ST Reboot-Verse: The Romulan War/Birth of the Federation


Fleet Captain
Fleet Captain
(Lore Note: My reboot-verse is intended to be something of a soft-reboot for Trek, staying very close to Prime Canon but fleshing out things more, but also changing things here and there. So if you see something and you think "That's not what happened"... it didn't, but it does here. There are small changes and big changes, you'll see as it goes along. The story is told as more of a historical overview rather than narrative-style.)

Prelude to War
Unbeknownst to those at the time, through the 21st century onward, the Romulan Empire had infiltrated every level of the Vulcan High Command. Initially, the Romulans viewed it as a straightforward coup attempt to bring their ancient homeworld into their empire, but saw an opportunity to weaken their galactic neighbors and strengthen their position.

The Romulans subtly guided various decisions made by the Vulcans. Their agents stoked hostilities with the Andorians, locking the two people into on-and-off wars as well as generally alienating other potential ally powers. The Romulans mirrored Vulcan concerns about the arrival of Earth onto the galactic scene, working to increase fears and attempt to slow down the young planets development.

Inciting increased tensions with the Andorians was a simple task, given that the two had been at odds with each other for centuries. The Romulans saw an opportunity to keep two of the potentially greatest threats to them mired in war and weakening their forces. These on-and-off skirmishes continue into the 2150's, greatly straining the military forces of both.

The Tellarites began to expand their territory in the 2140's, looking to an area of space that had been largely unexplored and thus deemed rife for expansion. There had no power who seemed to lay claim on the space, however the Tellarites found vessels they sent into the region to come under attack often. Stubborn as they tended to be, the Tellarites did not let this stop them, and they continued to send vessels in to chart and claim the territory. By the onset of the 2150's, the Tellarites found themselves apparently at war with an unknown enemy. Their adversaries were completely non-communicative, and with no one to negotiate with, the Tellarites simply continued on.

In 2152, the Vulcan/Andorian cold war turned temporarily hot over the planet Weytahn, long contested by both. A brief but bloody battle broke out, including a massive ground operation by both sides. Eventually, the humans of Earth intervened and help bring about a peaceful solution, but the quick and intense battle wreaked havoc on the Vulcan and Andorian forces.

While unrelated to the Romulan War, the Romulan Empire was nevertheless delighted when Earth was attacked by the Xindi. Unfortunately for the Romulans, the conflict did not play out as they had hoped and within the year, Earth had not only resolved their conflict with the Xindi, but forged closer bonds with both the Vulcans and Andorians, as well as the Tellarites.

With the increased cooperation between several of the local powers, the Romulans stepped up their attempts to disrupt peace between them. Utilizing sophisticated drone vessels with the ability to mimic sensor readings of different vessels, the Romulans staged a number of false flag attacks intended to bring the powers into conflict. Not only were these attacks unsuccessful, they backfired on the Romulans, as the powers cooperated even more closely to thwart their attempts and forged even closer bonds due to it. With the massive failure of the operation and several domestic changes to Vulcan society, the Romulan agents withdrew entirely from Vulcan.

With the announcement of the Coalition of Planets, the Romulans felt as if they were backed into a corner. They no could no longer rely on clandestine tactics and refocused their efforts on military resistance. Their shadow-war with the Tellarites escalated intensely, overwhelming the Tellarite fleet and sieging Tellar in 2155. The Tellarites now knew who their enemy was, and the Romulan War had begun.

While many humans refer to the conflict as the "Earth/Romulan War", others tend to simply refer to it as the "Romulan War". The war had truly begun a decade prior, before most in the galaxy knew that a Romulan Empire even existed. With the siege of Tellar, that all changed and the Coalition was called for assistance.

Initially hesitant to commit forces, the Andorians changed their mind when news of the Romulans tactics reached them. There was no planetary invasion, the Romulans simply rained nuclear fire down upon the planet, bombarding it from orbit. With the Tellarites in shambles, the next logical move for the Romulans was towards Andorian space.

