Now that the strike is over, whither Season 3?

I just feel there is Too much mediocre Trek right now.....
I mean...that's the nature of art. That's the law of averages. Not everything is going top tier. A lot of it will be average and mediocre. That's what I expect.

What we don't have is a lack of creativity. We have an excellent animated kid's show that has such a good variety of characters to draw new viewers in. You have a comedy show that is creative and yet following up with Trek lore and continuity in a lighthearted way. You have Picard providing a different look at a classic crew, similar to the TOS films to Kirk and Spock, more reflective and evocative than just taking them for granted. And Strange New Worlds offering more episodic adventures.

So saying it's mediocre is fair; expected even. But all of it? Really? :vulcan:

I don't expect all top tier. 5% to 10% at most. That's what I would expect. That's how media works.
I mean...that's the nature of art. That's the law of averages. Not everything is going top tier. A lot of it will be average and mediocre. That's what I expect.

What we don't have is a lack of creativity. We have an excellent animated kid's show that has such a good variety of characters to draw new viewers in. You have a comedy show that is creative and yet following up with Trek lore and continuity in a lighthearted way. You have Picard providing a different look at a classic crew, similar to the TOS films to Kirk and Spock, more reflective and evocative than just taking them for granted. And Strange New Worlds offering more episodic adventures.

So saying it's mediocre is fair; expected even. But all of it? Really? :vulcan:

I don't expect all top tier. 5% to 10% at most. That's what I would expect. That's how media works.
Not all of it. I did enjoy Picard Season 3. Some parts of Disco and SNW season 1 and a few episodes of season 2..
We had 4 lousy years between Enterprise and the 2009 film. It's been pretty much non stop Trek since 1987.....most of the product we have gotten since 2009 shows that it needs a creative break imo.
If a four-year break is too short for you, by that logic realize we've had nonstop Trek since 1966.

The original Star Trek ended in 1969. TAS started in 1973 and lasted through 1975. ST:TMP hit theaters in 1979. Then we had a film every 3 years until 1987 when TNG hit the TV Airwaves.:shrug:

And no Trek doesn't need a break, Star Trek Strange New Worlds is the best series they've come up with since the Original Series in 1966; and it needs to keep going at least 5 to 6 seasons if not more.:techman:
and it needs to keep going at least 5 to 6 seasons if not more.:techman:
If a four-year break is too short for you, by that logic realize we've had nonstop Trek since 1966.

The original Star Trek ended in 1969. TAS started in 1973 and lasted through 1975. ST:TMP hit theaters in 1979. Then we had a film every 3 years until 1987 when TNG hit the TV Airwaves.:shrug:

And no Trek doesn't need a break, Star Trek Strange New Worlds is the best series they've come up with since the Original Series in 1966; and it needs to keep going at least 5 to 6 seasons if not more.:techman:

Even though I like the animated series I was just talking live action.
Even though I like the animated series I was just talking live action.
5 Trek series is overkill. Even though there are only 10-13 episodes season. We already need a break after 6 years. Lol

Um...there have been only 3 Live Action series streamed to date:
1) Discovery
2) Picard
3) Strange New Worlds

You only get to 5 (as you stated in the post of yours I quoted) by including the two animated Trek series streated:
4) Lower Decks
5) Prodigy
they need to do just a few mini series just three to 6 episodes. that's it. based on the lost eras that still haven't been explored (The Romulan War, the years after the formation of the Federation (2161-2233), April's five-year mission (2245-2250); Kirk's second five-year mission (2270s); the events between TUC and TNG (2293-2364) )
they need to do just a few mini series just three to 6 episodes. that's it. based on the lost eras that still haven't been explored (The Romulan War, the years after the formation of the Federation (2161-2233), April's five-year mission (2245-2250); Kirk's second five-year mission (2270s); the events between TUC and TNG (2293-2364) )
Are there any stories that NEED to be in those eras, though? Most can be told with minor changes in any era.

Except the Romulan war, but they'll have to wreck canon a lot to tell anything interesting since they can somehow never see each other.

Um...there have been only 3 Live Action series streamed to date:
1) Discovery
2) Picard
3) Strange New Worlds

You only get to 5 (as you stated in the post of yours I quoted) by including the two animated Trek series streated:
4) Lower Decks
5) Prodigy

Since Lower decks had a crossover it is considered part of current live action continuity. As for prodigy. Doesn't matter now it's done. So correction FOUR series. Overkill....
Overkill to give people variety? :wtf:

Damn, that's as cold as the wind outside right now.

Well it's all star trek. So yeah. Star wars is in a similar situation. Except I feel the quality is much better. NCIS as well...
It was considered part of it before the crossover.

Yeah I know. But it cemented it in my mind once they did the crossover. Still can't get into that cartoon. I tried but I just found it too silly...artwork is nice though....
Strange New Worlds is in an odd place, IMO. On the one hand, it's clearly relatively popular. If Paramount implodes, gets merged with a controlling-stake company whose leadership doesn't much care to keep giving TPTB big checks, and every mysterious upcoming project is nixed in cold corporate blood, Strange New Worlds might still manage to survive the tumult for a few more years.

On the other hand, these Star Trek shows, they don't exactly release on a quick turnaround basis anymore - such is the nature of it all, and I hope the cast and crew are able to take advantage of that on a personal basis (though filming schedules are still quite rigorous and lengthy).

Point being, we probably won't be seeing this show's third season until circa early 2025, and if whoever is in charge of such decisions at that point wants to wait and see whether to order a fourth season, and if the snowy peak of Ben Lemond remains half-aflame, well, these things take a lot of time.

Six seasons sounds and a movie sounds spectacular. I reckon four or five seasons and no movies - or maybe even three seasons and a couple of TV movies! - feels distinctly likelier to me right now.

(Don't worry, I understood that reference.)