Spoilers NO SPOILERS FOR CODA - A Lit-verse Grand Finale...What We Know (Spoilers for Entire Lit-verse)

It's not a criticism of MB; it's a criticism of the character.
no, the other posters who have replied have confirmed that such references in this thread (including one that mentioned me by name) are a running "joke" meant as a criticism of Memory Beta
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And now it will go back to it's old staid self discussing the Litverse grand finale.

Complaints / comments / jokes about Memory Beta and responses to same can go somewhere else.

Thank you :)
and who are you, to say something like that to me?

Just someone who was curious and genuinely had no clue who you are.

I'm going to assume you're the overzealous moderator on Memory Beta who takes their role very seriously who is discussed here on occasion.

And cheers for pointing out what @trampledamage requested, I didn't see it originally.
Posting on this thread to avoid spoilers, but I have to vent my disappointment that none of my area Barnes & Nobles (the only local bookstores that really stock Trek books these days) received their copies of Coda: Book Two today. Not sure if it’s chain-wide delay or unique to distribution issues in the Twin Cities region. But I guess I won’t be staying up late tearing thru it tonight.
Posting on this thread to avoid spoilers, but I have to vent my disappointment that none of my area Barnes & Nobles (the only local bookstores that really stock Trek books these days) received their copies of Coda: Book Two today. Not sure if it’s chain-wide delay or unique to distribution issues in the Twin Cities region. But I guess I won’t be staying up late tearing thru it tonight.
Same boat for me here. I ordered mine via Amazon and the package got delayed. Started reading the second part of Mirror Universe: Obsidian Alliances instead. Thoroughly enjoying the Mirror universe stuff!
I’d definitely lean towards supply chain issues - the entire publication industry has been warning about issues up and down the production chain lately as the effects of the pandemic continue (since, y’know, we ARE still in pandemic situation...).

Really makes me glad I placed my preorders for pretty much everything still due for this year.