Putting past hostilities aside, the Vulcans sent the bulk of their fleet to assist in Andorian space. Earth committed to join the war effort, but could only offer limited support given the state of their fleet. The other Coalition members could sense a sleeping giant in Earth, and dispatched scientists, engineers, and all manner of support to Earth to accelerate their development and production capability in a complete reversal of how many had treated Earth up until that point.

With the Xindi attack still fresh on their mind and already having turned an eye towards military production, the onset of the Romulan War put United Earth to the test. The planet united like never before, turning nearly the entire industrial capacity of Earth to war production. Through the remained of 2155, the remaining planned NX-Class vessels were rushed to completion, and many existing vessels were quickly retrofitted to be able to get into the fight. By 2156, Earth was able to fully commit to joining the war, and many humans consider this to be the beginning of the war itself.

The NCC-Class / "Daedalus-Class"

Although the NX-Class were formidable vessels, Earth needed to take a different approach. Those vessels were designed as explorers, with cutting edge technology that wasn't really necessary on a combat vessel. They were expensive and difficult to produce. With the help of their Coalition advisors, Earth was able to rapidly design and produce a prototype of a new vessel, designed to be cheap, easy to mass produce, able to operated with a skeleton crew to get as many vessels into combat as possible.

The first Nuclear Combat Cruiser, NCC-100 Daedalus launched in early 2156. The vessel was in some ways a step forward, in some a step back. While the NX-Class vessels were armed with cutting edge phase cannons and photonic torpedoes, those weapon systems were still largely experimental and expensive. The NCC-Class eschewed the exotic weaponry in favor of time tested, tried and true nuclear weaponry, along with several laser batteries.

The NCC-Class, quickly called Daedalus-Class by most, were small, cramped vessels with much of their internal volume dedicated to the nuclear warhead storage and delivery systems. The basic spaceframe actually harkened back to a design by the now-defunct United States Space Force as a next-generation space vessel, the large spherical habitation structure being the giveaway of the designs origin. The Daedalus, in its initial iteration, could comfortably sustain Warp 4.2. Fast enough to get into the battle, but was never expected to set any speed records. The NCC/Daedalus-Class were largely seen as nearly disposable weapons platforms, capable of being manned with as little as 12 crew.

With the full industrial capacity of Earth dedicated to constructing NCC-Class vessels, the ships began to flood out of Earth by mid-late-2156. The design was simplistic and adaptable enough that Earth had freely shared schematics with Coalition allies, who began to produce them themselves, depending on what industrial infrastructure they still had available. Throughout the war, it was not uncommon to see "Frankenstein" NCC-Class vessels, with a mishmash of alien systems somehow all working together, based on whatever was available or salvaged from down vessels.

While vessels like the Earth NX-Class, Vulcan Suurok, and Andorian Kumari were more capable vessels in nearly every way, the Nuclear Combat Cruiser became the mainline vessel of the war and the key to the victory of the Coalition, providing a counter to the Romulans previous advantage of vast numbers.


After Tellar, the Romulans moved to Andor and repeated the atrocities there. The Andorian Imperial Guard was unable to hold out even with Vulcan support. The Romulans engaged in a terrible orbital bombardment, just as they did to Tellar. As United Earth vessels began to rapidly reinforce the battle lines, the Romulans were largely stopped on their way to Vulcan space. However while Vulcan itself was largely spared, many of its outlying colonies and infrastructure succumbed to Romulan attacks.

The Coalition had been at a disadvantage the entire time as they were not even sure where Romulan space even was. Several vessels attempt to scout into the suspected region, but often came under heavy fire. NX-02 Columbia made a critical discovery of an inhabited Romulan world with a vast industrial infrastructure. By 2158, the war had been nearly entirely defensive, with the Coalition unable to mount any real offensive.

