Now that the strike is over, whither Season 3?


But, real life demands more and ten is far easier to keep up on. I don't see the sense in wishing for more that I won't have time to watch.

Fair enough. I have no idea of the demands on your time but conceptually 10 episodes still isn't enough, especially when we have to wait so long for the next season. I'm sure the actors love it because it gives them time to do other things.
I don't have that much time either, in fact I'm way behind on both SNW and LD. But still I agree that 10 is a little too few for my tastes, especially with more episodic shows. 10 is good for strictly serialized shows, but for more episodic ones I'd prefer 13-15.
Didn't the showrunner for SNW say he would like a few more episodes per season?

But it's not up to him either way.

Genuine question.

Have you never heard someone use the expression "it's a shame" to express dissatisfaction? That's all I mean here. It's a shame (for me and others who feel similarly) that they have decided 10 episodes is the limit for a season. I want more.
Have you never heard someone use the expression "it's a shame" to express dissatisfaction? That's all I mean here. It's a shame (for me and others who feel similarly) that they have decided 10 episodes is the limit for a season. I want more.
I have heard it; it makes zero sense as an expression.

I don't blame you for wanting more. It's enjoyable and makes sense to want more. But, in my experience, increasing the output does not mean an increase in satisfaction. While 10 seems short, it means easier time keeping up, less feeling left out, more time to enjoy what I did like.
I have heard it; it makes zero sense as an expression.

Okay, sure. Moving on. I think we've exhausted this element of the discussion.

I don't blame you for wanting more. It's enjoyable and makes sense to want more. But, in my experience, increasing the output does not mean an increase in satisfaction. While 10 seems short, it means easier time keeping up, less feeling left out, more time to enjoy what I did like.

Similarly, decreasing output does not mean an increase in satisfaction, in my experience of course.

I can, and do, enjoy the 10 shows we get while still lamenting the fact that they won't make more.