uniforms, sets, etc and the local crew.

They're replacing one set of expenses with another.

Hardly a cost-saving measure. :shifty:

Studios make movies (and TV shows) to make money. They don't do it just to use up resources!
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Legacy, if it's made, will probably follow the style of storytelling Picard (and Discovery) did: serialized. Terry Matalas' other series, The 12 Monkeys is also heavily serialized. Legacy won't be another Strange New Worlds. "Oh! But they both take place on a ship called the Enterprise!" That'll be the only similarity. You might as well say, "But they both take place in space!" No shit.

Historically, it takes two years to get a Star Trek series going. By the time Legacy would start, SNW would either be over or almost over. So the whole, "But we already have SNW!" is nonsense. One will not effect the other, no matter how many times some people like to say otherwise.
There's no shortage of new people (the La Forge sisters, Esma, Mura, Dr. Ohk, Jack Crusher, Shaw).

We can't pretend that fifty-five years of Trek history doesn't exist (Even Disco brought in Pike, Spock, and Number One).
No, but we can reduce it a little. I'm just saying my observations is the trend towards the extremely familiar, with the new becoming a supporting role, rather than the reverse.

Now, I'm not saying they couldn't do it. Certainly there is plenty to explore with the new crew, newer era, etc.

My only musing, idle or otherwise, is just what lessons were taken from Season 3 and how much power Matalas will wield if he's tapped again.
No, but we can reduce it a little. I'm just saying my observations is the trend towards the extremely familiar, with the new becoming a supporting role, rather than the reverse.

Now, I'm not saying they couldn't do it. Certainly there is plenty to explore with the new crew, newer era, etc.

My only musing, idle or otherwise, is just what lessons were taken from Season 3 and how much power Matalas will wield if he's tapped again.
Season 3 was a TNG Reunion. The TNG cast WILL NOT be back for Legacy. It will be Season 1 and 2 levels where it was mostly new characters.
Legacy was meant to be episodic. Matalas already mentioned that in interviews. His story treatments for it are week-to-week adventures, drawing on Berman era TNG. He mentioned doing a Klingon episode one week, a DS9 the next, etc. It's supposed to involve Riker, Worf and many other 90s castmembers in recurring roles.

Personally I would have preferred serialized, but it doesn't matter either way at this point.

Where is it written that the show has to be wedded to the Berman era?

Berman is gone. He's been gone since 2005. No one's expecting warmed-over Berman.

No one is expecting the thing to happen tomorrow (it took three years for SNW to make it to air).

SNW is filming season three. If Disco is the standard, it'll be cancelled after either S4 or S5 (after five seasons, the show starts becoming expensive).

Drexler mentioned the clock was ticking for it to happen. And honestly, the time has passed.

SNW S3 won't hit till 2025. You've got a long wait for SNW to end.

They're replacing one set of expenses with another.

Hardly a cost-saving measure. :shifty:

Studios make movies (and TV shows) to make money. They don't do it just to use up resources!

Cheaper actors to pay. Sets and studios already available. Production teams already ready to go. Good deals set up with the Toronto Municipality (Boys and Gen V film here as well). You're basically getting a Discovery S6 with SFA, with cheaper costs. There's already some contracts for this to happen, and soon we'll see the Toronto production sheets leaking out to the net, as per usual. They're currently pushing ahead with Academy.