Several attempts were made to contact Romulan leadership to discuss an end to the war, but messages were never acknowledged or returned. Eventually, so broadcasts over subspace audio-only radio were replied to, but only with simple goads and threats. It became clear to everyone that a peaceful solution was just not going to happen.

As 2159 began, the Coalition laid out their plan for their major offensive to take the planet Charon away from the Romulans. A major push was made, the Coalition forces taking heavy loses as they moved through the Romulan battle lines. Eventually they succeeded in reaching Charon and decimated the Romulan fleet protecting it. The question came up of what exactly to do now that they had control of the space around Charon. The Andorians demanded retribution, to orbitally bombard Charon into nothingness. Earth stood against that and instead suggested they follow the original plan despite the monumental losses, a ground invasion of the world.

As transport ships amassed untold numbers of troops from the Coalition worlds, a message was received over subspace radio. Once again audio-only, but the Romulans were willing to talk. The negotiations took some time, with the Romulans still being unwilling to meet in person or even through visual communications. The entire treaty was established over subspace radio, ending the war and creating a demilitarized neutral zone between the two, along what was presumed to be the Romulan border.

In 2160, the treaty was agreed upon and the war officially came to a close. It was now time to rebuild from the devastation of the world. Tellar and Andor were hit the hardest, having sustained heavy nuclear bombardment and a near total lack of all infrastructure. Vulcan was not hit directly, but lost many of its colonies and support structures. Earth, having been the furthest from the Romulans, emerged relatively unscathed. The balance of power in the Coalition had changed. Earth had previously been the newcomer, less advanced with pitiful capabilities compared to the other powers, but was now in possession of the largest fleet in the region and an immense industrial capacity. The Coalition powers, somewhat begrudgingly, looked to Earth to help recover.

As quickly as Earth had converted to war production, it shifted to humanitarian aid and rebuilding their allies worlds. The mighty Daedalus fleet was also quickly converted away from a wartime stance to dedicate to the recovery efforts, the nuclear warhead payloads being replaced with all manner of supplies to assist Earth's allies. With no precedent for such an undertaking, and the Coalition working slowly through political channels, Earth Starfleet took it upon itself to administrate the recovery efforts.

While appreciative of the support Starfleet had given during the war and its dedication to helping their worlds, the idea of Earth's military being entirely in charge of the recovery efforts did not sit entirely well with some. The Andorians and Tellarites shared concerns that Earth could exert its power to dominate their worlds, with no oversight to stop them. United Earth leadership worked diligently to reassure their allies that they had no intention of doing so, but the fact of the matter remained that Starfleet held the power.

United Earth wanted to show that they had no intention of abusing their newfound power and reintroduced an idea that had been briefly discussed among the Coalition members but ultimately dismissed to further strengthen ties and bring the worlds closer together through a stronger centralized organization. Rather than simply continue on as an alliance of worlds, the idea would propose the worlds align into a Federation. What had been dismissed outright a scant few years ago was now up for serious debate in the Coalition. Reorganizing their worlds into a federation suddenly became an attractive way to facilitate the rebuilding of their worlds.

The Birth of the Federation - To Be Continued
Addendum to the Romulan War - The Klingon Empire

While the Klingon Empire played almost no role at all in the Romulan War, discussion of the war would be incomplete without broaching the topic of the Klingon Empire. To the casual observer, the warlike Klingon Empire might have been expected to insert themselves into such a large conflict and under different circumstances, it may have. However, for at least a century prior the Klingon Empire had been in recession, economically, socially and politically.

In 2155, Klingon Chancellor M'Rek was assassinated in his chambers, with no party taking claim. It has been suggested that the Romulans were the likely culprits, intending to destabilize the Klingon Empire but no hard evidence has ever been discovered. Regardless of who assassinated M'Rek, it did destabilize the Empire.

The Klingon Empire had long been in decline, but M'Rek was charismatic and competent enough to barely hold together the Great Houses, who had grown increasingly hostile towards each other. With the death of M'Rek, several challengers arose to attempt claim the Chancellorship. None could gain the support of enough Houses, their failures in the High Council bleeding out into open civil war.

Concurrent to the Coalition powers fighting the Romulan Empire, the Klingon Empire descended into a massive and bloody civil war. Open fighting lasted for several years with no Great House gaining the upper hand. By 2159, much of the active fighting had ceased. Klingon law had no concept of a formal ceasefire, the fighting simply became too difficult and expensive to maintain. With no Chancellor, the formal Klingon Empire lied dormant and the High Council became nothing more than a forum for the leaders of Great Houses to occasionally discuss issues among themselves. The Klingon Empire would not formally reunite until the 2250's, and in the century in between, the Klingon Great Houses largely kept to their own territory and consolidated their forces, having little contact with outsiders.

The Klingons were in no shape to interject into outside conflicts. The civil war had devastated their military, and the Augment Virus was spreading like wildfire through Klingon space. Several Houses cooperated and shared scientific data in an effort to find a better cure. In what would be referred to by later geneticists as "brute force genetics", the Klingons were successful in creating a modified strain of the virus, however rather than infusing human dna into the affected, the Klingon variant had the effect of mutating their people into "hyper-Klingons". The Virus exaggerated Klingon features, and often had a side effect of complete hair loss. A third strain of the virus would eventually emerge in the mid-2250's, a mutated strain combining traits from both the previous strains. By sheer happenstance, the third strain effectively neutralized both, and worked as the cure the Klingons had been chasing for a century. Through a series of forced inoculations, the third strain of the virus was introduced to a majority of the Klingon population by the early 2270's, closing the chapter on the era of the Klingon mutations.

The Birth of the Federation - The Troubles of 2160-2161

The Coalition had entered into serious debate regarding the federalization of their alliance. Much of the initial groundwork had already been done through the previously dismissed proposal, and everyone was well aware that time was of the essence. From Earth's perspective, they just wanted to facilitate the humanitarian effort in the most efficient way possible. From the Andorian and Tellarite perspective, delays just allowed Earth to consolidate more power. The Vulcans took a somewhat neutral role, attempting to mediate the proceedings. Several other Coalition members who had not decided to take part in the war, or only partially, largely held back from the discussion. It became apparent early on that, at least at first, this new federation would only consist of the four primary contributors to the war.

Earth leadership lamented the views of the Tellarites and Andorians, but understood their concerns. It was in both of their natures to be suspicious and on guard, as well as being fiercely independent. However even some within Earth pointed out that their fears may have some validity. The proposed Federation Charter was written by humans, and largely inspired by other human documents such as the New United Nations charter, the United States Constitution, and the Fundamental Declarations of the Martian Colonies. The framers of the charter argued that they had simply drawn upon their own experience to draft the document, but the more cynical among the Coalition saw it as Earth exerting its influence once again.

The negotiations continued through 2160, the United Federation of Planets becoming closer and closer to reality. The cynics felt continually validated in their fears; the Federation Charter had been modified from the original form, but still largely based on human works. The capital of this proposed Federation was decided to be on Earth, although that was more a practical decision simply based on efficiency. One prominent Tellarite representative could not help but also point that even a relatively minor detail like the proposed emblem of this new Federation appeared to be the galaxy resting inside the sigil of Earth. Johnathan Archer commented on it, somewhat making light of the situation will acknowledging the concern. Archer's somewhat offhand comments served to allay some fears in a way that the professional diplomats were unable to. He argued that it this was all Earth pouring its very heart and soul into this idea, Earth had been by far the largest contributor to an oddly hostile group of representatives, and it was all being done so that Earth could more efficiently distribute its resources to its allies. Archer also projected empathy towards the perception of Earth trying to amass power, but he saw all of this as simply Earth willing to share everything it has with its allies, down to its very culture.

Many ascribe Archer's impromptu address to the Coalition Council as the moment that turned the majority to support the ratification of the Federation Charter. While there were still suspicions and hesitations, the benefits appeared to outweigh the concerns. There were still some critics, attempting to turn Archer's words against Earth, suggesting this Federation would prove to be nothing more than a Human Hegemony with Earth perched at the top of it's Empire.

Despite the opposition, the Council was ready to move and deliberate the last topic on their agenda, the matter of the military and the largest issue at hand, Starfleet. Earth feared all of the work done over the past year could unravel and made several contingency plans to avert the disaster of the talks falling apart.

Starfleet and the military

The discussion of Starfleet was always going to be a hot button issue, being the catalyst for the federalization negotiations in the first place. No party was particularly excited about this part of the negotiations but it was critical. The Federation Charter as it had been agreed upon thus far had no language about any sort of Federation military. Most assumed that the member worlds would simply continue on with their own forces, however it was argued that this just brought them back to square one with Earth holding an undue amount of power due to its massive Starfleet.

There were no good suggestions about how to surmount that obstacle and many were starting to believe the past year was wasted and always doomed to fail at this stage. Earth knew this, and had already made a plan. With the talks going nowhere, United Earth took the stage and shocked the Council, and the rest of the galactic community.

In the interests of cooperating and facilitating the formation of the Federation, and most importantly to keep the humanitarian efforts in smooth operation, Earth offered to pledge nearly its entire Starfleet to Federation control, including the entire Nuclear Combat Cruiser fleet that made up the majority of the vessels, as well as the command and training infrastructure. Since the issue of the Daedalus fleet was such a hot button issue, Earth could think of no better way to alleviate fears as to offer it up to joint control. It would no longer be Earth's Starfleet, it would be the Federation's Starfleet. The Council was truly shocked, and almost unanimously accepted Earth's pledge. To most, it was a satisfactory compromise. Earth did stipulate that it would retain control of its NX-Class vessels and several other craft for defense of their world, but the NCC's, and Starfleet's infrastructure would be reorganized to Federation command.

While the overwhelming majority supported the measure, there were some who were hesitant. Their concern was not entirely specific to Starfleet, rather they were not sure the Federation as a body should have a direct military force. Their arguments did resonate with some in the Council, leading to what would be the last compromise prior to the formal establishment of the Federation.

Given that the Federation was being established as a more efficient means to provide humanitarian aid, any forces under direct Federation control should be relegated to scientific, exploration, humanitarian, and peacekeeping duty. The United Federation of Planets would not operate a military, they would operate a multipurpose fleet. It could however not be ignored that the Coalition was born of a military threat and it should be addressed. A provision was added to the charter specifically allowing member worlds to operate their own military forces, with a Federation Defense Council to be formed to organize the various forces in times of war. Having learned its lesson from the initial draft of the Federation Charter, Earth was careful not to directly draw parallels to its old NATO organization, but it was an inspiration for the Defense Council.

With the matter of the military and Starfleet adequately resolved, the Coalition Council ratified the Charter of the United Federation of Planets, officially established in 2161.

The Political Maneuvering of Earth - an Unintentional Powerhouse

Much of the resistance to the Federation came from the fear of Earth being in a position to simply dominate over the other member worlds, effectively establishing a sort of "Empire of Earth". United Earth leadership had always been quick to assure that there was no intention of such and that Earth was only looking to cooperate and foster peace with its neighbors. The actions of Earth generally backed up their claims, however the nature of Earth and humans nonetheless quickly led to a human dominated Federation.

To understand how Earth became so incredibly synonymous with Earth, the organization of the Federation must be understood. The United Federation of Planets recognizes four levels of participation: Member World, Colony, Associate, and Protectorate.

Member Worlds are full members of the UFP with all the rights, privileges and duties thereto. Member Worlds are afforded two seats on the Federation Council, referred to as "Ambassadors", with full voting rights.

Colony Worlds are considered to be under the direct jurisdiction of a Member World and thus part of the United Federation of Planets. However due to their subordinate relationship with their government, Colony Worlds are given one voting seat on the Federation Council, with limited voting rights. Colonial Federation Council Members are referred to as "Representatives".

Associates and Protectorates are not considered to be members of the Federation but share some rights and privileges of such. Federation Associates are given a non-voting seat on the Federation Council, with the right to address and petition the Council at will. Federation Protectorates do not hold a seat on the Council, and have varying level of rights and privileges depending on context. Pre-Warp worlds within Federation space are automatically given Protectorate status, while other Protectorates are usually Member World Candidates.

As it relates to Earth, it was United Earth's and the humans in general uncommon organization that led to the human domination of the Federation. The Vulcans, Andorians and Tellarites had been space faring far longer than Earth, but had generally been less expansionist. Those three powers had only a few colony worlds each, all under the authority of the central government.

Humans had a unique desire to spread themselves across the galaxy, their first attempt at an interstellar colony only several years after their development of warp drive. By 2161, humans had around a dozen colonized worlds. That alone would have given Earth an upper hand in Federation politics, but the curious nature of humans would solidify it.

Not only did humans colonize worlds, they were quick to remove themselves from United Earth authority. Of Earth's roughly dozen colonized worlds, Alpha Centuari, Vega, Deneva, and Mars within the Sol system were independent entities from United Earth. Mars was given immediate Federation Member World status upon the formation of the Federation... a historical curiosity that Mars, despite being an independent entity, is grouped together with Earth when discussing the founders of the Federation. The other three independent human worlds became Federation members soon after, Deneva in 2162, Alpha Centauri and Vega following in 2164.

What perplexed the other non-human member worlds was that, despite choosing to not affiliate themselves with their homeworld, politically they stood largely united by race. Humans banded together, be they from Earth, Mars, Deneva, Alpha Centarui, or Vega. They were, on most issues, a solid human bloc.

It was clear that Earth held the power within in the Federation. The earlier detractors felt entirely vindicated. The Federation did as Earth did.

It may be controversial to put into writing, most humans are either blissfully unaware or attempt to dismiss it, but something that the Vulcans knew from more than a century of observing Earth and that others learned from the war, is that humans can be dangerous. Throughout the Romulan War, into the Federation negotiations and persisting well into the future, there was an often unspoken understanding among non-human Federation members to just allow the humans to take control, and to keep them happy and occupied.

Many would not admit it if asked, but many Vulcans, Andorians, Tellarites and others secretly know that the greatest threat to their existence is not Romulans, or Klingons, or Kzinti or anything else that might be out there. The greatest potential threat is a human deprived of their comforts. They know it is in the best interests of the Alpha Quadrant to ensure the humans are on their side, because an Earth deciding to go it alone could be existential threat to the entire galaxy...
A fairly astute representation of human nature - expansionist and quite dangerous when deprived of our creature comforts. The seems heavily influenced by DS9 - which was some of the best writing of the franchise.

Thanks!! rbs
In my head, many of the other species, the Vulcans, Andorians, Tellerite, etc. have been out and about for many years already, some decades or century's. So by the time of the Federation, most have done there outward migration and exploration. Others may not even have the want to explore or colonize. So Earth is the driving force on the Federation in that regard. in some ways, it really hasn't died even into the 32nd century. Earth wants to explore, and there dragging whomever wants to come along.
In my head, many of the other species, the Vulcans, Andorians, Tellerite, etc. have been out and about for many years already, some decades or century's...

In the Star Trek Hunter / Star Beagle Adventures Trek-verse, humans, vulcans, andorians, ferengi and orions are among the very few spacefaring species to have independently developed warp capability. The vast majority of spacefaring species were introduced to FTL by having been enslaved by either the orions or the romulans. Ultimately, the homeworld populations become ungovernable as they obtain and improve on orion or romulan technology.

While humans tend to look down on the ferengi, they played a vital role in freeing many enslaved species (if only to leave them under a crushing load of debt...)

Thanks!! rbs